
Federal target program "Sustainable development of rural territories for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020"

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Federal target program "Sustainable development of rural territories for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020"
Federal target program "Sustainable development of rural territories for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020"

Video: GIFT Webinar Series - 2. Communicating the budget: How to promote the use of budget information. 2024, June

Video: GIFT Webinar Series - 2. Communicating the budget: How to promote the use of budget information. 2024, June

In the economy of the Russian Federation, agriculture is of utmost importance. Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, sustainable development of rural areas of the country has been observed. And although it is believed that this sector does not bring special benefits, but at the same time, a high level of agricultural development allows for food security.

Good agricultural development in Russia even allows you to export part of the products. In addition, it is the well-being of the sphere in question that is one of the factors affecting the quality of life of the population. For this reason, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has developed a corresponding project.

Objects of the state program

The main objects to which the program "Sustainable Development of Rural Areas" is aimed are settlements specializing in the production of agricultural goods. These are primarily villages, villages and workers' settlements. The project does not ignore the territories under the influence of one local council, but located between the settlements. Also, the objects of the program will be settlements that are part of cities, but specializing in the production and processing of agricultural products.


As with every rule, there are also exceptions. In this case, these are the districts under the authority of the administrative center. The program does not include municipal areas of cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The list of specific objects will be determined and compiled by the highest executive body of state power or its authorized body.

Problems in the agricultural sector

The federal target program “Sustainable development of rural territories” is aimed not only at developing promising areas of the industry, but also at eliminating the difficulties encountered. The problems of this sector include:

  • low priority and the role of rural areas;

  • socio-economic situation in the country;

  • adverse conditions for the implementation of this type of activity;

  • lack of comfortable housing and infrastructure;

  • the prestige of labor in this sector;

  • lack of interest in rural lifestyles;

  • deplorable demographic situation;

  • lack of organization of local government;

  • weak production potential of this sector;

  • low competitiveness of agricultural products;

  • a small number of specialists in agricultural engineering.

Reasons for the unfavorable industry

The main objectives of the program should help solve the problems of agriculture. But what initially led to the difficulties? An unfavorable and unstable situation is caused by a number of factors. One of the main reasons is poor financing of this industry. A powerful push is impossible due to the lack of appropriate infrastructure. The lack of qualified engineering personnel also affected development. Problems in the agricultural sector are caused by the crumbling and dispersal of objects.


The deterioration of life in rural areas is particularly noticeable in the reduction in the number of villages and towns. In just twenty years, their number has decreased by nine thousand settlements. People simply do not see the prospects of life in the area and are drawn to large cities. This process leads to the gradual extinction of villages and villages.

Due to the fact that people leave certain territories, agricultural lands are being eliminated from the general circulation. That is, no one cares for productive lands, and they remain empty. Ultimately, a food disaster could arise in the country.

The program "Sustainable development of rural territories" provides for the improvement of living conditions in the area. After all, this is one of the main reasons that people leave villages and villages. The comfort of life in the village lags behind the cities several times.

Moreover, even in rural areas, housing is very low. Young specialists do not seek to abandon the charms of urban amenities. Parents do not want their children to go to dilapidated schools. Many residents leave in search of a better life due to the lack of proper medical care. Even if it is, it is most likely inaccessible. The objects of culture and leisure are so few that they satisfy the needs of only a third of the inhabitants of villages and villages in Russia.

All this contributes to migration processes, the participants of which are mainly the working-age population. Thanks to this, the number of labor resources in the agricultural sector is rapidly declining.

The first stage of the project

The entire project, which should ensure the sustainable development of rural areas until 2020, is divided into two stages. The implementation of the first is in the time range from 2014 to 2017. The second, respectively, will cover the next three years - from 2018 to 2020 inclusive.


The implementation of the first part of the plan is to balance the quality of life and the security of rural areas in different regions. For this, certain financial resources have been allocated from the federal budget, which are distributed inversely with the provision of the area. Each territory should be evaluated from the perspective of long-term development and overall potential.

It is also planned that the agro-industrial complex should achieve in its development the required indicators of the World Trade Organization. To do this, activities must be carried out that will help in this. And above all, work will be done to improve the living conditions in rural areas.

The second phase of the plan

If the first part of the project lays the foundation, then the second provides the pace. Stable and sustainable development of rural territories is possible only if the positive dynamics of growth are constantly maintained. That is, from 2018 until the end of the program, the state is obliged to satisfy all the needs of the rural population in order to improve the quality of life.

Complex arrangement

Sustainable rural development for 2014-2017 involves the creation of basic conditions for the implementation of the development process. This suggests that, first of all, the needs of residents should be satisfied. Particular emphasis is placed on the young population. The project begins with the improvement of settlements, which includes the construction of social and engineering infrastructure.


Lightweight housing conditions for young families are envisioned. At the same time, the living space must be in such a condition that there is the possibility of a normal standard of living. As a result, it is estimated that the number of young people who need a roof over their heads will be reduced.

The second point is the construction of the necessary infrastructure facilities of general educational importance. The state also provides for bringing into proper view the existing facilities.

The program should affect the provision of rural residents with high-quality and affordable medical care through the organization of feldsher points. Also, the state should provide facilities that allow for the improvement of the nation, as well as the comprehensive development of citizens. This includes the creation of sports fields, facilities, as well as cultural and recreational facilities.

The developers of the program made one of the points to increase the level of gasification of the population. Also, residents of villages and villages should have access to technical water and drinking water.

Resource concentration

A sustainable rural development strategy involves focusing resources. This is ensured by the construction of objects of social significance. An engineering infrastructure should be formed. Ultimately, the result should be the largest possible number of settlements in which a stable agricultural complex has formed. This will lead to the emergence of jobs and vacancies that should attract residents of Russia.


Citizens Initiative

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation is pleased to meet initiative citizens who offer their ideas for the development of this field. Indeed, without taking into account the opinions of residents, it is impossible to achieve a really good and sustainable result. The project also provides for this moment. One of the points of the program spelled out the possibility of obtaining grants for the implementation of people's ideas.

Work in this direction begins with monitoring and researching the opinions of citizens. Due to this, specialists strive to create true statistics, analyzing which, you can see real ideas. The goal is also, by interviewing the rural population, to understand how effective the implementation of the state program is.

This work is carried out to increase social activity, the formation of a civic position. The authorities want to popularize the agricultural sector, to make it more prestigious among the population. The main indicator that the idea was a success will be an improvement in the demographic situation specifically in rural areas. In addition, attention will be paid to production growth.

So, in order to implement the program, it is planned to provide settlements with everything necessary for normal life, to erect not only infrastructure, but also residential buildings.

All planned steps should help to overcome the unattractiveness of the agricultural sector among the young population of the country. The authorities want to show the prospects and significance of this industry.

Home improvement

Meeting the needs of the rural population begins with housing. A reliable roof over your head is something that many residents of the country are fighting for. That it should become a fundamental factor in attracting youth to the countryside.

To do this, the budget of the country provides for reserve funds, which should be used for the construction and repair of residential facilities, as well as the purchase of buildings.

The project provides an option to help residents in the purchase or construction of a house in the form of a partial reimbursement of expenses for these actions. The most convenient mortgage lending mechanism is also calculated according to this program. The state plans to attract private capital in the construction process in the form of investor assistance. Improving housing conditions in rural areas is the key to further successful implementation of the project.

The program includes the construction of residential facilities for a total area of ​​five and a half million square meters. More than half of them should meet the needs of young professionals.

Population activity

Sustainable development of rural areas is impossible without the support of the program by citizens. To do this, it is planned to activate human resources, to attract people to the implementation of certain points. Residents of rural areas should understand that the state takes care and takes into account the opinion of the local population.

For the successful implementation of all ideas and ideas, the resources of not only the country, but the entire population as a whole must be mobilized. These are working hands, and materials, and finance. The connecting link between the developers of the program, that is, the higher authorities, and the population should be public organizations, entrepreneurial communities and municipalities.


One of the most priority areas that are planned to be implemented jointly includes the revival and promotion of cultural traditions, folk crafts and crafts. After all, such a huge number of craftsmen and craftsmen should not go unnoticed. And only thanks to the desire of people is it possible to preserve national attractions, monuments of art, culture and nature. But the healthy development of the nation should be ensured by the construction of sports and playgrounds, places of recreation.