
Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson: biography, photo

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Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson: biography, photo
Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson: biography, photo

Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson - a famous domestic methodologist-teacher, professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences. He works at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. He works there at the department of strategic design. Also known as the director and founder of the center for system-active pedagogy under the name "School 2000".

Teacher Biography

Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson was born in Moscow. Studied diligently since childhood, had a craving for both the humanities and the exact sciences. In this article, we consider the biography of Peterson Lyudmila Georgievna.


The future professor of pedagogy was born in 1950. Already at the age of 25, she began to work on the theoretical foundations of mathematical education. First of all, she was interested in issues of continuing education and the system of developing education. Over time, Peterson Lyudmila Georgievna achieved the first positive results.

Continuing Education Programs

The first result of her work was a continuous course of mathematics, which was called "Learning to learn." This was her first attempt to put her developmental education system into practice, on which Lyudmila Georgievna worked continuously from the beginning of the 1990s to 1997.


Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson developed an appropriate course, classes for which were to begin with preparatory groups in kindergarten, then continue in elementary school. The program was developed in detail up to and including grade 6. It is widely used in Russian schools.

Another continuing education program that Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson introduced was called Steps. It was mainly designed to prepare preschool children for math lessons.

In both programs, lesson scenarios for school teachers were worked out, lesson plans for conducting classes and examples of homework for children of different levels of training were detailed.

Learning to study content

Lyudmila Georgievna Peterson's “Learning to Learn” program meets all the requirements of federal quality standards for primary general education in Russia. This was repeatedly noted by reviewers from the domestic Ministry of Education.


They began to actively apply this program in schools enrolled in the School 2000 system. This unique program provides children with continuous training from virtually three to 13 years old. The children systematically master the basics of mathematics, constantly expanding their horizons. If it is Peterson’s manual “Learning to Learn” that is taught, then the perception of the material will be continuous at the stages of preschool, primary and general education.

The detailed methodological program contains:

  • explanatory note with appropriate advice for educators;

  • the results that children studying the course should come to;

  • detailed course content for each stage of general education;

  • thematic planning of lessons, independent and control works, volumes of homework and material for independent study;

  • tutorial examples of the development of the entire program;

  • necessary material and technical support, without which the educational process will be inferior.

The contents of the program "Steps"

After the success of the program "Learning to learn" photo Peterson Lyudmila Georgievna began to appear in specialized pedagogical magazines and monographs. She earned unquestioned authority among her colleagues; they began to listen to her opinion and respect him.

Soon another program arrived - "Steps". This course is primarily dedicated to preschool children. Comprehend mathematical science in its framework is proposed from the age of three.


At this stage, Peterson Lyudmila Georgievna, whose biography is presented in this article, proposes to divide the educational process into two stages.

The first is intended for children 3-4 years old and is called "Iglochka". The second - for kids 5-6 years old - "Once - a step, two - a step …". These are key courses that will give the child the basics of such a difficult science as mathematics, and in the future, if he learns continuously, it is guaranteed to provide a high level of mastery of the material, good grades in school, the development of logical and mathematical thinking.

In the textbook "Steps" mathematician Peterson Lyudmila Georgievna gives detailed comprehensive lesson plans that are designed for children with different levels of training.

The ultimate goal of this program is to develop genuine interest in this science among the children. This is achieved with the help of didactic games, a variety of creative tasks, development of the ability to think logically in children, as well as general educational skills and personal qualities, such as perseverance, attentiveness, discipline, which will help them to successfully study at school in the future.

Center "School 2000"

The Center for Systemically Active Pedagogy School 2000 was opened by Peterson at the very beginning of 2004 on the basis of the Academy for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining of Education Workers.


The heroine of our article became not only its creator, but also the director, as well as the chief scientific adviser.

The pedagogical base of the center was the didactic system developed by Peterson herself. The work was highly appreciated not only among a narrow circle of fellow teachers, but even at the level of the head of state. The team of authors was awarded the prize of the President of Russia in the field of education.

It was Peterson’s textbooks, as has been repeatedly noted since then, that were reference books for almost all Russian schoolchildren who became winners and winners of international mathematics competitions.

Conflict with the Ministry of Education and Science

Despite the authority that Peterson had, in 2004 she had a conflict with officials of the Federal Ministry of Education and Science. Her math textbooks did not pass the standard state examination. As a result, teaching aids did not fall into the key list of books recommended and approved for use in lessons.

It is noteworthy that at the same time the books received a positive assessment of the scientific community, and negative reviews were given by specialists who conducted a pedagogical examination. Almost all the work was carried out by the expert of the Russian Academy of Education Lyubov Ulyakhina. In the pedagogical environment, she is known primarily as the author of textbooks in the Russian language.


According to her assessment, the content of the textbook did not meet the objectives of the national education on the education of patriotism and pride in their country. She made such a conclusion, based on the fact that on the pages of the Peterson textbook there were repeatedly characters from fairy tales and children's works by the brothers Grimm, Astrid Lindgren, Gianni Rodari, while there were practically no Russian authors and realities.