
Raccoon breeding and lifespan

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Raccoon breeding and lifespan
Raccoon breeding and lifespan

Video: The Full Life Cycle of a Raccoon 2024, July

Video: The Full Life Cycle of a Raccoon 2024, July

Carnivorous mammals belonging to the raccoon family (Procyonidae) are indigenous to America. These cute animals are raccoons, of which there are only a few species in the world. Only Eurasian raccoon lives on the territory of Eurasia, which was resettled beyond its natural range. All types of raccoons are curious, active and extremely cunning animals that can quickly adapt to the most difficult living conditions.

Today it is not only the wild inhabitants of the forests, but also quite friendly and funny pets. To raise raccoons (en masse), as well as to keep them at home began relatively recently, but furry charming creatures have already won the hearts of many animal lovers.


Raccoon species

Today, zoologists distinguish four species of raccoons that live on our planet:

  • crawfish raccoon;
  • striped raccoon;
  • Cozumel raccoon;
  • Guadeloupe raccoon.

The most common species is the raccoon, whose life expectancy in natural conditions does not exceed six years. This animal is known for amazing cunning and extraordinary dexterity. Biologists have been debating for a long time about which family of this species belongs to: marten, cat or dog, but as a result, the animal was allocated to the raccoon category.

The word "raccoon" is translated from Sanskrit as "scratching with your own hands", and from the Latin language - as "looking like a dog." The prefix "strip" was fixed for this species because of the habit of dipping into the water and pulling paws of food before meals. From the side it may seem that the animal is washing clothes.


The raccoon strip has an original “mask” on its face, which is its distinctive feature and distinguishes it from other varieties. As a rule, these are two symmetrical spots around the eyes. We have already said that under natural conditions, the lifespan of a raccoon of this species is small. At home, animals live much longer, but we will talk about this a little later. In the meantime, we want to introduce you to the general characteristics of these cute animals.

External features

Raccoons are almost impossible to confuse with other animals. Their dense and stocky body is covered with gray-brown hair, a black-and-white mask adorns the muzzle, a luxurious fluffy tail is entwined with wide rings of black-brown or yellow-gray color. From the forehead to the tip of the nose stretched a black and brown stripe.

Raccoon fur has a dense undercoat. He protects the animals from the cold, thanks to him the animals do not freeze, catching prey in ice water. Since ancient times, it was the fur of these animals that attracted humans, although some peoples eat animal meat and meat.


The length of the body of raccoons ranges from 40 to 65 centimeters (it depends on the species), the tail in length is about 25 centimeters. Raccoons weigh within 6 kilograms, but closer to the fall their weight increases by more than four times and reaches 25 kilograms.


It is quite large for raccoons, with a somewhat shortened front part. The nasal bones of these animals are short and wide, the auditory drums are rounded. The occipital crest is well pronounced, and the sagittal crest is weak. Raccoons have 36 to 42 teeth.

The muzzle of these animals is short, with large erect ears that are visible from the furry fur. On the chest, belly, head, on the inner sides of the limbs, and also near the claws of these animals there are vibrissae that help them to move confidently in complete darkness.



The forelimbs of raccoons have sensitive movable fingers and are very similar to human hands. In the vertical position of the body, the animals rest on the entire sole, and when walking - only on the fingers, so the traces of a raccoon resemble the imprint of human hands.


The life span of a raccoon largely depends on its range and climatic conditions. These funny animals are spread over a fairly large territory - from the southern regions of Canada to Panama. These natives of Central and North America inhabit almost the entire United States, with the exception of the states of Nevada and Utah.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a raccoon was introduced to Europe because of valuable fur. This species adapted well in Belarus, Germany, the Far East of the Russian Federation, and Azerbaijan. Today, raccoons even populated the islands of the East Indies. They prefer to settle in deciduous and mixed forests, where a large number of hollow trees grow. As a rule, they select sites near lakes and rivers. Often, these animals settle on the outskirts of gardens and fields, occasionally found in urban squares. As a rule, raccoons easily master anthropogenic landscapes and cause a lot of trouble to the owners of private land. We can not say that the life expectancy of raccoons in nature depends on the food supply in places of distribution.


Raccoon breeding

Male raccoons are polygamous. This means that during the breeding season, which usually occurs in the cold season, but can be delayed until the beginning of summer, they tend to fertilize as many females as possible. Throughout the mating season, males search for girlfriends, gradually expanding the search area. A raccoon is looking for a female ready for mating by smell. After fertilization, the male leaves her and goes in search of a new "wife." Raccoon males live separately and do not take part in raising offspring.

The female is left alone. Before the birth of babies, she becomes very aggressive. Pregnancy lasts a little over two months. Each year, the female brings 4-5 cubs. Newborn raccoons are completely helpless: they are deaf and blind, and their weight does not exceed 75 grams. Babies begin to see on the 20th day of life. At first, they feed only on mother’s milk, and when their milk teeth grow, small raccoons go on solid food.

Immediately after birth, fur begins to grow in these babies and almost immediately black and white spots appear on the face. An interesting fact: female raccoons feed their offspring at least 24 times a day. The cubs communicate with their mother with the help of characteristic sounds - a piercing scream or whistle. The female, communicating with the babies, makes sounds resembling grunts or rumbling. The animals become older, the less and much quieter they communicate.

Enemies of raccoons in nature

Undoubtedly, the presence of enemies in vivo negatively affects the life expectancy of animals. Raccoon often becomes the prey of wolves and coyotes, red lynxes and bears, owls and alligators. Large carnivorous birds and snakes often hunt for offspring. Thus, the average life expectancy of a raccoon can be reduced to 2-3 years.

Another factor affecting the mortality rate of these animals in vivo is disease (rabies, canine distemper). In the Mid-Atlantic and southern regions of the United States, several thousand animals die every year from these diseases. In cities, large dogs are considered to be the main enemies of raccoons, although one adult animal is able to repulse the enemy: its weapons are strong claws and teeth. Well, if the pack attacks, the raccoon has no chance to survive.

It is for such cases when she and her offspring will be in danger, the female prepares up to 12 shelters to quickly relocate the brood.
