
5 most terrible places in Russia: review, rating, description and reviews

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5 most terrible places in Russia: review, rating, description and reviews
5 most terrible places in Russia: review, rating, description and reviews

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Living in our usual world, we do not even suspect that there are very strange places on this planet that cause panic and impossibility to explain the events taking place there. Among their many, 5 most terrible places in Russia can be distinguished.

Chertovo cemetery of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The first place is occupied by the Devil's Cemetery. It is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, near the site of Ust-Kova, south of 400 km from the center of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. At the top of a low mountain in the middle of the forest there is a very strange clearing without any vegetation, with a hole in the central part.


Formed in 1908 as a result of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite, this strange place among people is called the Devil's Cemetery and is included in the list of “Five most terrible places in Russia”. Over the past 30 years, it has taken lives or taken into oblivion more than 75 people.

The world learned about the Devil's Cemetery in 1983, after being published in a magazine, which described a case that occurred in the 30s. Collective farmers who drove a herd of cows from Bratsk to Kova, found a shortage of two goals. In search of animals, the packers, following their dogs, entered a strange round meadow, on which nothing grew. The dogs were there for one minute, after which, with a squeal and tightened tails, they rushed away. Shortly after this incident, they died. The drivers saw the following picture: the corpses of cows were visible in the center of the meadow, and not far from them were piles of bones of taiga animals and birds. People noted that when they were in this place their head started to hurt, a feeling of inexplicable panic fear arose. The branches of trees located above the meadow are charred, as if after a fire. Animals are afraid of this place like fire.

Theory of Origin of the Devil's Cemetery

There are suggestions that such a mystical place, which is included in the list of 5 most terrible places in Russia, could have been formed as a result of underground taiga fires. The Tunguska Plateau is rich in fuel reserves that are not yet developed. And there is something to burn there: huge deposits of coal, which could form a “hot meadow” - a kind of large frying pan.


With the decrease in heat and the arrival of rains, the fire most likely died out on its own, and in the spring the meadow was overgrown with grass. And now there is no way to find her. It is only strange why such terrible events took place in these places: traceless loss and death, headaches, inexplicable fear.

Why did animals die?

Perhaps the reason for this was the release of gases and other compounds formed during combustion. The version of animal death is also explainable. Due to the alternating magnetic field of the earth, strong electric currents can occur in near-Earth space. It is known that for the values ​​of the electric current that passes through the blood, there is a certain limit. Its excess causes blood coagulation, called "electrocoagulation", and causes death from massive thrombosis; the insides of the animals killed in the meadow were red, which confirmed the increase in capillary circulation.

So far, a mysterious glade has not been found, and researchers carefully process the data obtained, dreaming of reaching such a mystical place.

The tragic expedition of Dyatlov

Five of the most terrible places in Russia include the Mountain of the Dead, located in the Sverdlovsk Region. She takes the second line of the rating. It got its name after the events of 1959. On February 1, an expedition of 10 young people led by Igor Dyatlov began climbing to its top. One tourist stayed in the village of Vizhay because his legs hurt, the remaining 9 people continued to climb, but did not reach the top and set up camp for the night on the side of the mountain.


What happened to them later remained a mystery for many years: the bodies of naked members of the expedition were discovered. The cause of death according to the acts of forensic examination is freezing. Only 20-year-old Lyudmila Dubinina lacked eyes, soft tissues of her upper lip, and tongue. There was a multiple bilateral fracture of the ribs with concomitant hemorrhages. Fractures were received during his lifetime and could appear as a result of a very strong jump on the girl’s chest, when she was in the tent.

The same injuries were found in 37-year-old Semyon Zolotarev, who also received a tremendous blow to the chest during his lifetime.

The tent was cut from the inside, the expedition did not take any warm clothes with them. What made young people cut the tent from the inside, if it had a way out, and jump out into the cold, not naked, is still a mystery. And why didn’t the guys do the most important thing - didn’t they make a fire? Experts found an increased background radiation on the clothes of the victims. The behavior of young people can be explained by a violation of the organizational function of the central nervous system and impaired consciousness.

On the slopes of the mountain, which is one of the 5 most terrible places in Russia, not only the Dyatlov group perished; several more expeditions did not return home, and 3 planes crashed over the pass. The place gained notoriety, which is why it is not particularly loved by tourists. Although after many years no manifestations of the anomaly were observed there, and modern tourists who visited this territory said that they did not notice anything strange.

The damn den of the Medveditsky ridge

In the Volgograd region there is a place called the "Devil's Den" and is one of the 5 most terrible places in Russia. This place takes the third line in our ranking.

The Devil's Lair is located on the Medveditskaya ridge, attracts a large number of lightnings, and they can hit the same trees several times in a row. Experts counted about 350 trees burned in whole or in part; from some old oaks there were only charred stumps.


Under a ridge at a depth of 8-20 meters, tunnels of unknown origin stretch for many kilometers. At the very beginning of the war they were blown up.

Local residents say they are afraid to visit this place.

Rumors about the Volgograd anomaly

The third step in the ranking is the Volgograd anomaly. According to rumors circulated among local residents, UFO bases are located there, because in this area most often residents observe unidentified objects of various shapes and mysterious luminous balls. Unusual keys beat from under the earth: in one place it is a radioactive spring, and in another - distilled water.


A lot of incredible rumors are connected with the ridge: about the forest inhabitants, about the underground robber passages with buried treasures, about the burial grounds discovered, in one of which the midgets were buried, in the other giant skeletons were found. Also in the newspapers they wrote about a pit found on the field, the diameter of which was about a fist at a depth of several tens of meters. Its origin remained unclear.

The peculiarity of this place is that it does not make it possible to study underground bowels: seismic waves simply do not pass through the earth's layers. Fans of mysticism claim that under the ridge there is a screen that hides something. The presence of underground voids is evidenced by the fact that the pond suddenly dried out in the 80s. His water supposedly went through the cracks of the earth inland.

Visitors to the Medveditskaya Mountain claimed that the hours stop there, the outlines of the clouds take unusual shapes, mirages appear, people and cars fall underground, and mysterious lights run around the field. There are much fewer answers about the anomaly of the area than questions.

The ghost town of Kadykchan

The most terrible places in Russia, abandoned by people … On the territory of this huge country there are a lot of them. One of them is Kadykchan, which is translated from the Evenki language means "Death Valley". It is an abandoned ghost town. It is located in the Magadan region and was built by prisoners of one of the Kolyma camps. The construction of the village was due to the discovery in 1943 at a 400-meter depth of coal reserves. Arkagalinskaya TPP supplied electricity to two-thirds of the Magadan region. According to the census, the population in 2002 was 875 inhabitants; in January 1986 - 10, 270 people.


After the 1996 explosion at the mine, the population of the village began to melt rapidly, and therefore it was decided to close it. After several years, the local boiler house thawed and it became impossible to live in Kadikchan. Now it is an abandoned ghost village, which is included in the list of 5 most terrible abandoned places in Russia. In the houses, the situation was still preserved at the time of the last tenants' departure: books in closets, furniture, cars in garages, and in the square near the cinema - a bust of Lenin, who was shot at last by the townspeople. Kadykchan continues the list of 5 most terrible places in Russia. Visitors there say that the abandoned city makes an extremely depressing impression.

Secrets of Green Island

A lot of mysterious happens on this island. It is located in the city of Rostov-on-Don and is the subject of the most incredible rumors. They say that before the start of World War II, a UFO fell on its territory. According to another version, it was one of the “flying discs”, exactly like the flying saucers developed in Germany in the 30s.


The fallen unidentified object interested everyone: both Russians and Germans, who were trying to capture this island. Green is considered an anomalous zone and is one of the 5 most terrible places in Russia, several expeditions landed on its land, instrumental studies were carried out that revealed weak anomalies. Perhaps they were associated with underground structures of unknown purpose, located in its northwestern part. The expedition members heard sound signals of unknown origin on the island.