
Italian politician Federica Mogherini: biography, career

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Italian politician Federica Mogherini: biography, career
Italian politician Federica Mogherini: biography, career

Video: Transatlantic Relations after the Trump Administration, with Federica Mogherini 2024, June

Video: Transatlantic Relations after the Trump Administration, with Federica Mogherini 2024, June

Federica Mogherini (born June 16, 1973) - Italian politician and current EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, as well as Vice President of the European Commission since November 1, 2014.


Origin and education

Where did Mogherini Federica start her life? Her biography began in Rome, in the family of the director and screenwriter Flavio Mogherini (1922-1994), who worked with the great Pazolini. He directed several films as a director, including with the participation of Marcello Mastroianni. Unfortunately, his father died when Federica was only 10 years old.

After high school, she graduated from La Sapienza University in Rome with a degree in political science. Her diploma belonged to the field of political philosophy and was devoted to the study of Islam in terms of the relationship between politics and religion in it. It was written during the work of Federica as part of the Erasmus project at the French research institute IREMAM (Aix-en-Provence).


Early Political Career

Mogherini Federica in his youth (from 15 years old) has been a member of the Federation of Italian Communist Youth since 1988. However, in the late 80s, many young Italians sympathized with the Communists, and their leader Enrique Berlinguer seriously fought for the prime minister. After the collapse of the Italian Communist Party and its transformation into the Social Democratic Party, Federica was (since 1996) in the Union of Leftist Youth. Then she left politics for several years. In 2001, the party of the Social Democratic movement “Left Democrats” (DS) was re-formed in Italy. Federica Mogherini first became a member of its national council, and soon became a member of the party’s national executive committee.

Steps of the political career of the last decade

In 2003, Federica Mogherini began working in the Foreign Affairs Section of the DS, and then in the Political Committee of the party, where she was entrusted with the task of establishing relations with international movements and parties. In this role, she participated in a dialogue with the politicians of Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as in establishing peaceful coexistence in the Middle East. In the same period, she maintained contacts with the Eurosocialists, the leadership bodies of the Socialist International, and also with the American Democrats.

Metamorphoses of Italian politics

First, “Left Democrats” entered into a coalition with other Italian left parties under the name “Olive Tree”. But due to an inconsistent position on domestic political issues, this coalition has lost the support of voters. Meanwhile, elections were nearing the European Parliament and the national parliament of Italy. Then the leadership of the Olive Tree decided to rebrand its political force and create a new democratic party from the parties of the left coalition.

After its formation on November 4, 2007, Federica Mogherini joined the staff of its founder and chairman Walter Veltroni (with whom she already worked as an assistant during his tenure as mayor of Rome). Her choice was the right one - today it is the largest party in Italy.


Member of parliament

In 2008, Federica Mogherini became a member of the Italian parliament of the 16th convocation on the list of the Democratic Party in the Veneto district. She became secretary of the parliamentary defense committee and a member of the Italian parliamentary delegation to the Council of Europe.

On February 24, 2009, she was appointed Assistant to the newly elected Chairman of the Democratic Party, Dario Francescini. Since then, she has been a prominent member of his faction in parliament. At that time, she also served as vice president of the Italy-USA Foundation.

In February 2013, she was re-elected to parliament from the Emilia-Romagna district. On August 1, 2013, she was elected as head of the Italian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

As European Parliamentarian in February 2014, Italian politician Federica Mogherini visited Kiev at the height of the confrontation between Euromaidan and President Yanukovych. The leitmotif of her speeches of that time was the appeal of the parties to the conflict to restraint, unfortunately, not heard by anyone.


Italian Foreign Minister

How long did parliamentarian Mogherini Federica continue to work? Her biography at the beginning of 2014 made a new turn. She joined the government cabinet of the current head of the Democratic Party, Matteo Renzi, as foreign minister and the third woman after Susanna Agnelli and Emma Bonino. She was only 41 years old, so her career rise was a surprise for many in the country, including the president. However, this high post was not the last in the career of such a politician as Federica Mogherini. A photo of her period of work in the Italian government is given below.


Politcarrier peak

In the summer of 2014, elections to the European Parliament took place. 11 million voters voted for the Italian Democratic Party, which accounted for 40% of all Italians who voted. As a result, the Italian Democrats constituted the most significant group in the Social Democratic faction of the European Parliament.

Under these conditions, the leadership of the European Commission, as the body formed by the parliament, considered it necessary to have an Italian politician as EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs. At this post, the European Commission saw Federica Mogherini. Her appointment was not easy. Poland and three Baltic countries actively opposed. Mogherini recalled pro-communist views in his youth. Her opponents did not like the fact that the Italian government took a restrained position on the issue of sanctions against Russia. But after the Italians joined the anti-Russian sanctions, the situation changed. The candidacy of Mogherini was supported by the French president, and in August all European premiers approved her at their summit. Federica Mogherini, head of EU diplomacy, took office on November 1, 2014.

Political Positions

In her first press conference, she stated that her efforts would be aimed at establishing a dialogue between Russia and Ukraine in order to resolve the crisis between them. Mogherini also advocates for the EU to play a leading role in trying to restart the Palestinian-Israeli peace talks with US mediation. In April 2014, starting her work as head of the Italian Foreign Ministry, she visited the region for several days. In November last year, Mogherini said that "in the Gaza Strip, the world cannot afford another war."


Relations with the United States

A fan of the United States, Mogherini said in an interview with Reuters in 2014 that one day she would like to work there. During negotiations on a transatlantic trade and investment partnership between the EU and the US, she insists on the adoption of an energy chapter, arguing that this was correct from the point of view of transparency of the rules, which the energy markets in the rest of the world will be able to switch to in the future.