
Schumann frequency around us

Schumann frequency around us
Schumann frequency around us

Video: Earth's Magnetic Field Vibrates Like a Drum 2024, July

Video: Earth's Magnetic Field Vibrates Like a Drum 2024, July

The Schumann frequency is a characteristic of the electromagnetic waves in which we live, because they extend from the surface of the earth to the ionosphere. Their appearance is due to the fact that our planet is a giant resonator with a cavity filled with an electrically conductive medium. The Earth’s core is a ball of metal with a diameter of about 6.96 thousand km, while its shell is liquid and hot (2.26 thousand km), and the center is solid. Due to the phenomenon of convection, the layers are mixed, generating electromagnetic fields.


The phenomenon of the above waves was discovered by the German scientist Otto Schumann from the University of Munich. Gradually, during various experiments, it was found that the Schumann frequency is 7.8 Hz. However, this value is not the only one, because the characteristic has other “peaks” at frequencies that are multiples of 6, i.e. at 8, 14 - 20 - 24 - 32 Hz. The main frequency is the same - 7.8 Hz, but it can fluctuate within 0.15 -0.2 Hz and vary from 7 to 10-11 Hz.

Under the influence of what is the frequency of Schumann? Scientists believe that it can be affected by: the phases of the Moon, the state of the Sun (phases of activity), the state of water masses in the ocean, the time of day (wave amplitudes decrease at night), position on the globe (waves are more pronounced in the equatorial belt).

The frequency of the Earth’s magnetic field is a rather mysterious phenomenon, because modern science still cannot explain its rare stability. But everyone recognizes that without protection by this field life could not exist due to cosmic radiation. This characteristic of the globe has different strengths in different places. In Europe, its average indicator fluctuates around 0.5 Gauss, but there are points where the parameters can exceed the usual background by half. It is assumed that in these places zones of “strength” are concentrated, and people come there to get healthy or to perform some rituals.


Currently, the electromagnetic field of the planet is weakening and, as the researchers suggest, can “turn off” for some period, which will lead to a change in magnetic poles, disasters and a change in living organisms at the genetic level. It is believed that only the strongest and fittest will be able to survive the absence of a field. As shown by space flights, a person cannot exist for a long time without this protection, because his metabolism is greatly reduced.


Today, rumors are actively circulating that the frequency of Schumann on Earth is increasing from standard 7.83 to 15 Hz. And this can greatly affect people, because Schumann frequencies are extremely close to the alpha rhythms of the brain (8–13 Hz), which are characteristic of each individual with calm wakefulness. Scientists believe that an increase would be possible if the speed of light or the diameter of the planet changed, or the ionosphere rose to 300-400 km. Of these factors, only the latter has some right to exist, because at night, the boundaries of the ionosphere do rise to great heights.

The exact effect of this possible change on organisms has not been established, but judging by the increasing number of murders, suicides, terrorist attacks, the frequency of the Earth can in a certain way negatively affect human behavior. If only because the increased frequency of 15 Hz is more consistent with the beta phase characteristic of an active state of a person.