
Charlie Watts: biography and personal life

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Charlie Watts: biography and personal life
Charlie Watts: biography and personal life

Video: Charlie Watts ★ Lifestyle, ★Net Worth, ★Family, ★Biography, ★House 2024, July

Video: Charlie Watts ★ Lifestyle, ★Net Worth, ★Family, ★Biography, ★House 2024, July

The drummer of the UK rock band The Rolling Stones, Charles Roberts Watts, was born in London on June 2, 1941. Prior to joining the group, Charlie Watts was a graphic designer at a Danish advertising agency, then at a British one. These skills were useful to him when decorating the scenery of some Stones tours, as well as in the design of the covers of early releases.


Interesting Facts

The colorful appearance of the percussion instrument tamer (high growth with exceptional thinness) inspired the writer from Odessa, so Max Frey's friend Shurf Lonely-Lockley was the spitting image of Charlie Watts.

The guy’s personal life was excellent. In 2014, they celebrated a golden wedding - exactly fifty years - by Shirley Ann Shepherd and Charlie Watts. They met before any glory, when the Rolling Stones were not popular. By the way, Charlie was always faithful to his wife and missed her on tour without her, while his colleagues had fun as much as possible.


It is not known why Charlie Watts sketches the rooms of the hotels in which he stops. Unusual habit, but explainable - in the light of previous information. Misses his wife, probably. He carefully stores these drafts.

But even such a respectable gentleman did not pass the problem.


The most difficult time is the crisis middle age with panic, alcohol, drugs … The second half of the eighties. I sketched hotels anyway, remained faithful both to my wife and myself to drummer Charlie Watts. His biography from this did not become paler.

home and family

The Watts are the owners of a castle in Devonshire. There they breed English greyhounds and Arabian horses. Seeing the estate of the sixteenth century, the father of Charlie Watts - a simple hard worker, an electric locomotive driver - was amazed. Say, you’ve done well, son, that you got rich, but why buy such junk, if many new houses were built around?


Charlie Watts does not like touring, because he really wants to stay home to go around the horses and play with the Greyhounds. And, of course, to sleep in your bed so as not to paint interiors at night from boredom. "I hate leaving the house!" - Doesn’t tire of repeating Charlie Watts. The Rolling Stones didn't seem to understand him. However, Charlie is going quickly, accurately, skillfully, without the slightest forgetfulness. He does not use anything of what is offered in hotels; he carries everything with him. His things are always in perfect order.


The famous drummer, like everyone else, lived in the sixties, but was not fascinated by them. And subsequently he did not begin to associate himself with this time only because his youth remained there. There was a formula: the sixties are sex, drugs, rock and roll. Charlie Watts never liked all this, he and the other friends from the “Rolling Stones” never saw part of such disgraces.

In June 2004, Charlie Watts fell ill, the diagnosis was "throat cancer." When the midlife crisis ended, the musician gave up tobacco and alcohol, underwent a course of therapy and recovered. Then he returned to concert and studio work with The Rolling Stones.

Seasoned rocker

Playing rock great, Charlie Watts was always interested in jazz, even made an illustrated tribute (cover music album) for the famous Charlie Parker.

Throughout his life, Watts has repeatedly created teams for boogie-woogie and jazz: Charlie Watts Quintet, Rocket 88, The Charlie Watts Tentet. But all the same, he argued that jazz needed a better technique than the one that it owns. And he added that playing slowly, like playing Al Jackson, is almost impossible.

After breaking up with Bill Wyman, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards asked Watts to choose a new member of the Rolling Stones. Charlie thought for a long time and chose Darryl Jones, who managed to work with Miles Davis and Sting.


Keith Richards once said of Charlie:

- Watts was always unusually restrained, but once Mick Jagger still managed to get him crazy. In one of the hotels, a pretty drunk Mick called Charlie's room and asked: "Where is my drummer?"

After some time, Charlie, who quit drawing, came to Mick and carefully put the singer in the face, forbidding him to call Watts his drummer.

Subsequently, Charlie said that he played the drums for very many years, but they still experience it. Although sometimes a pleasure, especially drum sticks when used on a snare drum. And then the famous drummer said the main thing: "Rock and roll gave me, perhaps more than he took."

Great original

Rock musicians are basically oddballs to some extent, but the Rolling Stones drummer can be called special against this background. Here is Charlie Watts - the photo shows a modestly dressed man with a calm face. This alone distinguishes the drummer from the frustrated performance group. In addition, he behaves quietly. A wonderful family man, which is also very uncharacteristic for any rock company.


He answers the questions without shocking: "Rock and roll, I do not like, " for example. About the Rolling Stones, he says: "This is my job."

But Watts is by no means accidental in this rock band. He works professionally, although he does not like his solos and does not give them out. However, all the beautiful music of the Rolling Stones rests on its drums.

Meeting with music

The first instrument that Charlie learned to play was the banjo. The boy was then fourteen years old. After playing a little, he remade the banjo into a drum. Apparently, fate prompted. And parents who love their son gave him a drum kit for Christmas.


Charlie loved to listen to jazz, and now he tried to play it. After graduating from school, he studied at the College of Arts for three years - the advertising department. By the way, another "rolling", Keith Richards, also studied advertising.

Watts then wrote / drew a comic book-like book about his idol Charlie Parker, which he even published later, in 1964.

Work in an advertising agency was poorly combined with the desire to make music. Charlie, as a sane person, had already decided to drop his drums, but then he was invited to play the Rolling Stones.

Exceptional shutter speed

As already mentioned, Charlie Watts was very different from the rest in the group: he walks in a suit, sometimes even combed his hair. Character, he also does not get tired of surprising. Resignation is easily transformed into hardness. Soft but firm.

Once the fans made a hell out of the concert: they knocked out the lead singer, took away the guitars from everyone … But he continued to sit, tapping the rhythm of a long-dead song, Charlie Watts. The Rolling Stones, the photos of which we are viewing, are rushing along the proscenium - bright, shocking, unpredictable. And as "grounding", as a reference to reality - graphically clear pose of the drummer. And the same iron rhythm.


Out of work

Every year in the summer, Charlie always goes to auction in Poland, buys her horses there. By the way, in 1999, one of his filly became the champion of England at the races. Watts also attends meetings of the dog club in Wales, because his shepherd dogs require, if not consultation, then talk about the features of the content. Charlie also collects antique silver and military relics.

By skill, it cannot be compared with either Phil Collins or Ringo Starr. He does not like the foreground, because he knows and respects his place. Zealously beats the rhythm, does not bother with spectacular solo parts. And most importantly, he sacredly keeps his first affection. This applies to both the wife and the rock band. Fidelity to his youth. And so be it forever!
