
Laima Vaikule's husband Andrei Latkovsky. Laima Vaikule biography and personal life

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Laima Vaikule's husband Andrei Latkovsky. Laima Vaikule biography and personal life
Laima Vaikule's husband Andrei Latkovsky. Laima Vaikule biography and personal life

Laima Stanislavovna Vaikule is a famous Latvian singer and actress. Prefers to perform songs in the style of pop.


The famous singer Laima Vaikule (date of birth - March 31, 1954) was born on the territory of Latvia, in the city of Cesis. When little Laima was three years old, a decision was made at the family council to move to Riga. The girl’s family was complete, and in addition to her parents raised three more children. They did not live well in a rented one-room apartment, since their parents were ordinary workers. Lyme was distinguished from all the children by her wayward rebellious character. She was more fond of driving in the yard with the boys than playing with the sisters. But mischief did not interfere with her talent. She sang from a very young age: in kindergarten during a quiet hour, on family holidays in front of guests.

When Lyma went to school, the teacher urged her to send the girl to a music school and purchase her an instrument. But the family of the future singer was absolutely not musical and considered this idea a failure, and a bulky piano simply would not fit in their modest home. Parents prophesied Lyme a medical future, and Lyme herself supported their decision. By the way, the school program was easy for the girl.

But at the age of 12, the life of Laima Vaikule (date of birth is already known to you) turned upside down. The schoolgirl was lucky to take part in the competition of young singers. The talent was highly praised, and Lyme received her first performance award. After that, she began to take part in many competitions and creative events.


Creativity: the beginning of a career

After graduating from the 8th grade, Laima Vaikule, as planned, entered the local medical school. But the love of music and vocal abilities did not go by the wayside.

At 15, she began to study music professionally. Her talented vocal teacher was the talented singer and composer Leonid Zakhodnik. He was on friendly terms with Raymond Pauls, who at that time directed the Radio and Television Orchestra in Riga. Zakhodnik greatly appreciated Vaikule’s talent and therefore decided to help her reach her potential. He gave her an audition with Pauls. The girl was accepted into the orchestra without hesitation.

Since 1979, Vaikule began to perform in a popular variety show. She not only performed with musical numbers, but also organized dance performances, and even created the scenery herself. By the way, Vaikule worked with Raymond Pauls for 10 years, and it was he who helped to fully reveal all her talents to her.


Creativity: Take Off

In 1984, Laima Vaikule entered the GITIS acting faculty in order to gain professionalism. At that moment, the singer finally parted ways with medicine. In 1985, on New Year's Eve, Vaikule hosted a television debut.

Soon the singer moved to live in Jurmala, where her fate brought her to the songwriter Ilya Reznik. Fascinated by Laima's extraordinary voice, Reznik invites her to perform one of his songs. Then a duet with Valery Leontyev “Vernissage” followed. And the hit “It’s not yet evening” secured success. During this period, Laima Vaikule turned from a simply talented girl into a popular elegant performer. The famous singer Laima Vaikule, whose personal life began to interest a large army of fans, completely gave herself to the stage in order to achieve the desired heights. When Lyme was 33 years old, she was already known throughout the Union. She was invited to all music events, creative evenings, and concerts.

In 1989, the well-known Lyme was invited to the United States, where she worked for seven months, after which she was offered a job in Japan.


Creativity: well-deserved long-term fame

In the mid-90s there was not a single person who would not hear about the extravagant, charming and insanely talented singer Laima Vaikula. It is popular to this day thanks to its inimitable image. In 2014, she was one of the initiators of the New Wave contest of young talents. In 2015, Vaikule organized its International Festival Laima Vaikule. Jurmala. Rendezvous. " In 2016, she sang a duet with a young performer Stas Piekha (“I close my eyes”).

Another step in the career of the famous singer were her 10 albums. But training at the faculty of acting was not in vain. Laima Vaikule has more than a dozen movie roles.



In the midst of her career, the young singer faced serious health problems. Doctors have discovered breast cancer in her. The treatment took place in the USA. The disease forced Vaikule to stop the rapid course of his life and think, revise its principles. Fortunately, the disease was overcome.


Lyme Vaikule: personal life

It is not known whether the singer would be able to build such an amazing career if there weren’t such a reliable rear as her husband. Andrei Latkovsky is her only companion. He was next to the singer in grief and joy. How old is Laima Vaikule's husband? He is seven years older than his wife and in 2017 celebrated his anniversary, his 70th birthday. But next to such a chic woman like Lyme, he has to look her match. Laima Vaikule's husband is handsome, handsome. His height is about 180 cm, he is fit, looks much younger than his age.

Perhaps such a long-term harmony in relations can be achieved due to the fact that the singer practically does not let anyone into her family and does not like to expose her personal life for all to see.

They met back in 1970, when Lyme was still an unknown girl. The future husband of Laima Vaikule at that time was a guitarist in one of the bands. It was not a fleeting passion, their relationship proceeded rather slowly. After a short chat, life parted them for a while. But when once again they met in Leningrad, the working relationship grew into a general sympathy. Since 1978, a young couple began to live together. From that moment on, the couple no longer parted. For all the years lived together, Lyme and Andrey became not only spouses, but friends and partners. He was her producer at one time.

Of course, Lyme’s freedom-loving nature cannot be hidden in family life, but Andrey treats his beloved woman with understanding. Even though the hostess is not the best. Lime has repeatedly admitted in her interviews: cutlets do not fry and borscht does not cook. But the husband of Laima Vaikule accepts her for who she is, and she, in turn, really appreciates this and is afraid to lose him. Lyme does not like to pronounce words of love aloud, arguing that loving hearts already feel everything.

A few years ago, Andrew proposed to marry Lyme. The ceremony was held in Las Vegas.


Laima Vaikule: family, children

In her youth, the girl dreamed of a large family, the same as she grew up in, but these dreams were not destined to come true. Laima Vaikule's family is her loving husband. Despite a strong alliance with him for 40 years, Vaikule has no children. For a creative, ambitious girl, pregnancy at the very beginning of her career was like a bolt from the blue, because the children did not fit at all in the coming years. Therefore, Vaikule chose to have an abortion. When the career reached its peak, Andrei Latkovsky himself dissuaded Laima Vaikule from the birth of a child. Since she always agreed with her husband and considered his opinion, therefore, she listened to him.

Unfortunately, all subsequent attempts to have a baby with a couple were unsuccessful. Many years later, looking back at her bitter experience, the singer urges women not to have abortions and give birth regardless of circumstances.

The couple gives all their unspent love to young talented performers. Organizes contests for them and gives a chance to find themselves.

When asked about children, Vaikule often answers that her children are her dogs. She simply adores animals and is an ardent defender of their rights. Plus, it's a vegetarian.
