
Ilya Gubarev (Bomber): biography, photo, wife

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Ilya Gubarev (Bomber): biography, photo, wife
Ilya Gubarev (Bomber): biography, photo, wife

Before freaks called only freaks from birth, today - all strange people who are different from the rest. Including those who subject their body to various modifications (makes piercings, tattoos, split the tongue, inserts transdermals with unimaginable nozzles). Ilya Gubarev is one of the brightest representatives of the subculture of modifiers, with the pseudonym Bomber (nickname since childhood). What is known about this person?


Bomber's childhood

Ilya Gubarev spent his childhood, a photo of which can be seen in the article, spent in his hometown of Togliatti. The boy did not like to study, and the school itself, too. Peers offended him and teased him fat, because from an early age Ilya was overweight. When he turned 12, his father died. For the first time, the guy allowed himself a tattoo that her mother, Dina Ilyinichna, simply did not notice. At 16, he pierced and tattooed in a prominent place, not caring about the opinions of loved ones - his mother and brother.

By this time, the guy felt like an adult, becoming dating a girl three years older than himself. After a while, she will become his first wife. Ilya Gubarev and his wife lived together for about six years, three of them legally married.

Being a man easily addicted, he quickly ignited, but also quickly cooled. First interested in cars. He achieved the title of candidate for master of sports in rally racing, and interest faded. I tried to learn how to be a child psychologist, but after a year he became bored with arguing with teachers, whom he liked to baffle with unexpected questions. He began his career as a host, and this activity really fascinated him.


The beginning of the conquest of Moscow

The first successes in the field of corporate events and holidays drove the guy to Moscow. The marriage was over, that the mother was very upset. Ilya Gubarev promised to return to her, saying that after a certain time she would definitely see him on TV. Rejected in childhood by peers, kind and vulnerable in the soul, Bomber set about realizing his ambitions.

There was no one to help him in the capital. The guy clutched at any job to survive. Soon he ended up in an elite restaurant in the center of Moscow, where he worked as a cook. He was increasingly drawn to life in the style of rock and roll. There was a desire to cut off people from himself who, behind his stout clumsy figure, did not want to see his inner world. Clogging his body with tattoos more and more, making punctures and dyeing his hair in unimaginable colors, he soon realized that he had the most comfortable communication with people like him. To realize the promise made to his mother, Ilya Gubarev decided to become the first in the art of bodymodification, taking the pseudonym Bomber.



On the eve of his thirtieth birthday, Ilya did a great job on himself. By 2012, he had lost a lot of weight (many attributed this to meeting a girl named Chloe) and made an original hairstyle. Tunnels appeared in the ears, both hands were clogged with tattoos, and several of them adorned the face. Choosing the ideal image of Satan for himself, Ilya Gubarev and his wife Chloe, who played a wedding in 2012, increased fangs. The first of his entourage, Bomber made a tattoo on the whites of the eyes. As a result, it is impossible to make out the facial expression and understand who he is currently looking at.

At the next stage, microdermals appeared on the face - small implants under the skin, to which the wraps are attached. For example, tiny disks. In the future, transdermals were expected on the forehead, allowing to withstand the greater weight of the nozzles. This is necessary to wear horns combined with the original tattoo. So far, only a tattoo has appeared.

Ilya has 25 punctures on his face. To prove to someone his coolness, he made 12 punctures on the buttocks and 3 in the intimate area, where a small earring flaunts. The cut language complements the image.


Conflict with mother

Mother from a new image of her son came into shock. His environment has completely changed, and even in his second marriage, he entered with the same girl - a body modifier. At the wedding itself, Ilya Gubarev (Bomber) and his wife Chloe were in black, dyeing their hair light green. Together with their friends, they shocked the audience, demonstrating in words a rather free temper. Dina Ilyinichna arrived at the wedding, but in the party of the newlyweds was clearly superfluous, so she returned to her native Togliatti. Since that time, mother and son did not communicate for about two years.

In 2014, a “parent meeting” of BME culture representatives was held on the Kiev television channel as part of the television program Fathers and Sons. The question of their relationship to the appearance of their own children was studied. Among the guests was Ilya Gubarev (Bomber), who showed a tattoo on his chest with a portrait of his mother. He did not believe that she would come. But when Dina Ilyinichna entered the studio, her son was happy. Real black tears appeared in his black eyes. The mother showed her example: if the parents do not agree with the choice of their son and cannot change anything, you need to come to terms and accept the image in which he is comfortable.


Life on TV

2012–2015 are the years during which Ilya Gubarev (Bomber), whose biography is of great interest to young people, appeared on many television channels of the country. From “Alone with everyone” with Yu. Menshova, a serious discussion of the reasons for the emergence of a special subculture, to participation in entertaining shows (“Dinner Party”). He was pleased to be invited to audio broadcasts. His dream came true, once voiced by his mother before leaving for Moscow.

Everyone was surprised by the dissonance between the desire to seem scary outside and so kind and positive inside. He agrees that external attributes are not always an indicator of a rich inner world, but this is a hyperbolic need for self-presentation: “Pay attention to me!” Very sincere, it is perceived as a great kind cloud, but at the same time it has an excellent sense of humor.

This was demonstrated in the television program “Dinner Party”, where Ilya, despising all the canons, managed to win the project by organizing a “zombie party” and then lose in the super final, inviting participants to the “homeless party”.


Personal life

Ilya’s creed is that love is an integral part of the concept of happiness. In the program of O. Pushkina “I file for divorce, ” the whole country was presented with a new passion for a young man named Marina. And although she had a bright appearance and unconventional hair color, it can not be attributed to BME-culture. For the sake of the girl, Ilya moved to St. Petersburg, starting to live from scratch. As it turned out, a relationship lasting a year with Chloe ended because of Bomber’s jealousy and the latter’s unwillingness to value a relationship in which she was only interested in shocking the public. The couple lived on money from the apartment sold by Ilya, which tend to end. “No money - no relationship” is a commonly used formula in practice.

But Ilya Gubarev did not give up, creating a hostel in St. Petersburg that brings constant income. He will buy himself a new car and apartment, but will never be bound by marriage and with Marina, shy of his appearance. In 2014, he publicly confessed his love to a certain Alexandra, who later also disappeared from his life. The last year he lived with a girl whom he calls Lilya and his soul mate, who shared with him the most difficult period of his life.

Accident and return to Tolyatti

Returning to his homeland to draw up documents for traveling abroad, at the end of 2015, the Bomber had a serious accident on his bike. A damaged leg put him in a wheelchair, doctors did not believe in a positive outcome of the operation and the return of the young man to a full life. Today Ilya Gubarev moves on his own feet. He has changed a lot: the second stage of losing weight has begun. For his subscribers on the Web (more than 23 thousand people), he uploads photo reports on how the process is going. Recently, he managed to throw 15 kilograms. Forced stay in Togliatti, he considers significant. No matter where he lives, he never sits idly by implementing any new ideas and projects.

Most recently, the grand opening of his tattoo studio “Beat Will” took place with the invitation of guests from Moscow, whom he met over the years of his television career. The most tattooed host of the country is working on the show of the same name, where people are fighting for the right to get a free high-quality tattoo from a professional master, performing a variety of tasks.
