
Leonid Kharitonov is an actor with great talent and a pure soul

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Leonid Kharitonov is an actor with great talent and a pure soul
Leonid Kharitonov is an actor with great talent and a pure soul

Video: Amalia Mordvinova: “People can be created for each other, but for a certain time” // The Talk 2024, July

Video: Amalia Mordvinova: “People can be created for each other, but for a certain time” // The Talk 2024, July

Leonid Kharitonov is an actor who played the main role in the legendary film "Soldier Ivan Brovkin." However, in his creative piggy bank there are many other interesting works. They will be discussed in the article. You will also find out the details of the biography and personal life of the Soviet artist.


Leonid Kharitonov, actor: biography

He was born on May 19, 1930 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). In what family was our hero brought up? Leonid's parents had nothing to do with the theater and the big movie. My father was an engineering worker. Mother received higher medical education. For many years she worked as a doctor. Leni also had a younger brother, Vitya.


In 1937, our hero went to first grade. Parents sent him to a prestigious institution at that time - gymnasium No. 239. From the first days, the boy established himself as a diligent and disciplined student.

There was a theater club in the gymnasium, led by actress Maria Prizvan-Sokolova. He was visited by Leonid Kharitonov. He markedly stood out from other students. Teachers were amazed at the boy's ability to stay on stage. Lena was involved in almost every performance. Either out of resentment, or envy, the guys came up with the nickname Artist for him. But Kharitonov Jr. it was just amusing.

At 11, Lenya learned what hunger and cold are. In the period from September 1941 to January 1944 there was a blockade of Leningrad. Local residents had to overcome many trials and hardships. To satisfy hunger, Lenya even ate soap. Because of this, he soon developed a stomach ulcer.


student life

Friends and relatives of Leonid were sure that at the end of high school he would go to a theater university. However, the guy surprised everyone. Lenya submitted documents to Leningrad University. His choice fell on the faculty of law. The guy managed to successfully pass the exams. Kharitonov was enrolled in the desired faculty. But there he studied for only 1 year.

Leonid decided to realize his old dream - to become a famous artist. To do this, he went to Moscow, where he entered the School-Studio named after. Nemirovich-Danchenko, opened at the Moscow Art Theater. In 1954 he was awarded a diploma of graduation.

Film career

When did our hero first appear on television screens? It happened in 1954. He was offered a small role in the picture School of Courage.


All-Union fame to Leonid Kharitonov brought another film - "Soldier Ivan Brovkin" (1955). This time the young actor got the main role. He is 100% coped with the tasks that the director set for him. Lenya performed all the tricks himself, without the help of understudies. Before filming, the guy attended a tractor and motorcycle driving course.

Responsible, hardworking and purposeful - and all this is Leonid Kharitonov. The actor, whose filmography is represented by 38 roles in paintings of different genres, deserves respect and admiration.

We list his most striking and notable works:

  • "Good day!" (1956) - Andrey Averin;

  • "Ivan Brovkin on the virgin lands" (1958) - the main role;

  • "Long Day" (1961) - excavator;

  • The Big Wick (1963) - a duelist;

  • “Vanity of vanities” (1978) - Yakov Andreevich;

  • "House on the Forest" (1980) - Bogomolov;

  • “Keychain with a Secret” (1982) - Polosatikov;

  • Eternal Call (1983) - Egor Kuzmich;

  • Bagration (1985) - General;

  • “We are sitting well!” (1986) - passenger with a watermelon.

Leonid Kharitonov (actor): personal life

A fair-haired guy with a radiant smile and expressive gaze never lacked the attention of women. But he was in no hurry to have a serious relationship. Lenya metal about big and bright love. And soon God heard the boy’s prayers.


The first wife of the actor Kharitonov was his classmate. It's about Svetlana Sorokina. Lovers played a wedding on the 3rd year. It would seem that a happy future awaits them. However, the couple lived together for only 2 years. After the divorce, Svetlana left her husband's surname. Subsequently, she built a successful theatrical career.

Kharitonov is an actor who is created for family life. He did not like being a bachelor. On the set of the painting “A Street Full of Surprises”, our hero met a charming woman - Gemma Osmolovskaya. She is also an actress. Leonid long and persistently courted the lady he liked. In the end, he managed to win the heart of Gemma. The acting couple played a wedding. Friends and relatives of the bride and groom, as well as their colleagues in the workshop, were invited to the celebration.

After some time, the couple had their firstborn - son Alex. Actor Kharitonov could not stop looking at the baby. He bathed Leshenka himself, swaddled and put him to bed. But this time, a happy family life did not last long. Leonid became increasingly delayed after filming. He is addicted to alcohol. Gemma tried to direct her husband to the true path. But Kharitonov did not listen to her. One day, a woman packed up and left her apartment with her son. An official divorce soon took place.

Third marriage

The last wife of Kharitonov was Evgenia Gibova. Where did they meet? Leonid Vladimirovich taught at the Moscow Art Theater School, and Zhenya was his student. The famous actor immediately liked the young and confident girl. She also reciprocated. A few months later, Kharitonov made a sweetheart marriage proposal. Eugene agreed to become his wife.



In the last years of his life, a famous actor began to have heart problems. He had a stroke twice - in 1980 and 1984. Leonid Vladimirovich was treated by the best Soviet doctors. However, their efforts were in vain.

On June 20, 1987, Leonid Kharitonov, an actor with a capital letter, passed away. The cause of his death was another stroke. The talented and beloved artist was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery (50 plot).