
What mushrooms grow under pine and spruce?

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What mushrooms grow under pine and spruce?
What mushrooms grow under pine and spruce?

Video: Finding Morel Mushrooms Under Pine Trees and Buried Under Pine Needles 2024, June

Video: Finding Morel Mushrooms Under Pine Trees and Buried Under Pine Needles 2024, June

Any walk in the coniferous or pine forest will not do without contemplation or picking mushrooms. All of them have an underground part, which is a small tiny filament of the epithelium. Mushrooms are not ways to produce chlorophyll, like plants, so they are highly dependent on the environment. It is from the decaying leaves and decaying remains of living things that they consume all the necessary substances for growth and development. Coniferous forests are rich in organic matter.

What mushrooms grow under a pine and Christmas tree? For the most part in the coniferous forest the minimum number of parasitic mushrooms, in addition, most representatives of coniferous forests do not pose a threat to human life and the trees themselves. Although there are exceptions - a tinder fungus that "settles" under the bark of a tree and practically "sucks" all the nutrients for growth. Those honey mushrooms, albeit conditionally edible, are harmful to trees. The fungus causes rot on a healthy tree that dies quickly.

general characteristics

About 200 species of mushrooms grow in the forests of our country, but only 40 species of them can be eaten by humans. The energy value of the product is low, about 300-500 calories per 1 kg. The chemical composition of the fungus is close to vegetable crops, despite the fact that the set of amino acids is similar to products of animal origin.

What mushrooms grow under a pine tree? This is a white mushroom, saffron mushrooms, pigs, russula, Polish mushroom, butterfish, greenfinch, mokruha and fly agaric. In spruce forests you can find porcini mushroom, oily granular, spruce mushroom, garlic, champignon, raincoat and a pile of yellow.

Boletus edulis pine

Most often, when asked what mushrooms grow under pine and spruce, the answer is “white”. This fruiting body has many synonyms: boletus edulis, pine boletus.

His hat can reach 20 cm in diameter, mostly wine red or brownish in color. The leg has a swollen appearance and in color resembles the color of a hat, but a lighter shade. The pulp during cutting does not darken, but always white.

The mushroom can be found in darkened and highly lit areas of the forest. It is established that the illumination does not affect the yield. It can bear fruit both singly and in groups.

Mushroom picking falls on the summer-autumn period. The highest yields are in late August. In some regions, there are specimens in weight reaching 1 kg. Mushroom pickers prefer young mushrooms that are not affected by masks and have a more delicate taste.

White mushroom can be prepared in any way: fry, pickle, dry. In some regions, salads are seasoned with fresh porcini mushroom.



Ginger belongs to those mushrooms that grow under pine and spruce. Allocate pine mushroom, which has a hat of orange or red-orange. Red spruce has a yellowish tint or lilac-greenish. Fruit specimens of this species are covered with mucus. When cutting or touching it, green spots appear. Has a pronounced smell of milky juice.

Spruce mushroom feels best in places where moss grows, there are small bumps, as well as near lingonberries and blueberries.

Pine species is most often found in the drier corners of the forest, on small hills near young pine trees.

The mushroom is most suitable for marinating and frying in sour cream.



Outwardly, the mushroom looks like an aged white. In our region, predominantly green moss fly is found. The velvety hat acquires a greenish-purple hue over time. An advantage is growing at the edges and roadsides.

The mushroom has a pronounced fruity flavor, is eaten in boiled and fried form.

If we discuss what mushrooms grow under the pine, then they include the "relative" of the moss fly - Polish mushroom. In appearance, it strongly resembles white. The hat can reach 15 cm in diameter, velvety, brown or brown. Blue appears on the cuts, the pulp itself has a white color with a yellowish tint. The mushroom can be prepared in any way known to man.



Butterdish is the name of a huge group of mushrooms from the Boletovye family, which includes about 40 representatives. The main difference of the family is that all its representatives have an oily hat.

Perhaps this species leads the list of mushrooms that grow under a pine tree in our country. Although they are found in Africa and Australia, that is, in those countries where the climate is temperate.

In our forests, there is mainly an ordinary and autumn oiler. The fungus hat has a small tubercle in the center. The color is usually brownish, but there are specimens with a brown or olive tint. The peel is easily removed from the mushroom, inside it is soft and juicy flesh, yellowish tint.

The butterdish feels good near young pine trees, but is also found in mixed forests. The mushroom loves soil with good drainage, that is, sandstone. He takes as neighbors greenfinches, chanterelles and russula. It grows mainly in groups.

Fruits almost the entire warm season, from July to October, the main thing is that the atmospheric temperature is above 18 degrees. When the temperature drops to -5, the growth of mushrooms stops completely.

In the category, which mushrooms grow under a pine, fall summer and grainy oiler. There are few differences from the autumn and ordinary species, the color of the hat is ocher-yellow. It occurs mainly in pine forests.


The breast

This family of mushrooms includes several species. This is a bitter lump or bitter, black lump or chernukha. Prefers forest litter. It can grow in spruce and pine forests, birch groves and areas where there is undergrowth undergrowth.

A bitter hat usually does not exceed 8 cm, similar to a funnel, the leg is high, up to 10 cm, and up to 1.5 cm in diameter. The color of the hat and legs is the same, reddish brown.

Hat chernukha can reach 20 cm in diameter, olive-brown in color. Leg is not high - up to 6 cm, but fleshy - up to 2.5 cm in diameter.

Although these species fall under the category of mushrooms that grow under pine trees (photos are located in the article), they are still conditionally edible, that is, they require compliance with a certain cooking technology. The mushroom is pickled only after preliminary soaking or boiling.



In coniferous forests, there are Russulae, which have an unusually huge species composition. The color of the hats is amazing: from brown and red to green and purple. But the structure of the hat is very fragile. Russula is also called the most “democratic” mushrooms: they grow in spruce and pine groves, deciduous forests and wastelands. They can bear fruit in the cool and hot season, depending on the subspecies.

Mostly the russula is fried or boiled, dried, because they are poorly suitable for pickles due to the fragile structure.
