
Gays in politics: a list of famous personalities

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Gays in politics: a list of famous personalities
Gays in politics: a list of famous personalities

Video: What Putin thinks about gays - BBC NEWS 2024, June

Video: What Putin thinks about gays - BBC NEWS 2024, June

Today, society has become more tolerant of members of the sexual minority. In many European countries, even at the state level, gay marriage is permitted, but in Russia even the propaganda of homosexuality entails administrative or criminal liability. Moreover, many famous people abroad are even proud that they are gay and openly appear in public with their soul mates, take care of them, give gifts, offer their hands and hearts, etc. For us, it’s not even like that surprisingly, when it comes to shocking stars, young people who need to express themselves. But the topic of our article will be politics. Surprised? Yes, they are. And this is not an isolated case. So, let's begin.

Who is a homosexual?

Who are gays? It is known that the word took its roots from the English language and literally translates as "cheerful", "carefree." Homosexuals are people who are sexually attracted to their gender.

What is the reason?

The issue of the cause of homosexuality is controversial. So, for example, some psychologists believe that homosexuality is a consequence of improper upbringing, when the male principle was actively suppressed in childhood. Most often, according to statistics, young people become gays, in the family of which the mother was the only parent or had a stronger, predominant character.

Another part of psychologists claims that homosexuals are born, and you can’t “trample” against your nature. For example, it is known that some animal species also prefer to mate with males. This fate did not bypass men. It is inherent in nature. And if earlier it was customary to be ashamed of one's sexual inclinations, now many openly declare this.

The first homosexuals among the rulers

History knows a lot of homosexuals among the political elite since ancient times. For example, Gaius Julius Caesar cohabited with the king of Bithynia Nycomed for a long time. And although the rest of the senators condemned the emperor, but this relationship lasted for many years. Another emperor Nero was twice married to his own gender. Even among Roman and Greek soldiers, relations with men were widespread, especially during long military campaigns.

In ancient times, the love of men for their gender was sung in songs and poems, portrayed on winners' cups, carved in sculptures.

For a long time you will not surprise anyone with the sexual orientation of representatives of show business. Singers Sir Elton John and Ricky Martin, film actors Zachary Quinto and Neil Patrick Harris, fashion designers Stefano Gabanna and Domenico Dolce. And if society got used to the homosexuality of people from the creative elite for a long time, then the news of the non-traditional orientation of politicians and diplomats still shock ordinary people. And despite the high status, European officials are not ashamed of their orientation and often loudly declare it. The article presents world politics with a non-traditional orientation.

G. Westerwelle


Guido Westerwelle was born on December 27, 1961 into a family of lawyers in the city of Ban Honnef (West Germany). However, Guido's parents are divorced, and the father takes custody of the son. Back in school, the boy became actively interested in politics, and immediately after graduating from high school, he enters into the liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP). Later, in the footsteps of his parents, he enters the university and receives a legal specialty. In his student days, Westerwelle with like-minded people became the founder of the Young Liberals organization. After graduation, an ambitious young man is offered the post of General Secretary of the FDP. And at the age of 40, Guido becomes the party chairman. But these were only Guido's first victories in the political field. Over the years, he held such high positions as Vice Chancellor of Germany (October 2009 to May 2011) and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany (2009-2013).

Long before the official recognition of homosexuality, journalists attribute novels to men to him. But the politician did not comment on this information. And so, in 2004, Merkel Westerwelle came to a reception on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Angela with her friend. It turned out to be 36-year-old horse games manager, Michael Mronz. Guido made it clear to those present that, as indicated in the invitation, he came with his "soul mate."

It should be noted that then this news spread throughout the German media and became a good PR for the politician. Westerwelle began to actively defend the rights of homosexuals, advocated the legalization of same-sex marriage, and even called on the German authorities to cut back on assistance to developing countries in which sexual minorities are infringed. Guido Westerwelle was at the forefront of the law authorizing the adoption of children by same-sex couples.

In 2010, Westerwelle and Mronz officially registered their marriage. Only the closest relatives and friends were invited to the wedding, and photos from it adorned the front pages of newspapers. Michael Mronz actively supported Guido in his career. The couple led an active political and social life, while demonstrating a family idyll. The couple decided to abandon the adoption of children due to lack of time.

In 2014, Guido Westerwelle was diagnosed with leukemia. The politician took a course of chemotherapy, but nevertheless, his disease defeated him. In March 2016, the politician died of leukemia.

C. Bettel


Xavier Bettel is another gay man who openly declared his love for men. The future Luxembourg politician was born in an ordinary family of merchants, from a young age he was a diligent and diligent student, received a master's degree in European law. From the age of 16 he became a member of the Democratic Party of Luxembourg. He achieved great success in his political career. So, since 2011, voters have supported his candidacy for mayor of Luxembourg. And for his services to the state in 2013, by decree of the Grand Duke Henri, he is going up. From this time on, he becomes Prime Minister of Luxembourg.

The politician openly demonstrated his sexual affiliation with gays, even at the beginning of his political career. Moreover, the man said that the personal life and sexual preferences of the politician should not affect the choice of the voter.

Since 2010, Xavier Bettel openly lived in a civil marriage with his boyfriend. But they could not officially register a marriage due to the fact that Luxembourg had a moratorium on same-sex marriage. The gay politician was chosen by the famous architect Gauthier Destiny. As prime minister, Xavier is pushing for the adoption of the same-sex marriage law.

In 2015, the couple officially enters into a relationship. Only the closest friends were invited to the wedding. Journalists were not allowed on the holiday. The couple did not want to advertise their personal lives, but both spouses said that marriage was a long-awaited event for them. Bettel and Destiny, too, have not yet acquired children.

It is noteworthy that in 2017 Gauthier Destinay took part in the official meeting of the first ladies of the "Great Seven". At the same time, he posed with pleasure and gave interviews to reporters. And among women, he felt harmonious and confident. And journalists in their publications ironically wrote that now the whole world will more often observe the participation of the “first lady” of Luxembourg in political events.

R. Crocetta


Rosario Crocetta was born on February 8, 1951 in the Italian city of Gela. After graduating from high school, he worked for a long time as a journalist in his hometown, while working with several well-known newspapers. Rosario adhered to communist views and for a long time was a member of the Communist Renaissance Party. It was in his hometown that Rosario Crocetta began to emerge as a politician. In 2003, he was elected to the role of head of the city of Jela. In 2009, on his own initiative, he resigned and stands for election to the European Parliament. From 2009 to 2012, he was among the European deputies.

The next step in his political career is the post of mayor in Sicily, which he successfully held from 2012 to November 18, 2017. Initially, Rosario was not going to run for the second term, then he decided to enter the race, but he filed too late documents, so he was simply removed from the mayoral candidates.

Rosario Crocetta became a famous politician not only in the circles of Sicily, but throughout Italy. The main goal of his political career, he considered the fight against the mafia. In different years, assassination attempts were made three times on politics, but Rosario never abandoned his tasks.

For the first time, Rosario Crocetta wrote about the gay situation during the Mayoral election in the city of Gela. This spicy news was thrown into the press by a rival politician, but this information only fueled the curiosity of voters for the candidate and laid the foundation for his successful career.

It is noteworthy that this famous gay politician in his program never relied on the protection of the rights of sexual minorities. Only through his participation in gay parades in Palermo, he expresses his attitude and support for homosexuals. Rosario's private life is not known. No one knows what his partner's name is and what he does.

Moreover, in an interview before the mayoral election in Sicily, Rosario announced to the press that if he was elected, he would refuse sex in his life. But after the election, he refused his words, saying that the journalists misunderstood him. Yes, he is gay, but he’s not going to deal with this fact, he will not change his sexual preferences, but from this day on he will simply not comment on his personal life and the presence of sex in it.

Despite the fact that Italy is a member of the European Union, the majority of the people in the country advocate traditional family values ​​and ties. Therefore, if Rosario openly defended gay people and demonstrated his relationship with another man, then, according to many experts, this would lead to the collapse of his career.

S. Maloney


Sean Maloney very early on began his political career. By the age of 25, a young, ambitious politician was able to enter the election staff of the future president Bill Clinton. The future president actively supported the young associate and even offered Sean a position in the White House secretariat. In 2012, again with the support of Bill Clinton, Maloney was elected to the New York Congress.

Sean Maloney never hid being gay. They have been together with their friend for over 25 years. His cohabitant, designer Randy Florc, is well known in American bohemian circles. The couple is raising 3 adopted children. It is noteworthy that the men themselves were not going to register their relationship. According to them, they were a happy and full-fledged family and without a stamp in their passport. But the letter that their youngest daughter wrote to Santa Claus on the eve of the holiday made them reconsider their attitude to marriage. The phrase "I want the dads to get married" prompted Randy to make an original proposal to the congressman. At Christmas, Randy Florc gave "his half" a backpack in which there was a note with an offer of marriage. Sean Maloney and Randy Flork officially registered their relationship in 2014.

C. Wowereit


“I'm gay, and that's good, ” said German politician Klaus Wowereit during the election race for the post of mayor of Berlin. This phrase spread throughout the world and brought Wowereit the support and love of not only representatives of sexual minorities, but also a large number of voters. Having declared his unconventional orientation, Klaus Wowereit demonstrated to society his sincerity and openness. From 2001 to 2014, as mayor of Berlin, the politician made this city one of the most visited for tourists. But many of the city’s problems have not been resolved. For example, Klaus Wowereit cut funding for kindergartens and did not solve the issue of low salaries for civil servants. And the mayor of Berlin answered all tricky questions: "We are poor, but sexy!"

Klaus Wowereit has been cohabiting with physician Jorn Kubicki for many years. Their love story began in 1993, according to both men, it was love at first sight.

E. Di Rupo


Elio Di Rupo is also among the open gay. His unconventional orientation has been known since 1996. The fact is that a juvenile young man on call accused Di Rupo of having sex. Allegedly, the politician, knowing about the young age of the boy, still got in touch and generously paid for sexual services. It is not known whether it was in reality or it was a provocation by the competitors, but the investigation did not prove the politician’s guilt. Di Rupo was acquitted, but when asked about his orientation, he openly declared that he was gay and was not ashamed of this fact.

Elio Di Rupo was repeatedly implicated in various political and corruption scandals. However, this did not prevent the politician from achieving high results and taking up the post of Prime Minister of Belgium from 2011 to 2014.