
Political analyst Rostislav Ishchenko: analytics, opinions, comments

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Political analyst Rostislav Ishchenko: analytics, opinions, comments
Political analyst Rostislav Ishchenko: analytics, opinions, comments

Video: Chaos and war have reached the Russian borders? (ENG SUBS) 2024, June

Video: Chaos and war have reached the Russian borders? (ENG SUBS) 2024, June

The beginning of the Ukrainian crisis made many ordinary citizens more interested in events taking place in the world. There are many analysts in the media and the network. But, as it happens, every sandpiper considers the situation from his perch. Dealing with, for example, Ukraine would be very difficult if not for Rostislav Ishchenko. This analyst can simply and intelligently explain the inhabitants who are not particularly immersed in the intricacies of political intrigue. That's why popularity. And who is this man? Where does this subtle understanding come from? Let's figure it out.


Rostislav Ishchenko: biography

You must admit that a lot in the fate of any person depends on family, upbringing and education. After all, the ability to understand what is unknown to others is laid in childhood and develops over the years of practice. Rostislav Ishchenko was born in December 1965. He studied well and diligently. After graduation, he entered the Kiev State University at the Faculty of History. Finished it with distinguished. It should be noted that the university itself, and even more so the faculty in Soviet times, was considered a forge of ideological personnel. Students were watched by various departments, picking up “recruits” with various inclinations. Rostislav Ishchenko was invited to the diplomatic service (1992-1994). Work in the presidential administration of Ukraine (1994-1998), advised by the Deputy Prime Minister (2008-2010). It is clear that the analyst was in the very center of the political life of the capital of Ukraine. At that level, there are practically no secrets. Everything that escapes the gaze of an ordinary person did not just happen in his field of vision, but was direct work. In 2009, political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko headed the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting. So it is now customary to represent him, although since then he has already changed his citizenship and now lives in the Russian Federation.


A little about the experience of a political scientist

It is necessary to clarify that it is rather difficult to understand what was going on in recent years on the sidelines of Kiev. Most of the undercover fight was not tolerated. Residents of the country were given in the media decisions taken by the party that won. And there were basically two of them. Both pulled Ukraine towards the West, trying to seize power and push the opponent away. It is not naive to believe that once pro-Russian forces existed in this direction. And pro-American as well as pro-European are not there and never have been. The political elite of Ukraine is made up of figures who are most concerned about their benefits. Rostislav Ishchenko does not get tired of repeating this in every interview or publication. And he understood this from his own experience. After all, for many years he had to communicate with the very “arbiters of fate” who tried to lead the Ukrainian people to a brighter future. You know, a lot of knowledge creates the same amount of problems. Therefore, we repeat, now Ishchenko does not live in Kiev, but in Moscow. And as he claims, he was still lucky. After all, such an implacable adversary of the current authorities, most likely, would have awaited a difficult fate. One has only to remember the death of Olesya Elderberry. But he was a Ukrainian patriot, unlike Rostislav Vladimirovich.

Revolution or banal coup?

Political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko is considered a sharp and frank person. He does not try to disguise the filth and vileness of public figures in power. In a quiet and calm voice, he tells the whole ins and outs of the political elite. Last year, Rostislav Ishchenko devoted his articles mainly to clarifying events in Ukraine. In his opinion, a coup d'etat took place in the country. Poroshenko and the company can not be considered legitimate authorities. After all, these people expelled the elected president of the country. For this, armed gangs were used. By the way, the President of the Russian Federation spoke about this in the film about the return of Crimea. Ishchenko explains in sufficient detail what exactly was happening at the top. The fact is that each political figure in Ukraine was supervised by certain Western forces. No one, according to the political scientist, can be considered independent. All these people act on the orders of the "puppeteers." In 2015, Ishchenko Rostislav Vladimirovich came to the conclusion that Ukraine did not take place as a state. It does not have a political elite, that is, people who are capable of developing a society and directing a country along a progressive path.


About the team of Yanukovych and the first crisis

The runaway president also does not cause enthusiasm for the political scientist. Yanukovych was a victim of circumstances, says Rostislav Ishchenko. Since independence, Ukraine has not been built, but destroyed. No matter what power came to power, leaders were engaged only in plundering the country. Ukraine inherited a rich inheritance from the USSR. At the expense of these resources, power also lived. Moreover, new people constantly tried to break through to the “feeding trough”. The first crisis, demonstrating that resources are running out, occurred in 2004. Then, says Ishchenko, there is a serious violation of the law. Presidential elections were held in three rounds, which contradicts the Constitution of Ukraine. The candidates then were two Victor: Yushchenko and Yanukovych. They were supported by approximately the same number of voters. The situation in the country was heating up. I had to break the basic law in order to avoid bloodshed. The political scientist suggests that it was for this year that the first color revolution was clad. But the people could not swing.

Endangered Resource Theory

Let us return to how Ukraine lived all the years of independence. In 2015, Rostislav Ishchenko devoted his articles and speeches to this topic. In Ukraine, they did not build anything. For example, utilities, roads, cultural facilities were not repaired. No money was allocated for regional development. Everything that was in the country was sold at bargain prices. An unenviable fate befell many budget-forming enterprises. The river fleet has sunk into oblivion. And warships were sold for scrap. But the point is not in the details. According to the analyst, if you take “from the nightstand and don’t put anything there” all the time, then it will end there. This is what happened in Ukraine. The new team had nothing to share, not only with opponents, but also with supporters. Yanukovych had to concentrate resources in his hands, which businessmen did not forgive. The people of this president hate for greed. They say that he took away from everyone. Even for small entrepreneurs. The current authorities got crumbs from the economy of a once powerful country. But they failed to save this either.


About war

The forecasts of Rostislav Ishchenko during the active phase of the civil conflict in Ukraine were not optimistic. He still believes that a peaceful solution to the problem will not work. After all, the country is torn into two by ideological confrontation. In fact, two peoples live in Ukraine. They have different traditions, heroes, even history. East and west can not be reconciled. Rather, according to the analyst, it is better for them to disperse to different states. Then the armed clashes will end.

Current situation

Analyst Ishchenko Rostislav does not say anything good about what is happening in the country now. The situation in Ukraine is explosive. State power ceased to exist with the flight of Yanukovych. Today in the country there are many weapons and people who have already used it against fellow citizens. The political scientist believes that in Ukraine "Makhnovism" will soon be established. Gangs will fight for those crumbs that the population still has. Living in a country is becoming more dangerous. Criminal structures do not meet the resistance of law enforcement officers, which they simply dispersed.


The collapse of Ukraine

The most likely scenario for the country Ishchenko calls a split into many territories. Each oligarch will try to recapture a piece of himself from the country for "feed". Kiev as a center of power is practically of no interest to anyone. After all, there are no resources. Why pay taxes if nothing is sent from the capital, the analyst wonders. In the meantime, there is still a struggle between the oligarchs and Petro Poroshenko, who is trying to maintain power. Ishchenko considers the prospects of preserving a single country ghostly.

The future of Ukraine

The analyst’s forecasts, as a rule, come true. Back in 2014, he said that a state like Ukraine no longer exists. He repeated more than once that the population of this country would be better off as part of the Russian Federation. There are no elites, resources or desire to develop independently. Therefore, the time will come when Ukraine officially ceases to exist. Such a forecast is far from satisfying. But according to the analyst, an alternative future is much sadder, and it is for the residents of Ukraine. The territory will plunge into chaos. Laws will stop working. There will be no money. The machine will become the only force. Something similar is happening now in the Middle East region.


Why did it happen?

According to the political scientist, Ukraine has become a pawn in the geopolitical confrontation between the West and Russia. This game is played on many boards at once, says Rostislav Ishchenko. Syria was the first major US defeat. This is a chemical weapons destruction program (2011). Then V.V. Putin offered B. Obama a way to resolve the problem peacefully. The US President agreed. Syria's bombing plans had to be canceled. The Ukrainian conflict was the answer to this move of President Putin. The US, with its gigantic debt, needed a war. Preferably in Europe. On the one hand, this made it possible to weaken a resurgent Russia, and on the other, to lure money resources to its country. And Ukraine, in which the conflict was smoldering, was suitable for starting a war like no other country.

About the collective West

Rostislav Ishchenko comments on current events in the world. He considers the operation of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria the beginning of a turning point in the geopolitical confrontation. The collective west will now have to reckon with the new reality. Russia entered the world stage. She will no longer compromise her interests. With one salvo from the Caspian basin, the "invincible" US fleet was frightened and removed from the Persian Gulf. The Russian Federation has demonstrated military power that no one expected. Much, of course, remains to be done. However, the political scientist is sure that the prospects for the Russian Federation are good. He confirms this not only with words, but with life. After all, back in 2014 he moved to Moscow and applied for Russian citizenship. Just the case when professional skill helped to save the life of oneself and loved ones. The West will have to be tight. US hegemony is disappearing right before our eyes. Ishchenko is sure that the Allies will soon turn their backs on America. Together, countries will have to create new rules of existence in a complex, multipolar world. There are positive predictions in his forecasts. This world will exist, and not perish in a nuclear disaster. Agree, this is not just good, great!
