
The weight and height of Ekaterina Klimova, the secret of an ideal figure

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The weight and height of Ekaterina Klimova, the secret of an ideal figure
The weight and height of Ekaterina Klimova, the secret of an ideal figure

Perhaps the problems with the figure are almost the most discussed topic in female society. But this woman certainly does not have such problems. It is amazing how Ekaterina Klimova retained such an amazing shape. Not only is she 40 years old, so she also gave birth to four children. The perfect combination of weight and height of Ekaterina Klimova allows her to make a stunning impression, causing envy in the beautiful half of humanity. How does she do it?

History of success

Often in an interview she mentions good genetics, allowing her to remain slim without much effort. Still, Catherine is a little disingenuous. Based on the photo in which the actress with her beloved mother, we can conclude that she may have a predisposition to fullness.


What is the secret? The ideal figure of the actress is the result of the whole system by which Catherine’s life is built. Here are a few postulates:

  1. No quick diets. The stress that this regime brings to the body outweighs all the fleeting benefits in the form of quick weight loss. All superfluous will return quickly. Each time it will be harder to get back in shape.
  2. The best diet is proper nutrition, and it should last a lifetime. Constancy is one of the most important principles of maintaining good shape. The right way of life should be conducted constantly, and not from time to time. This applies to food and sports.
  3. Sport is a must. Catherine herself prefers a gym with classic loads and a pool. By the way, you can swim during pregnancy.

Thanks to these simple and well-known rules, the weight of Ekaterina Klimova (he fits perfectly for growth) has not changed. And this despite the fact that she is 40 years old and she has four children.
