
Yuri Begalov: biography, achievements, personal life and interesting facts

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Yuri Begalov: biography, achievements, personal life and interesting facts
Yuri Begalov: biography, achievements, personal life and interesting facts

Yuri Begalov is a successful businessman, lawyer, popularizer of outdoor activities, sponsor of many sports projects and host of special training events for fishing enthusiasts. The above list of hobbies is far from complete, but this is also impressive. After all, Begalov manages to combine a life full of diverse interests with work and family, financially and morally supporting his own and adopted children.

Be visible while staying in the shade

In the last twenty years, Yuri Begalov has been mentioned in the press together with the name of Tatyana Vedeneyeva - a famous actress and TV presenter. This is due to a long marriage of stars, which ended in 2008 by mutual consent of the spouses. Being a public person, Begalov does not like to give interviews and prefers to remain in the shade. This fact explains the scarcity of information presented about him in the press.


Perhaps the marriage contract of the ex-spouses included a clause on limiting public details of the private life, according to which Tatyana Vedeneyeva, after divorce, having returned again to the air, is entitled to report only general information about her ex-husband. Perhaps the ex-spouses assumed during the divorce the hype that he would cause the paparazzi, and came to special post-divorce agreements. One way or another, over the past ten years, Tatyana Vedeneyeva has not told journalists anything new about the portrait of her second husband, leaving him the right to decide for himself which information about his person can be posted in the media and on the Internet, and which ones should never be mentioned.

Facts from life

Yury Begalov's birthday is September 28, 1962. His hometown is Tbilisi. There he grew up in a Russian-Armenian family, received a law degree. Three times married, has three children. Despite a stately colorful appearance and a successful career in the nineties, fame and well-being, Begalov always retained charm and intelligence in communication. It is no secret that it was these qualities of his that in their time attracted the attention of Vedeneeva.


In one of the interviews, the famous TV presenter and actress directly admitted that Yuri Begalov favorably differed from the owners of raspberry jackets that had gotten sick of the era of the establishment of business in Russia. He was simple, attentive, gallant and generous. So he remains now.


Begalov is known as the co-founder of the British oil trading company First Quantum, which he registered in London with his cousin, Eric Mkhitaryan. The company sold the final product of the Ryazan oil refinery. In 1992, the business of cousins ​​grew in shares of large Russian seaports and additional contracts in the construction industry. Thus, First Quantum has evolved from a specialized structure into a group of companies with a wide range of activities.

This period Tatyana Vedeneyeva Imennov interviewed the founders of First Quantum for the Morning program, finding out from Yury Begalov the peculiarities of pricing in the oil industry and the reasons for the rise in price of fuel in Russia.


So the first meeting took place. After that, as the host of the “Step to Parnassus” festival, the TV star considered it possible to turn to the oil workers with a request for sponsorship of the event. Together with the financial participation in the project, First Quantum made an additional stunning gift - specially for Vedeneeva they organized a trip to the Canary Islands as part of a corporate team of oil workers.

She was an actress

At first, the relationship of the stars did not add up. The reason for this was the obligations of future spouses in previous marriages, where there were not only the second half, but also children. Both rested on the Canary Islands: both Tatyana Vedeneeva and Yuri Begalov. But the romance began with them later, upon arrival in Moscow.


The businessman knew how to care, he was patient, delicate, but persistent and generous. Few people know that Yuri is nine years younger than Tatyana. In an interview, Vedeneyeva said that such a difference in age was not, in her opinion, acceptable for a happy marriage. Perhaps that is why she decided to combine her fate with Begalov only after a year of his courtship. Since then, the biography of Yuri Vladimirovich Begalov forever turned out to be associated with the name of Vedeneyeva, despite the subsequent divorce.

Star marriage

In 1993, while in London, Vedeneeva was engaged in placing her son in a private school. The bureaucratic procedure was delayed, and she had to send a job application to extend the leave for three days. The management of the TV channel considered it possible to offer her an ultimatum to return to work on time, threatening to dismiss. Tatyana Vedeneeva decided to stay abroad and leave the broadcast. It was a pretty sharp turn, ending in a marriage with Yuri Begalov.


The couple lived in France on the Cote d'Azur until 2000. The couple first sequentially rented their favorite hotel rooms and entire villas on the Riviera, and later bought a large house in Nice. For almost seven years, Yuri and Tatyana Begalovs spent in “happiness and peace”: went on business trips, and then rested, enjoying the sea, air, the mild climate of southern France and French cuisine. Daughters from their first marriage, Yuri Begalov, lived with them. Unfortunately, the couple did not have joint children.


Family business

In 1999, in Begalov, the Begalovs founded a joint company for the production and sale of canned goods based on Georgian national cuisine TREST “B” SA. The enterprise is a multi-stage scheme with several branches:

  1. Gardens and vegetable plantations in the Caucasus and Bulgaria.
  2. Production facilities located in Bulgaria - TREST "B" Operation.
  3. Several marketing and sales units in Switzerland and Russia - TREST “B” DISTRIBUTION.

According to Vedeneeva, the letter "B" in the name of the company denotes her last name. Currently, the company's products are widely known in the European market, it is supplied to the leading supermarket chains in Russia and the CIS countries.

The fundamental principles for the development of this business are:

  • ancient recipes;
  • quality;
  • high manufacturability;
  • expansion of the assortment;
  • wide representation of products in leading markets.

Nevertheless, by the seventh year of marriage, Tatyana was bored in Moscow. Therefore, in 2000, the couple returned to Russia, and Vedeneeva again began to receive job offers from leading television channels.

Marriage contract

Yuri and Tatyana Begalovs, after purchasing a joint real estate and creating the TREST “B” SA enterprise, very far-sightedly took care of the future. Perhaps the marriage was not cloudless from the very beginning, and Vedeneeva proposed to conclude a marriage contract. Maybe this was the decision of Yuri Begalov, a lawyer by education, adopted by him as Vedeneeva’s refusal from a career as a TV presenter. One way or another, but long before the divorce, the spouses determined their ownership shares in case of separation.

In one of the interviews, the TV presenter said that the rights to real estate and business were spelled out in the marriage contract. During the divorce, Vedeneeva got the apartment, and Begalov got the house. The couple officially divorced after two years of separate living, but without scandals and gossip. In all, their marriage lasted fifteen years.

Be able to part with dignity

The official reason for the divorce was Begalov's betrayal. However, the chronology of the family life of the stars suggests that the separation was inevitable, was only a matter of time.

Thus, there were several reasons:

  • Tatyana strove for vigorous activity, and the serene life on the Cote d'Azur could not last forever for her. Depression began, and the need for self-fulfillment was increasingly indicated.
  • Begalov was often absent due to business trips.
  • Tatyana did not share Begalov’s serious passion, to which he devoted half of his life.
  • In the past two years, relations have intensified, and the couple made a "temporary" decision to live separately. Sometimes the temporary gradually becomes permanent.

Currently, Yuri Begalov married again and has children in a new marriage. Vedeneeva is free and pleased with her position.


In Russia, Vedeneyev’s husband, Yuri Begalov, seriously took up his long-standing addiction - fishing, to which he had been indifferent since childhood. From the age of five, his father, a fellow avid fisherman, took him with him to the lakes. And in 1990, at the age of 28, Yuri learned that a hobby can have professional development. This happened due to an accidental acquaintance on the shores of Lake Saint-Cascienne (France).


By Begalov’s own admission, over the past 20 years he has visited more than 200 reservoirs in different parts of the world. The lakes of France, Morocco and Kazakhstan, as well as the Russian river, are considered the most favorite places for carp fishing.

On average, Yuri Begalov spends up to 150 days a year fishing, and shares his impressions with his many followers through online conferences and face-to-face lectures.

Secrets from the guru of carp fishing

As a recognized expert in the field of trophy fishing for carp, Yuri Begalov is pleased to give interviews for specialized publications. Detailed instructions for beginners, anyone can learn in his lectures and publications.

And the brief basics of successful fishing look like this:

  1. Fishing spot.
  2. Development of a feeding strategy depending on the goals of fishing (fishing for large or small fish) and the characteristics of a particular reservoir.
  3. The right choice of equipment according to the technical conditions in which it is supposed to start fishing.
  4. Type of nozzle.

Thus, each fishing trip is like solving a equation with several unknowns. Being an enthusiastic professional, Yuri Begalov solves such problems every time anew and with pleasure.