
The capital of the Sakhalin Oblast: general information, history and interesting facts

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The capital of the Sakhalin Oblast: general information, history and interesting facts
The capital of the Sakhalin Oblast: general information, history and interesting facts

Video: Russian Federal Subjects Explained 2024, June

Video: Russian Federal Subjects Explained 2024, June

The unique part of Russia, its easternmost territory, is the Sakhalin Oblast. The capital, the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, is located on the largest island in the region and is located 6660 km from Moscow. Let's talk about the features of the region and its capital, about how it lives there.


Geographical position

Sakhalin Oblast, whose geography is unique, is the only Russian region located entirely on the islands. It includes the island of Sakhalin, two ridges of the Kuril Islands, Tyuleniy and Moneron islands. The region borders on the Khabarovsk and Kamchatka Territories, as well as Japan. The shores of the region’s islands are washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan. The total area of ​​the region is 87 thousand square meters. km The islands over which the region extends are of volcanic-tectonic origin and therefore their relief is very uneven. Almost all coasts of the islands are rocky, steep, only a few bays have a low, gentle slope to the water. The region retains high seismic activity; therefore, the topography and outlines of the islands continue to change. The nature of the Sakhalin region is harsh, but diverse. There are many rivers and lakes, almost 1.5 thousand different plants grow, many native animals live, such as a bear, musk deer, hare, fox, sable and others.


Settlement history

Until the 12th century, the history of the territories that the Sakhalin Region occupies today is shrouded in mystery. In the 12th century, Japanese from Hokkaido first landed here and found here settlements of indigenous peoples: Ainu and Nivkhs. Once, about 60 thousand years ago, Sakhalin had a land connection with the mainland and the island of Hokkaido. But the ocean swallowed this territory, and about 10 thousand years ago the islands were cut off from the "mainland". Occasionally, the Japanese, Mongols and Chinese sailed to this place, but they did not stay here, the conditions were too harsh. in the 13th century, the Mongols made a number of attempts to conquer these lands, they finally managed to place their garrisons here. European expeditions occasionally sail past the islands. In the 17th century, the Japanese made their first attempts to penetrate Sakhalin, they make the first maps of the islands. At the same time, the first Russian expeditions were sent here.

At the end of the 17th century, Sakhalin fell under the protectorate of Manchuria, and the Russian government has to put up with this state of things. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the Russian Empire again made a number of attempts to take over the islands: from diplomatic negotiations to military conflicts. In 1850, G. Nevelsky hoisted the Russian flag over Sakhalin. At the end of the 19th century, the largest penal servitude of the empire was built here, in 1882 the future capital of the Sakhalin Region appeared - then the village of Vladimirovka. In 1904, the Japanese captured Sakhalin, and as a result of the Russo-Japanese War, Russia lost part of the territory of the Sakhalin Region. Only after World War II did Russia manage to regain these lands. And today, a hidden conflict continues between Russia and Japan over the Kuril Islands.



Sakhalin Oblast is located in the temperate monsoon climate zone. The average annual temperature is minus 4 degrees. In the north of the region, the climate is more severe, with long, humid winters and short summers. In the south, where the capital of the Sakhalin Region is located, winters are milder, and in summer the air warms up to 15-19 degrees Celsius. Winter in the region is snowy, with a large number of snowstorms; it lasts from late November to early April. The cool summer begins in June and ends in August. The region is also characterized by long transition periods in spring and autumn. There is a lot of rainfall (about 900 mm per year) in all seasons, the driest month is January. The proximity of the cold Sea of ​​Okhotsk does not allow the air in the region to get very hot, therefore it is always colder here than in other regions at the same latitudes.


Features of life on Sakhalin

Official statistics provide general information about the Sakhalin Oblast, which suggests that the region is in the stage of economic growth, that there are good prospects for development. But local residents say that living on Sakhalin is not easy. The island situation and the harsh climate determine that almost all goods are imported here, and this immediately affects their price. The climate from habit can seem very bad, although the indigenous population says that it has its advantages. For example, summer is perceived as a special value, so they know how to enjoy it here. The main advantage of the region is the unprecedented beauty of nature, excellent fishing, hunting. The Sakhalin Oblast, whose cities and regions are located in the zone of state subsidies, has a rather high standard of living, although the prices here are, of course, rather high. The southern part of the region provides quite comfortable, albeit specific, conditions for living. But the north of the region is a place only for fans of extreme sports.


Administrative division

In 2011, the government of the Sakhalin Oblast approved a new division of the region into districts. In total, 17 districts, 1 city of regional subordination, 2 cities of regional significance, and one urban-type settlement and rural district are allocated here. In total, there are 15 cities, 5 urban-type settlements and 242 villages in the region.


The region is controlled by the government of the Sakhalin Region, which is headed by the governor. It is the highest executive authority. Legislative power belongs to the Sakhalin Regional Duma. Local residents note that administrative management is felt only in cities, in the depths of the region, and especially in the north, people live almost autonomously. This is due to the fact that some settlements are located in such inaccessible places that no government can simply get there.


The capital of the Sakhalin Region is located in the southeast of the main island, 25 km from the shore of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Almost 200 thousand people live here, the population density is 1.1 thousand people. per sq. km, while in the region this indicator is 5, 5 people per square. km The capital of the Sakhalin region Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is the largest city in the region and its economic center. The city includes several villages, the total area of ​​the district is almost 1000 square meters. km The city has the main production and commercial companies in the region. It is here that local residents can find work; in other parts of the region, things are bad with jobs. The cost of apartments in the capital of the region is high, because construction is poor. All this leads to the fact that young people often prefer to go to the mainland.
