
Where lavender grows in Russia - features, properties and interesting facts

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Where lavender grows in Russia - features, properties and interesting facts
Where lavender grows in Russia - features, properties and interesting facts

Video: Russian Blue Cats 101 : Fun Facts & Myths 2024, June

Video: Russian Blue Cats 101 : Fun Facts & Myths 2024, June

Since ancient times, lavender is known as a spice and a wonderful medicinal plant. The peculiarity of the culture is that all parts of it are very fragrant. This, it would seem, southern plant may well grow almost anywhere.

Many travelers wonder - where to see the flowering of lavender and lotus in Russia? After all, this is the most exotic and beautiful that can be seen on our fields. In order to observe the lotus bloom, you need to visit 4 regions: Krasnodar Territory, Volgograd and Astrakhan Regions, the Far East. About another wonderful plant, whose name is lavender, it will be possible to learn in more detail from this material.


general information

The genus “lavender” includes more than 25 species, and it is represented by shrubs and shrubs. After reading the article, you can find out what this culture is and where lavender grows in central Russia.

This medicinal aromatic plant is known to people since ancient Rome. If a person even once in his life sees the lush lilac-lilac bloom of spherical bushes with delicate leaves, fragrant with unique freshness and an exquisite delicate aroma, then he will never forget this fabulous picture.

Many flower growers dream to plant and grow this amazing plant on their own plots on their own. Lavender is also known for producing oil from it. The scale of the "fragrant essence" is impressive. About 200 tons are produced every year in the world, with the lion's share in France. It produces about 70 tons annually.


Types of culture

Before we find out where lavender grows in Russia, we will introduce some of its varieties. The most common types of lavender:

• English;

• french;

• Spanish - moderately beautiful, but widely used in perfumery.

French garden lavender is often used to decorate garden plots. The Spanish variety is not particularly attractive, but very fragrant, so it is grown on an industrial scale for use in cosmetology and perfumery. English lavender, for its unpretentiousness and attractive appearance, is very popular among gardeners.

There are a huge number of varieties of this culture, but the following were most popular:

• Rosea - narrow silvery leaves, bluish-lilac or lilac-pink inflorescences. The height of the bush is 40 cm.

• Munstead. It features beautiful blue colors.

• Hidcote Blue. This variety is a compact dense bushes with a height of about 40 centimeters. Flowers - a deep purple-blue hue.

Another popular variety is dolphin-like lavender. This is a small plant with a height of up to 30 cm is often used to design rock gardens. The culture looks especially impressive in the company of bright yellow arabis.

In group plantings on lawns, the Hidcote Giant variety is good (about 60 cm high).

Places of growth in nature

The homeland of lavender is the Mediterranean. It grows in nature in a narrow strip that stretches to the Front India. Lavender is actively cultivated in almost all of Europe, in South and North Africa, in the tropical mountainous regions of Australia, Asia and America.


Before we find out where lavender grows in Russia, we will give a brief description of this culture.

Plant characteristics

The real lavender of the family Iasnatkovye is a long-standing shrub. Its root system is quite powerfully developed. Strongly branched at the top. The main skeletal roots penetrate to a depth of two meters.

In adult plants, the trunk begins to branch right near the ground and is almost imperceptible. The woody lower branches, branching and arched many times, have a grayish-brown bark. The bush has a hemispherical shape, and its height reaches up to 50-70 centimeters, with a diameter of 60-80 cm.

Annual young 4-sided shoots are grassy and pubescent. Stems are formed on them, bearing flowers and leaves. The latter are gray-green, linear-lanceolate, densely pubescent and whole-marginal. The length of the leaves is 2.5-6.5 centimeters, and the width is from 1.1 to 5.0 mm.

Inflorescences are spike-shaped. On one plant, the number of peduncles reaches from 40 to 1000. The inflorescence, in turn, consists of whorls (4-12 pieces), opposite located. Each of them has 7-20 small bisexual flowers. The tubular cup is covered with a large number of hairs. The two-lipped tubular nimbus has a dark purple or white hue. After flowering, it falls. The fruit is a smooth and small single-seed nut, oval.


Growth Features

Where does lavender grow in Russia, in what conditions? Real lavender is a mountain plant, photophilous, drought tolerant. It belongs to the group of heat-loving cultures, but it is also characterized by excellent frost resistance. For example, adult plants withstand frosts down to -26 ° C.

Lavender is well cultivated on light soils with an alkaline and neutral reaction. Under climate conditions with normal and insufficient moisture, loamy and loamy soils are suitable for plant growth. Poor lavender grows on swampy, salty, acidic and clay heavy soils with fairly close occurrence of groundwater.

Domestic culture

Where can lavender grow in Russia? In 1812, the culture was introduced into the Nikitsky Botanical Garden (Crimea), but then it did not receive much popularity. And only in 1930, lavender began to grow in Russia for industrial purposes. Today, not only abroad, but also we have obtained various hybrid varieties. They appeared as a result of crossing broadleaf lavender and spike, called lavender. They contain 2.5% oil in themselves, providing a collection of about 100-200 kilograms of this product per hectare with an inflorescence yield of up to 10 tons per hectare.


Where else is such a beautiful plant growing now? In Altai, lavender does not grow as extensively as the stunningly blooming Maryin root, ledum, Maryan (Altai sakura), chamomiles and cornflowers. These plants fill with themselves vast vast fields. Lavender grows a little where it is specially cultivated. And many people are doing this in Altai. Especially popular is the cultivation of varieties of medicinal, narrow-leaved lavender.

Landing and care in the Urals

In Russia, culture began to be grown in many regions. Breeding this plant, in general, does not require much effort, if you choose the right species for the appropriate climate. One should listen to the opinion of experienced breeders in order to select a suitable zoned variety for the area.

For different climatic conditions, there are differences and important features in the planting and care of this wonderful beauty. Even the territories of one region can have completely different weather conditions. For example, the northern Urals is characterized by more severe winters than the southern. There they are softer, wetter. In one of them, any cultures are developing and growing very well. For another part of the region, more viable plant varieties should be selected for cultivation.

For the Urals, the most cold-resistant type of lavender is perfect - English. Such a plant, when using the appropriate shelter, can tolerate 35-degree frosts. It can be cultivated even in Siberia. But, it should be remembered that the acceptable and only way to reproduce under such conditions is seed. Since lavender is not capricious in nature, it can often be found in the Urals in household plots, as well as as a homely fragrant plant.



Real lavender is propagated in two ways - vegetative (layering, cuttings and dividing the bush) and seed. Cuttings are harvested on 1-2-year-old shoots, after which they are planted in a greenhouse according to a scheme of about 5x5. The rooting of the plant begins in the spring and lasts about 2 months, after which the seedlings are planted in the ground in a permanent place.

The soil under the lavender should be plowed to a depth of about 60 centimeters and cultivated. Harvesting begins in the second year. Plantations of lavender are used up to 25 years.

In the very first year of life, plant care is reduced to repeatedly processing the aisles, removing inflorescences and restoring dead plants using various preparations. Annual fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is recommended. In the process of reducing productivity, rejuvenating pruning of the bush should be carried out 4-5 centimeters from the soil surface. In general, unpretentious and capricious in growing lavender.

Useful properties and harm

The composition of lavender oil includes 30-60% of linalyl acetate. This substance that gives lavender, characteristic only for her wonderful aroma. Of the remaining compounds, there are approximately 300. Phytosterols, flavonoids, cineole, linalool, coumarins, camphor, tannins, alcohols, esters, etc. are all included. Everything cannot be listed. It is important to note that all these compounds give lavender oil many healing properties.


Lavender oil is a powerful antidepressant with sedative and sedative properties. In this regard, it is used as the main ingredient for the treatment of insomnia, hysteria and depressive states in aromatherapy. Lavender oil is also recommended for neurosis, migraine and headaches. It also has a painkiller effect.

There is a negative side to the use of lavender. It can cause an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, nausea, headaches and even vomiting. Also, excessive consumption of lavender tea can lead to indigestion, cramps and colic in the stomach.

Purple plantations

Fields where lavender grows look fantastic. There are many such places in Russia. The most magnificent of them can be seen in the Crimea in July-August - near Bakhchisarai and Sevastopol, on the road from Simferopol to Sudak and on Cape Tarkhankut. There is even a village called Lavender. The largest field is located near the village of Turgenevka, where themed festivals dedicated to this plant are held, as in Provence. And one of the most valuable Crimean delicacies is lavender honey.

Where else does lavender grow in Russia? In Altai, as noted above, one can observe the flowering of this plant in areas where it is cultivated by private individuals.

Domestic use

An interesting fact is that many centuries ago, in the south of France, natural lavender was collected for processing and obtaining oil from it, not only for medicinal purposes, but also to create incredible aromas. It is widely used now in the production of perfumes and cosmetics. They make perfumes, colognes, creams, eau de toilette and soap. In addition, the culture is used in the liquor industry to flavor wines.

For medical purposes, lavender is used as an external antiseptic. Rubbing lavender oil with wounds, bruises, burns and rheumatism is effective. Dry flowers are used to combat moths. They transfer furs, carpets and woolen fabrics. They make fragrant poultices, smelling powders, herbal pads, smoking collections from flowers. Scented candles with lavender are very popular.
