
Julia Arzamasova: “I'm just a mom”

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Julia Arzamasova: “I'm just a mom”
Julia Arzamasova: “I'm just a mom”

As one wise proverb says: "Children come into our lives either as a reward or as a punishment." The statement is controversial, sometimes calm children can lead to a heart attack, and sometimes inveterate hooligan is capable of good deeds. The role of the parent is not a simple role, if you take it seriously. As psychologists say, in order for something to work out of children, it is necessary to invest in them: time, money, attention and, of course, love. Julia Arzamasova, mother of the famous actress Lisa Arzamasova, proved this expression of psychologists with her life.

How to grow a star

It all began in 1995, when a daughter, beloved and desired, was born in the Arzamasov family of Nikolai and Julia. When a child is desired, parents are constantly engaged with it: each manifestation, each new step from the beginning of growth, and then growing up bring happiness to parents. Julia devoted all her time and attention to her daughter. Fortunately, Lisa was a calm, unprincipled girl. Since childhood, Elizabeth amazed her parents with non-childish statements, harmoniously built, smart, and most importantly, conscious phrases.


As a caring mother, Julia Arzamasova watched her baby grow, what she likes, what she reaches for. At 4 years old, little Lisa saw the movie "Little Red Riding Hood" with Yana Poplavskaya in the title role and decided that she would be an actress. She was immediately enrolled in a theater circle at GITIS, and simultaneously in a music school and dance circle, because Lisa liked all this.

At first I felt sorry for the child, such a load, and then I realized that the additional burden also falls on us, the parents: to bring, to take away, to sit and wait until the classes are over, and so every day.

But help did not stop there, Julia Arzamasova posted her daughter’s resume on one of the actors search sites. The first proposals were sent, and from that moment on, Liza Arzamasova’s career began.

Fly with one wing

When Lisa was in her seventh year, she had already played an episode in the film The Line of Defense and earned her first fee. The heart of Julia and Nikolai melted when they saw how their little girl was trying to split the money into three heaps: mom, dad and yourself, but they did not divide. As a result, dad bought chess, and Lisa bought a souvenir. And then a tragedy occurred, which neither Julia Arzamasova nor Lisa want to talk about.


In 2001, the head of the family died, according to unverified data, having crashed on a motorcycle. And from that moment on, Julia took care of her daughter. She can enthusiastically talk for hours about her daughter, her work, but Julia Arzamasova prefers to remain silent about her dead husband and her further personal life, not letting anyone in there. And this is understandable, a person should have his own space, his own world, where he can be alone with himself and with his feelings, and the indifferent curiosity of strangers brings only additional pain.