
Does the Far East have minerals?

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Does the Far East have minerals?
Does the Far East have minerals?

Video: Real Reason Why China Wants To Expand 2024, July

Video: Real Reason Why China Wants To Expand 2024, July

The Amur, Kamchatka, Koryak, Magadan, Sakhalin and Chukchi regions, the Jewish Autonomous Region and the Republic of Sakha marked the Far East on the map. The minerals of this vast region of the eastern part of Russia have reserves that have no equal in the world in terms of wealth.



Three quarters of the Far Eastern territory are mountains, highlands and plateaus. Plains marked only river valleys and coasts of the seas. Mineral deposits of the Far East are located almost everywhere, since there are features characteristic of underground pantries. However, to accurately determine the type of occurrence, quantity, quality of their maintenance everywhere is not yet possible for many reasons. The conditions for mining in the Far East are quite complicated for the following reasons.

1. The vast territory is geologically insufficiently studied.

2. There is no infrastructure necessary for field development.

3. The explored area is extremely difficult to access.

4. Transportation to processors is extremely expensive.

5. Depth for extraction of raw materials is insufficient.

6. A lot of no less good reasons.

However, the Far East is exploring minerals. Here is a sample list of deposits that are already identified. Rich deposits of ores of polymetallic, manganese, titanomagnetite, copper, iron ores are already listed in the list of developments in the near future.



In stock, that is, it has been explored, also deposits of minerals such as oil and gas, apatites, rare and rare earth metals, silver and many others. Very soon, the development of coal, tin, and bauxite deposits will begin. Moreover, the physico-chemical properties and characteristics are fully consistent with current international standards.

The Far East will solve transport problems - minerals will be developed very quickly, since there are many such deposits that will not require large expenditures: open-cast mining is possible, that is, on the surface. In addition, the latest technologies should be applied here both in geological exploration and in the mining industry.


The wealth of the bowels of our country is known to the whole world and serves as an object and reason for establishing relations between Russia and other countries. The main exporters who are interested in the mineral deposits of the Far East are, of course, the countries of South and Southeast Asia located in neighboring regions. Japan, Korea, China are already among the buyers of our natural resources, trade is being established with India, Pakistan and other countries of South Asia.

The Chinese have long been investing in the Far East, whose mineral resources are not comparable with the mineral and raw material base of the Celestial Empire, and indeed of any other country. The Kimkano-Sutarsky Mining and Processing Complex is being built on Chinese finance. And when China invests in construction, China itself builds. So, the complex will be ready soon, because the Chinese labor organization is beyond praise. It should be noted that there are still few Chinese projects, because even they do not always succeed in quickly starting production: a very complex process of all kinds of approvals for land allocated for subsoil use.


In addition to coal and iron ore

The territories of the Far East store in the bowels unique reserves of gold, platinum and diamonds. These deposits have been mainly developed for a long time and for the most part are developed. The Yakut diamonds compete in size and quality with the South African diamonds - the best. True, the deposits themselves are not as large as in Africa. The bowels of Chukotka, Kamchatka, and Sakhalin are explored, where our country must also expect pleasant surprises in terms of precious metals and stones.

The Far Eastern region is the leader in the country in terms of natural reserves: precious metals, tungsten, tin, molybdenum, copper, niobium … Tungsten reserves, for example, here are about a million tons - 60% of the total Russian reserves. And molybdenum in the Far East is 67% of all Russian reserves. Half of all production is made here, more than 70% is exported.

Polymetal resources are also significant - forty percent of all-Russian reserves. Lead - 45%, zinc - 55%. There is also a lot of copper (Chukotka, the deposit is not being developed), niobium (the Far East is the main supplier), all ferrous metals, except chromium, are in large quantities. Moreover, the local ores are so rich that they practically do not require enrichment. To date, 827 rich deposits of 25 types of minerals are already in operation.


Priority tasks

Assessment of the conditions of mining of the Far East, of course, is not negative. You just need to first establish transport links. The East Siberian and Baikal-Amur highways will not be able to draw as much raw material as the Far East can supply. Minerals in this region require roads!

The same problem exists with energy resources. Without the availability of electricity, the extraction, and even more so the processing of minerals, is impossible. Many copies have been broken in attempts to overcome bureaucratic and regulatory standards that impede the mining industry in the region. It also requires desperately cadres, benefits for them, new technologies, money investments. In the absence of any of these conditions, all plans to build any new mining complex in the Far East will die.