
Rudolph Schenker. The life story of a famous rock artist

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Rudolph Schenker. The life story of a famous rock artist
Rudolph Schenker. The life story of a famous rock artist

Video: Scorpions 1972 w/ Michael Schenker 2024, June

Video: Scorpions 1972 w/ Michael Schenker 2024, June

Rudolf Schenker is a German musician, composer and guitarist. Known for creating the world-famous rock band called Scorpions. We will talk about the highlights of the life of Rudolf Schenker further.


The childhood of a famous musician

Rudolph was born on August 31, 1948. The hometown of the musician is Hildesheim (Germany). Rudolph's parents were engaged in a musical career, so the future of the boy was already predetermined. It is known that mother played the piano beautifully, and father played the violin.

It should be noted that the interests of the boy and his parents in choosing musical instruments did not coincide. At the age of 5, little Rudolph first tried the power of an acoustic guitar. Schenker liked this instrument so much that he no longer wanted to part with it.

It is known that the inspiration of the boy at that time was the group “The Beatles”. It was their music that prompted Rudolph to connect his life with rock music.

It is worth saying that his younger brother Michael was involved in family activities from early childhood. Having mastered the instrument, Rudolph immediately began to teach the basics of the guitar to his little relative.


First steps to success

At 16, Rudolf Schenker had already created his first group. Then it was called Nameless. However, after the guy first listened to an album called "Attack of the Scorpions", he decided to rename his brainchild to Scorpions.

From the very beginning of his career, Rudolph preferred to act as a vocalist, but later realized that playing the guitar and performing songs at the same time was quite difficult for him. Then Rudolph came up with a wonderful idea - to take on the role of the vocalist of his brother Michael.

After participating a little in the life of the team, the guy leaves the group due to scandals with his older brother and leaves for Copernicus. But Rudolf Schenker returns a violent relative to his former place, "grabbing" at the same time the vocalist of Copernicus - Klaus Meine.

First album

Rudolf Schenker, whose photo is attached in our article, and his new teammates record their first album, entitled “Lonesome Crow”.


After a few months, a scandal between the brothers flared up again in the group, and Michael without a drop of doubt left the team and went to the UFO. Rudolph has no choice but to "relocate" to another group - "Dawn Road".

It should be noted that then bassist Francist Buchholz and guitarist Uli John Roth played in this group. Later, the musicians renamed their collective to the already sensational in Germany name “Scorpions”.

In this composition, the guys release several albums. Later, a scandal is brewing again in the team. This time with Mouth. The conflict arose on the basis of musical disagreements. The fact is that Roth liked to experiment, and Rudolph preferred to play only hard rock. As a result, the guitarist leaves the group, and Matthias Jabs takes his place.

The founder of Scorpions invites him to record several songs. And over time, Matthias Jabs becomes an integral part of the team.

Experiment with music

In the 80s, the Scorpions group was one of the most popular in Germany. As before, Herman Rarebell and Klaus Meine write lyrics for songs, and Rudolph creates music.

In the 90s, musicians decide to experiment a bit with style. During the recording of the new album, entitled “Pure Instinct, ” Herman Rarebell abruptly decides to leave the band. The reason for leaving was the reluctance of the drummer to perform this "garbage".


As time has shown, the new style was not fully appreciated by the fans of the group or music critics. In 2000, the collective again returned to the performance of the old music. Evidence of this is the release of a new compilation entitled “Sting in the Tail”.

After the group leaves the scene, Rudolf Schenker decides to start another, no less successful project. Actively rumored that a new rock band will soon appear.

Hobbies of the musician

  1. It is known that Rudolph Heinrich Schenker prefers to play a guitar made to order.

  2. In 2011, a book entitled “Rock Your Life” was published, in which the musician describes in detail all the facts of his life. The book contains dates of important meetings (including with Gorbachev), acquaintances with famous personalities, as well as difficult circumstances of his life.

  3. Rudolph is very energetic on stage. Having entered the courage, begins to make jumps and squats, while not stopping playing the guitar.

  4. At the end of the song, the musician has the habit of kissing the neck of his guitar.

  5. In another interview, Rudolph said that he was never eager to become the best guitar player.

  6. Few people know that Rudolph is actively engaged in yoga. According to the musician, it was meditation and reading books of the eastern sages that helped him penetrate the depths of the human mind.