
Titanic star Kate Winslet wanted to know more about her ancestors and was glad she came from a poor family

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Titanic star Kate Winslet wanted to know more about her ancestors and was glad she came from a poor family
Titanic star Kate Winslet wanted to know more about her ancestors and was glad she came from a poor family

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Now Kate Winslet lives in a Sussex mansion worth 4.1 million pounds, and her fortune is, according to experts, 62 million pounds. However, the Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet claims to be “upset” and “disgusted with herself” if she discovers that her ancestors were wealthy or royal blood.

The 43-year-old Titanic star recounted how her "socialist" parents were "offended" by the rich after that. On TV, the Winslet family tree was traced. This was even released a series of shows on the BBC, "What do you think, who are you?"


"My roots"

“I would be upset and disgusted if I came from the world of wealth, ” Kate told the Radio Times. - Our family never had money, but I was very lucky because I come from a beautiful, wonderful, loving family. My roots are the socialist working class, and my parents have always condemned the rich. ”


Kate grew up in Reading with her mother Sally, who was a nanny and waitress, and her father Roger, an employment actor. The star was one of four brothers and sisters. Kate attended Redroofs Theater School, but she had to leave because her parents could not afford the payment.

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Free life

“Mom and Dad went to Oxford every summer, and we always had a vacation in the back of the van, we rode in a trailer, went camping with a tent, ” says Kate. “We had a great time at the campsite in Cornwall and France.” We have never been a conservative family anywhere; we have always been reminiscent of company or best friends. ”


Ten years ago, the UK Cinematography Council calculated that Kate earned £ 20 million only for her stellar acting role from Titanic.

However, the actress always said that she considered the discussion of money “vulgar”, and not “a very pleasant conversation that can be conducted in public.”


"Find your family"

In an interview, the star said that her mother’s last words were about the star finding her ancestors. “When my mother was with me, it seemed that all the stars in the sky with us. When mom left, it was like the North Star just fell from the sky … it was the hardest part of my life, ”Winslet said.


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“Mom would definitely go on a trip with me - she loved to travel when I was able to send her and Dad to good places.”


Mother mentioned that great-grandfather Kate is from Sweden. After visiting this land of ancestors with a show, Miss Winslet discovered that her great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, Anders Jonsson, was indeed a Swede.

Upon learning that he and his family lived in poverty, and their son was dying from malnutrition at the age of three, the actress said that "her heart is weeping at the thought of them."


This show, “What do you think, who are you?”, In which the Hollywood star took part, opened Kate's eyes to much in the history of her family. Upon learning that her great-great-grandfather from Sweden moved to London in 1884 to become a tailor, Miss Winslet said that this “basically means that I am an immigrant.”


Kate understood a lot after searching for her roots: “It really made me think about this world in which we live. Refugees, immigrants - we will have to stop using these words as if these people are subhuman. ”