
Rheumatologist Evdokimenko Pavel Valerievich: biography, activities and reviews

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Rheumatologist Evdokimenko Pavel Valerievich: biography, activities and reviews
Rheumatologist Evdokimenko Pavel Valerievich: biography, activities and reviews

Pavel Valeryevich Evdokimenko, a rheumatologist, is deeply convinced and writes about this in his book “The reason for your illness. What doctors guess, but doctors don’t say, “that any disease is a consequence of strong negative feelings. Any person can understand the cause of the disease and overcome it, but for this he must understand himself and his illness.


Evdokimenko Pavel Valerievich is currently the author of ten popular books on health, in addition, his articles have been published and continue to be published in the magazines "Your Child", "World of Health", "New Pharmacy".

Doctor's biography

In 1984, Evdokimenko Pavel Valerievich graduated with honors from a medical school with a degree in paramedic, then ten years later he received a medical degree from Moscow Medical Institute and worked for a long time at the Moscow city center of arthrosis.

Currently, the doctor is treating diseases of the spine and joints in one of the Moscow medical centers. Pavel Valeryevich Evdokimenko is convinced that the doctor should not neglect all existing methods of treating any disease. If the patient needs treatment with herbs or leeches to recover, the duty of the medical professional to prescribe just such treatment. Pavel Valerievich himself is trying not to be limited only to previously acquired knowledge, the doctor must constantly grow and supplement his knowledge and use everything that is useful.


His wife, Lana Paley, twenty years ago, together with her husband, developed a special gymnastics that helps to correct posture, completely cure scoliosis, kyphosis and other back diseases. In her book “Better Than Yoga, ” Lana Paley gives tips on how to use the usual gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the whole body, improve the figure, lose weight.

Causes of disease

No matter how trite it sounds, but the cause of almost all diseases is stress. For example, anger and a surge of negative emotions can narrow the blood vessels around the joint, as a result, it receives less nutrition and, therefore, begins to collapse faster. Or, as a result of negative emotions, stress hormones are released that begin to corrode the cartilage of the joint.

It happens that after a psychosis, the muscles of the back and neck are tightened, the person twists, as a result - osteochondrosis or a hernia of the spinal disc. Pavel Valerievich Evdokimenko, after long studies, came to the conclusion that many people have lower back pain due to self-hatred, money problems, fear for their careers and financial situation, as well as anger or when a person feels helpless and anxious.

How to help yourself?

In order to defuse the situation, the doctor gives some tips:

  • For men, you can hang a gymnastic punching bag at home, and under stress walk and tap it, imitating a fight.

  • Fast run.

  • Gambling, but without money.

  • Bright intimate relationships.


There are ways to discharge for women:

  • Dancing.

  • Singing.

But the trouble with modern society is that all of the above methods, oddly enough, can be condemned by the public.

Knee treatment

Doctor Evdokimenko Pavel has many books about joint treatment. One of them was recently published - it is the bestselling book “If your knees hurt. Healing gymnastics ”, in which he describes in detail the cause of knee pain. If you fully follow the advice of a doctor, perform gymnastics Evdokimenko Pavel Valerievich, treated with those medicines and herbs that he advises, you can completely cure arthrosis and other diseases of this joint. According to the doctor himself, all medicines are sold in any pharmacy in Russia.

Book “Leg Pain”

The book “Leg pain” in more detail reveals and helps to cure leg diseases, such ailments as arthrosis, arthritis, gout, sciatica, ankylosing spondylitis and so on. The complexity of the monograph is that it must be read carefully and not to make hasty conclusions.

The doctor has a book designed to treat arthritis - a serious illness that does not give a person peace: he cannot sleep at night, joint pain is like a toothache, and doctors often can not help such patients.


V. Evdokimenko gives some advice to such patients, for example, what medicines and herbs to use, what exercises to do, how to adhere to a certain diet, and so on.

The doctor’s motto is one main rule: whatever storms rage around you, whatever happens - learn to live and have fun. A day lived without pleasures, or, in other words, little happiness, is a day spent in vain.

Where does Pavel Valeryevich Evdokimenko take?

Everyone who wants to get a consultation with a doctor can make an appointment in advance. Now Pavel Valerievich accepts patients in the clinic "Health is the basis of everything." The building is located in Moscow on Leninsky Prospekt 82/2. The entrance is located from the courtyard, the sign "Call Center Medical Center" hangs above the door.

Since the appointment is strictly by appointment, a secretary meets each patient inside the building and leads him to the doctor. Before you come to the doctor, you must bring the results of the tests with you, which each has his own. So, with arthrosis of the knee and hip joint, an x-ray of the diseased joint, a clinical blood test from the finger and from the vein for the presence of rheumatic tests and uric acid are necessary.

Website of Dr. Evdokimenko

Those people who suffer from intervertebral hernia should bring the result of magnetic resonance imaging, and not only the description, but also the picture itself.


In a word, you can find out in detail about this on the website of the doctor himself, which is called "Doctor Evdokimenko" or call on the phone published on the page. Thus, the question of where Pavel Valerievich Evdokimenko accepts can be answered quite simply. To do this, go to the website of the doctor who bears his name.

In order to fully trust the doctor, you can read the patient reviews about the treatment methods of Evdokimenko. A great many grateful letters and messages are received every day by e-mail of the four Evdokimenko. Many comment on the doctor’s books, because not everyone can get an appointment. The first consultation of a doctor costs five thousand rubles, and the subsequent ones already begin with a mark from four thousand to three and a half.