
Biography of Evgeny Ivanovich Chazov. Scientific activity, family, interesting facts

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Biography of Evgeny Ivanovich Chazov. Scientific activity, family, interesting facts
Biography of Evgeny Ivanovich Chazov. Scientific activity, family, interesting facts

Evgeny Chazov is a cardiologist, but the whole world knows him. How did an ordinary doctor gain such popularity? The answer to this question lies in the biography of Yevgeny Ivanovich Chazov. Without embellishment, rumors and fabrications, our article will tell about the life and professional activities of the famous doctor.

Parents Chazova

Not a single story about a celebrity can do without a description of the hero’s childhood and youth. The description of the life of a world famous doctor is no exception. The biography of Yevgeny Ivanovich Chazov originates in the Soviet city of Gorky. It was here that on June 10, 1929, the hero of our article was born. Today Gorky is Nizhny Novgorod. Evgeny Ivanovich often comes to his hometown.

The parents of the famous doctor met at the front. Civil war was raging in the country. Eugene's father, Ivan Chazov, fought in the ranks of the Red Army. Mother, Alexandra Ilyinichna, studied at a medical school, later worked as a therapist. Perhaps it was she who instilled in the hero of our article a passion for medicine.

Childhood and youth of Chazov

Evgeny Chazov did not see parents often. Mother worked a lot. In the Nizhny Novgorod village, where she was a doctor, there was simply no end to patients. The situation worsened with the outbreak of World War II, when Eugene's parents went to the front. The boy had to stay with a cousin in the Northern Urals.


The Chazov family reunited only in 1944. Zhenya studied at school, after which he entered the Kiev Medical Institute. This moment was a turning point in the biography of Yevgeny Ivanovich Chazov. After graduation, the hero of our article realized that he wanted to connect his life with medicine.

Professional activity

Evgeny Ivanovich graduated from the Kiev Medical Institute in 1953. Having received a bachelor's degree, Chazov goes to Moscow, where he enters the intern at the department of Myasnikov, the then-famous cardiologist. In 1959, the hero of our article becomes a candidate of sciences, and in 1963 - a doctor of sciences. Eugene successfully defends his thesis, after which he begins to engage in medical and scientific activities.


For all the time he worked in the Soviet Union, Evgeny Ivanovich more than once received various awards and prizes. In 1978, he received the well-deserved title of Hero of Socialist Labor. I must say that such an award was presented not to all outstanding people. To earn such a prestigious award was not easy.

The hero of our article declared himself as a brilliant scientist and doctor. The biography of Evgeny Ivanovich Chazov is full of interesting discoveries and amazing experiments.

Life in the USSR

The young doctor of sciences, already distinguished by excellent work and the presence of several state awards, was noticed by the Soviet authorities. Evgeny Ivanovich was offered to head the Main Directorate under the Ministry of Soviet Health. Chazov held this post for almost 20 years - from 1967 to 1986. In 1987, the famous doctor was offered to become the Minister of Health.

What remembered the work of the doctor and scientist Yevgeny Ivanovich Chazov in this post? During the work of the hero of our article as a minister, Soviet health care rose to unprecedented heights. In many areas of medicine, representatives of the USSR could well compete with other countries. Felt the change and citizens.


Medicine of the late Soviet period is still the standard. Did Dr. Chazov play any role in this? Of course, the work of Yevgeny Ivanovich was both a source and an important factor in the development of the entire healthcare system. However, in the biography of Evgeny Chazov was not only high-quality work in a public position. It will not be superfluous to recall the scientific activities of the famous doctor.

Scientific Achievements

Chazov is the author of many scientific works. Evgeny Ivanovich is primarily a cardiologist. That is why most of his works are devoted to the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The hero of our article studied such phenomena as myocardial infarction, thrombosis, circulatory failure, etc. Most of Chazov’s works were published in the journal Therapeutic Archive.


It would be unfair to ignore the fact that it was Chazov who significantly influenced today's methods of treatment in the field of cardiology. Almost all the techniques used in the cardiovascular centers were developed or improved by Evgeny Ivanovich.

Contribution to the development of medicine

As Minister of Health, Evgeny Chazov managed to do quite useful things. In 1987, the entire Ministry switched to a new working format. At the initiative of Yevgeny Ivanovich, several diagnostic centers were created, which later joined together in a network. A special system has been formed to combat the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Diagnosing and prescribing treatment has become much easier.

Evgeny Chazov initiated the adoption of the law, according to which mentally ill people began to provide high-quality and immediate assistance. It can be said that during the restructuring, the psychiatric care system was completely reorganized.


The health sector has received its qualitative development due to the introduction of new economic and financial principles. The management of the vast system of Soviet medicine was greatly facilitated. Many medical facilities for minors have been created. According to statistics, the infant mortality rate fell several times. The emergency medical system, the so-called ambulance, was also improved.

Scientific activity in the biography of Yevgeny Ivanovich Chazov did not interfere with his work as minister. On the contrary, extensive knowledge in the field of medicine only helped to improve a complex healthcare system. Chazov is a truly unique person. His contribution to domestic medicine is undeniable.

Relations with Political Leaders

It’s no secret that the biography of Yevgeny Ivanovich Chazov is closely connected with famous political and public figures. "I treated nineteen leaders of fifteen states. I need to be entered in the Book of Records!" - the famous doctor jokingly declares himself.


The work of Yevgeny Chazov could not be called calm. As you know, the political world is quite aggressive. This is reflected in all people, and especially on the close "powerful of this world." Chazov just belonged to the category of close associates. He treated and advised Brezhnev, Andropov, Chernenko, Gorbachev, the UN Secretary General, American presidents, Margaret Thatcher and many other political leaders. It would seem that what could not suit such a wonderful person to famous politicians? According to Chazov himself, many have opened a real hunt for him. Evgeny Ivanovich allegedly "knew too much." True or not, it is difficult to answer. Chazov himself often associated his troubles with this. It is possible that the famous doctor occasionally developed a little paranoia.