
Valentina Kosobutskaya: filmography, the private life of the actress

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Valentina Kosobutskaya: filmography, the private life of the actress
Valentina Kosobutskaya: filmography, the private life of the actress

The future theater and film actress Valentina Kosobutskaya was born in mid-October 1947 in Leningrad. In childhood, she showed interest in singing, music, had good voice data. Parents gave the girl to the choir and to the puppet club. A little later, Valentina herself expressed a desire to attend a drama circle, which was located in the House of Pioneers.


As long as she remembers herself, she always wanted to become an actress, which is why, after graduating from school, Valentina decided to enter the theater institute. However, the first time it was not possible to pass the competition - it failed the exams. I had to go to work. In the evenings, the girl visited the operetta studio, which was located in the Palace of Culture named after Lensovet. There she took singing and dancing lessons. This turned out to be a good help for entering a theater university. In 1972, Valentina Kosobutskaya became a graduate of the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. A girl studied in the workshop of L.F. Makariev.


The graduation performance "Tartuffe", which was visited by Vladimir Vorobyov, artistic director of the Musical Comedy Theater, gave Valentina a ticket to life. The master received an invitation to perform with a choir in his theater. Valentina did not see herself as a singer and wanted to get acting experience, so she refused, having left for distribution in Pskov. But later changed her mind, I had to return. Since 1973, she was listed as part of the acting troupe of the theater.

Theater and movie roles

The audience loved the famous roles of the actress played on the stage of the Musical Comedy Theater in such performances as "The Age of Love", "My Fair Lady", "My Friend Banbury", "Sevastopol Waltz", "Babi Riot", "Old Man Hottabych", "Blue Beard, Paris Life, Bird Seller, etc.

In the same 1973, Valentina began to act in films. Her debut picture was "To be happy." The director saw Kosobutskaya in the role of a student named Nonna. However, recognition and popularity came a little later - in 1975 - with the release of the children's musical film "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti". Valentina performed the role of Baba Yaga. According to the recollections of the actress, the costume turned out to be improvised. It did not take a long time to select paraphernalia - a miniskirt, a net with leaves and an old wig.


After that, offers from directors rained down. The actress was noticed. Vladimir Vorobyov planned to shoot the musical comedy Truffaldino from Bergamo, and invited Valentina to the role of Beatrice. She played sister Federico Rasponi from Turin. The shooting partner was Konstantin Raikin, who played the main role - the dodgy and cunning Truffaldino.

Work in the cinema after the triumph

Other, no less significant for Valentina Kosobutskaya’s creative biography, were the roles in the films “Happy Dream, or Laughter Through Tears”, “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes …”, “Incredible Bet …”, “Lesser Among Brothers”. According to the actress, she does not know how to offer herself, her character is shy. If he hadn’t been like that, there would have been more roles.

Since the early 2000s, Kosobutskaya began to appear in the series: "Two of the casket-2", "Live first", "Sherlock Holmes", "Plague", "One day, one night."

For some time she worked as an actress in television children's programs, skillfully transformed into the most unpredictable characters. She played both queens with princesses and villains. In the play "Cat's House" she played a goat singer performing melodic romances. Photos of Valentina Kosobutskaya from the movies are presented in the article.