
Amur leopard Far Eastern: description, photo

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Amur leopard Far Eastern: description, photo
Amur leopard Far Eastern: description, photo

Video: The Amur Leopard | Planet Earth | BBC Earth 2024, July

Video: The Amur Leopard | Planet Earth | BBC Earth 2024, July

Usually people think that leopards are representatives of the African savannah, although a rare subspecies of leopards can be found in the Far East of our country, as well as in northern China. This subspecies is called the Far Eastern Amur leopard. He is also known as the Amur leopard.


This predator was listed in the Red Book. It refers to a subspecies that is on the verge of extinction. The Far Eastern leopard population is in critical condition today.

Moreover, the moment that the Amur tiger - its famous "cousin" - increased its population, gives hope for the preservation of this subspecies. It is believed that the Amur leopard, the photo of which is presented in this article, can be saved through the implementation of various environmental projects.


Breed description

This leopard has many distinctive features from the rest of the feline. In the summer, the wool reaches 2.5 centimeters in length, and in winter is replaced by 7 centimeters. In frosts, the Amur leopard has a light coat color with a reddish-yellow hue, in the summer more saturated and bright colors prevail.

The Far Eastern Amur leopard (photos of the animal are presented in this article) has long legs, allowing it to walk freely in the snow. In this case, the weight of males reaches 48 kg, although there are also larger representatives of the breed - 60 kg Females weigh up to 43 kg.



At the beginning of the 20th century, the leopard was found in the south of Sikhote Alin, as well as in the southwestern part of Lake Khanka, although in recent years it has not been reliably recorded there. At the moment, the Amur leopard lives in mountainous regions of the southwestern part of Primorsky Krai, where it gives a clear preference to cedar-black-fir-broad-leaved forests. It is less likely to populate broad-leaved forests, especially pyrogenic oak trees, whose areas are increasing due to annual fires.

This representative of the Feline family selects territories with steep slopes of hills, rugged relief, watersheds and rock outcrops. Its range at the moment has been reduced to critical sizes and covers only a mountainous limited area of ​​15 thousand km² (in Primorye, from Posyet Bay to the Razdolnaya River, as well as on the border with the DPRK and the PRC).


Historical distribution

Today, the distribution of the subspecies has declined to a small fraction of its historical initial range. Initially, the Far Eastern leopard lived throughout the north-eastern part of Manchuria, in the provinces of Heilongjiang and Jilin, including, in addition, on the Korean Peninsula.

Life cycle and reproduction

Amur leopard puberty occurs at the age of 3 years. In the wild, life expectancy is about 15 years, while in captivity - 20 years. The Amur leopard mating season falls in the spring. The litter includes 1-4 cubs. At the age of three months, they are weaned, while the cubs gain independence at 1.5 years old, leaving their mother in order to lead a solitary life.


Social structure

The Amur leopard (pictures with its image are presented in this article) prefers a single nocturnal lifestyle. But some males, after mating, can stay with their females, as well as help in raising their cubs. It often happens that several males simultaneously pursue one female, and also fight for the possibility of mating with her.


The basis of his diet is roe deer, raccoon dogs, hares, small boars, badgers, sika deer.


Main threats

In the period from 1970 to 1983, the Far Eastern Amur leopard lost more than 80% of its habitat. The main reasons were: fires, forestry, as well as the transformation of land for agriculture. But not everything is lost. Currently, there are suitable forests for the animal. There is an opportunity to protect the territory from the harmful influence of man, in addition, to increase the population.

Lack of prey

It should be noted that in China there are vast areas that are a suitable habitat, while the level of food supply is insufficient to maintain the population at the right level. The volume of production may increase due to the regulation of forest use by the population, as well as the adoption of measures to protect ungulates. To survive, the Far Eastern leopard must re-fill its original habitat.


Illicit trade and poaching

The Amur leopard is constantly subjected to illegal hunting due to its spotty and beautiful fur. In 1999, an investigative team conducted an undercover experiment: they were able to recreate the skin of a male and female Far Eastern leopard, after which they sold it for $ 500 and $ 1, 000.

This experiment demonstrates that there are illegal markets for such products and they are located near animal habitats. Villages and agriculture surround the forests where these animals live. Due to this, access to forests arises, and poaching here is a more serious problem than in regions remote from people. This circumstance applies to both leopards and other animals that are being destroyed for money and food.


Conflict with man

It should be noted that the Amur leopard (photos of the animal admire the beauty) is particularly vulnerable, as deer make up part of its diet. The human contribution to the overall reduction in the number of deer, associated with the value of its horns, prevents the leopard from getting enough food.

Due to the reduction in the deer population, leopards often go to reindeer husbandry in search of food. The owners of these lands often kill animals, protecting their investment.
