
Petr Aleinikov: biography, filmography

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Petr Aleinikov: biography, filmography
Petr Aleinikov: biography, filmography

Video: Blindsight Sci-fi Short Film 2024, June

Video: Blindsight Sci-fi Short Film 2024, June

Peter Aleinikov is a famous Soviet actor of the middle of the last century. Date of birth - 07/12/1914. Place of birth - Mogilev province, the village of Krivel.


Difficult childhood

Peter Aleinikov remained an orphan in 1920. At first, rafting the forest along the river, the father died, and his mother almost passed away. And 12 years later, in 1932, the death took sister Katerina and brother Nicholas.

But even before the death of his brother and sister, Peter began to often leave home. He wandered the streets, begging. Later, little Petya falls into the Shklov boarding school. It was there that he, as a child, began to think about the acting profession. The fact is that Peter often visited the local projectionist who told him how films are created and recorded on film and how the image is then projected onto the screen. From that moment, the boy had a dream: he decided to become an artist. Petya sincerely believed that someday it would come true, but for this it was necessary to get to the capital. The dreamer escapes from the boarding school and takes a hare on one of the trains. But this time he was not destined to get to the capital. At one of the stations he was caught. After this incident, Petra is assigned to the Barsukovskaya children's labor colony. There, he enjoyed attending a drama club in which he played his first roles.

Studying at the Institute of Performing Arts

The next stop on the life path of the future artist was the Mogilev commune. Decades of the October Revolution. There, he himself initiated the creation of a drama circle, the repertoire of which he chose on his own.

In 1930, having received a letter of recommendation from the administration of the commune, 16-year-old Pyotr Aleinikov arrived in Leningrad. There he successfully enters the Institute of Performing Arts. Aleinikov studied at the cinema faculty with the notorious director Sergei Gerasimov. The mentor already tried to support his students and gave them the opportunity to show their acting abilities in their own films.


First love

Peter Aleinikov, whose biography as a film artist began precisely in the films of Gerasimov, met his first love on the set. Without a trace, he falls in love with his partner, the beginning actress Tamara Makarova. However, the young man did not dare to say about his feelings, silently transferring love afflictions. As a result, Tamara marries, but not for Aleinikov, but for Gerasimov. Heartbroken Peter filled the problems with alcohol, which ended in a long binge. He could not continue shooting and left the site.


First roles

The first episodic roles Peter Aleinikov played in the films "Oncoming" and "Peasants". But the real triumph for him was the role of Petka Molibog in the film of the same Gerasimov “The Seven Brave”, which appeared on the screen in 1936. The plot of the picture tells about a group of young polar explorers who steadfastly and boldly mastered the Far North. It is interesting that the same Tamara Makarova became his partner. In order to recreate the real picture of events, the film crew traveled many unexplored places. Actors climbed the glaciers of Elbrus, wintered on islands in the Barents Sea, practiced skiing and parachuting in the Khibiny.

"Tractor drivers"

Later, already married Peter Aleinikov, an actor at that time already famous, starred in the cult musical comedy "Tractor Drivers". After the premiere, the leading actors Andreev and Aleinikov became almost the most popular artists in the country. Unrestrained and popular adoration, addressed to two friends, rescued them in many delicate situations. They said that once in Kiev, being pretty tipsy, Aleinikov and Andreev did not reach the hotel in which they lived, but spent the night not somewhere, but in the window of a furniture store, where there was an exhibition sample of a sofa. In the morning they woke up already in the bullpen. The strict on-duty artists recognized, but he was still going to draw up a protocol. After futile persuasion, the angry Andreev overturned the inkwell on the protocol drawn up. They called the boss. He arrived, and not alone, but with a host of relatives and friends. After that, the detention flowed smoothly into a feast with songs and dances.


Petr Aleinikov, whose filmography continued with the main role in the film adaptation of Yershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse, ” becomes a national favorite. It is interesting that in this film he starred with his wife Valentina and little son Taras.