
Football player, midfielder Alexei Bakharev: biography, personal life and interesting facts

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Football player, midfielder Alexei Bakharev: biography, personal life and interesting facts
Football player, midfielder Alexei Bakharev: biography, personal life and interesting facts

Bakharev Alexey Alexandrovich - an athlete of an amazing and unpredictable fate. Born in Russia, he played both for domestic clubs, and for Ukrainian.

The fame of his game thundered in all football clubs, but quickly died down.


Who is he - Alexey Bakharev? A soccer player who is fully committed to sports? Or is an inert person swimming with the flow? Let's find out.


The future athlete was born, as already mentioned, in Russia - in the small town of Petrov Val (Volgograd Region), in a military family.

The father saw the child only at the age of one month, since he served at that time in the city of Mirny (Arkhangelsk region). Little Alyosha was recorded at his father's place of residence.

At the age of three, he and his family moved to another small Russian town - Togliatti, which became a real home for the boy. Here he grew up, went to school, first became acquainted with football.

Tolyatti is a very sports city, a real hockey center. Therefore, Alexei has stood on the ice since childhood, masterfully skating so that many considered him a professional hockey player. But the cold transparent field did not appeal to the young energetic Bakharev.

At the age of six, he, along with other peers, enrolled in the football section. True, the first coach was unlucky - he drank, cursed and coddled the guys.

Good coach

However, the mother, wisely deciding to support her son’s intention to seriously engage in sports, prompted the boy to move to another section. There Alexey Bakharev met a wonderful person, a mentor from God - Vadim Grigorievich Hadzhiev, who not only taught him to play skillfully, but also helped to love football, and also became a real friend.

Together with Hadzhiev, young Alex spent all his free time - training, hiking, summer camps …

Big sport

His favorite coach helped a young athlete at the age of sixteen to get into adult football - to start playing for the team of the third league “Oilman” (Pohvistnev).

A little later, Khadzhiev helped Bakharev move to a better level. The beginning midfielder was invited to the Togliatti “Lada” - a rather successful team from the major league. This was great luck for the inexperienced beginner, especially when you consider that Alexey was not able to show himself to the full in Oilman.

The transition to a stronger team acted invigoratingly on Bakharev. At the very beginning of his performances, he scored two goals, and this despite the fact that experienced rivals CSKA and Torpedo were his rivals!


During his time at Lada, Alexey Bakharev attracted the attention of many capital football clubs. There were even offers from overseas FC, for example from the Spanish “Zaragoza”.

Of course, if the conditions were really tempting, a young football player would surely take advantage of the provided opportunity. However, he, completely trusting his manager, left Tolyatti for the sake of Moscow “Spartak”.


Then Baharev, along with some other gifted players, was rented. Therefore, for “Spartak” he fought only about a year, lived with a partner at a sports base in Tarasovka, hoping for a successful career. This time brought Alexei unprecedented popularity and recognition. He took the place of seasoned Tikhonov, matured, gained experience, improved his abilities and skill.


Together with the Moscow club, Bakharev became the champion of Russia and the owner of the long-awaited cup. It was the golden year 1997.

However, “Spartak” for some unknown reason did not want to buy out the rented players, and Aleksey Aleksandrovich left the football heights - began to play for the Volgograd “Rotor”.


It was from Volgograd that Ukrainians bought Bakharev. Donetsk “Shakhtar” liked the Russian football player, and he gladly moved to a successful team.

Alexey Bakharev is a strong and daring midfielder. He was very useful to the Donetsk miners with his experience and skill. Although not without disappointments.

Sports experts have repeatedly hinted that they expected the wrong Bakharev in the orange-black Shakhtar.

Spartak Bakharev could no longer so delight the fans with successful goals and serious defense. Old injuries, violent acquaintances, inappropriate laziness affected… Even in “Spartak” young Alexey Alexandrovich fell under the negative influence of old-timers, often rested with them, and relaxed. Most likely, it was a fatal mistake.

But be that as it may, the time spent at Shakhtar, Bakharev recalls with joy and pleasure. Seven years of performances for Donetsk gave him the necessary stability, solidity and qualifications.


Together with Shakhtar, Aleksey Aleksandrovich twice became the champion of Ukraine, three times won the Ukrainian Cup, five times won silver in the annual national championship.

The strength and skills that Baharev gave for the good of his team helped him to make the necessary acquaintances and make good friends. The midfielder is still associated with warm, one might even say, friendly relations with the club owner - Renat Akhmetov. He helped the athlete to believe in himself and his strength, to become more resourceful and wiser.

In addition, Donetsk gave Alexei real love. But more on that later.

Subsequent clubs

After the contract with Shakhtar expired, Alexey Bakharev, despite a long recovery from a serious injury, was rented by Kazan Rubin for two hundred thousand dollars. True, for this team he was not lucky enough to excel - they simply did not let out on the field!

Sitting on the bench was unbearable for an energetic soccer player. Therefore, he decided to return to Donetsk. True, he could no longer reach the desired level. From about a year, Bakharev played at Shakhtar-2, then moved to Novostroitsky Nosta, then to Pyatigorsk Mashuk-KMV, after which he announced the end of his playing career and moved to permanent residence in … Donetsk.

Why Donetsk?

Many were interested in the question of why the Russian athlete settled in Eastern Ukraine. The fact is that the time spent at Shakhtar was the brightest and longest moment in the life of a football player. Here he had good acquaintances and friends, from here he had a wife, here he was offered a coaching position and his first-born was born here.

Alexey Bakharev found himself in coaching. After heavy knee operations, financial difficulties and youthful amusements, the athlete finally found personal and professional happiness.


Engaging with children, accustoming them to sports discipline and teaching football skills is now a matter of paramount importance for a young veteran midfielder.

We really hope that he will grow many talented and strong athletes.