
Actress Irina Shebeko: biography, filmography, personal life

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Actress Irina Shebeko: biography, filmography, personal life
Actress Irina Shebeko: biography, filmography, personal life

Irina Shebeko is an actress who can be seen in such famous TV shows as “Don't Be Born Beautiful”, “Team”, “Airport”. However, recognition came to her after the girl appeared in a coffee advertisement. Such a situation does not bother the star itself, she is convinced that her "real" role is yet to come. What is known about the wife of the famous Peter Krasilov?

Irina Shebeko: childhood

The actress is a native of Rostov, where she was born in January 1982. Surprisingly, Irina Shebeko in childhood was convinced of her ugliness, distrustful of compliments. To get rid of shyness and stop slouching, the girl even began to attend school of future models on the advice of her mother.


Talking about her childhood, Irina also recalls that she was very hot-tempered. As a primary school student, she even had a fight with a girl for the right to read a poem on a matinee. As a result, this prerogative went to the rival, and little Shebeko was long considered an inveterate hooligan. The actress also says that she could not establish relationships with classmates who envied her success with the opposite sex.

Choosing a Life Path

Irina Shebeko, the owner of high growth and a model figure, could easily succeed in the advertising business. However, it was not the profession of a model in adolescence that attracted a girl. Her mother Irina Lazareva is a director by profession, it is not surprising that her daughter was fascinated by the world of cinema in early childhood. However, Irina’s desire to become an actress did not find understanding on the part of her mother. The girl was persuaded by the whole family, as a result, she agreed to become a student of the journalism department of the RSU.


Irina Shebeko never became a correspondent, her dream of an acting career has not disappeared over the years of training. Her desire grew stronger when a friend of the actress who taught drama recognized that she had talent and agreed to work out with the girl. As a result, Irina left her unloved university and left for the capital.

Deciding to enter a theater university at any cost, the aspiring actress filed documents at once in several educational institutions. She was admitted to three institutes, of which she preferred GITIS.

First successes

While still a university student, actress Irina Shebeko began acting. According to the star, she got her first role by chance. A friend invited the young lady to the casting of the series "Brigade". The director liked the owner of a bright appearance, he entrusted her with the role of “bridesmaids”. By the way, on the set, Irina made friends with Sergey Bezrukov, who convinced her not to give up her desire to become an actress.


The multi-part crime thriller did not turn Shebeko into a star, however, participating in the filming allowed her to make useful contacts and attract the directors' interest.

Relations with Krasilov

When the actress is asked to tell about her first love, she recalls the brother of her best friend, to whom she had a secret passion while still living in Rostov and studying at school. However, Peter Krasilov became the man whom Irina Shebeko married. The personal life of the star settled in 2005, when she was still studying at GITIS.


Relations with Krasilov began with a scandal, since he had a permanent woman at that time. However, Peter, who saw Irina on the stage of the Russian Academic Youth Theater and fell in love at first sight, immediately parted with the other. The lovers got married after several months of romantic meetings. At the moment, they have one common child - daughter Sasha. Peter also has a son from his first marriage, with whom he tries to maintain a relationship.

From time to time there are rumors that the acting family is on the verge of a divorce, but such gossip is just amusing to Irina. She understands that her husband, by virtue of the profession, is forced to constantly communicate with attractive women, novels with which he is sometimes attributed to. For example, they said that Krasilov was seriously carried away by Nelly Uvarova, her colleague on the TV series “Don't Be Born Beautiful”. Irina has long learned not to respond to the inventions of journalists.