
Spouses planted trees for 20 years to restore the forest. The result is obvious.

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Spouses planted trees for 20 years to restore the forest. The result is obvious.
Spouses planted trees for 20 years to restore the forest. The result is obvious.

Video: What’s wrong with planting new forests? - BBC News 2024, June

Video: What’s wrong with planting new forests? - BBC News 2024, June

According to the UN, at the end of the last century, almost one hundred and thirty million hectares of forest disappeared from the planet forever. This area is comparable to the territory of the Moscow, Vladimir and Tula regions combined. The forest area, approximately equal to the size of the US capital, disappears from the face of the Earth every year.


What is the danger of such connivance in relation to green spaces? Trees are not only the "lungs" of our planet, but also a home for many animals, birds and insects. Deforestation threatens with the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and this already threatens with its thinning. Roughly speaking, there will simply be nothing for the inhabitants of the Earth to breathe if the situation is not changed in the near future. But what to do in the face of such a massive environmental disaster?


Photographer and his wife

If you think about what one small and helpless person can change? Will what we do have at least the slightest significance for the entire planet as a whole? Brazilian photographer Sebastian Salgado and his wife Lilia Deluiz decided to show what a small group of dedicated people can do by starting the process of reforestation.

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Salgado is a famous figure in Brazil and the world. The photographer has won nearly all major photojournalism awards and has published over half a dozen books. In the 1990s, exhausted physically and emotionally after another business trip to Rwanda, he returned home to his native Brazil, which was once covered in lush tropical forests.


He was shocked and devastated to find that the area was now barren and devoid of wildlife, but his wife Lily believed that it could be returned to its former glory.

Recovery process

The land near the photographer’s house was as sick as he was, everything was destroyed. From the massive beautiful forest only about half a percent remains. Then Sebastian’s wife came up with an amazing idea - the forest needs to be transplanted. And when they started to do this, then all the birds, animals and even insects returned.

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Thanks to this tree-planting work, the photographer himself also revived, was able to restore his peace of mind. After all, the photographer sees life without embellishment, but it is not always happy. The photographer passes all the troubles of people through himself, in such conditions it is difficult to maintain peace of mind. The same thing happened with Sebastian Salgad. Fortunately, the forest was able to restore peace of mind to the photographer.