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Aphorisms and wise thoughts of great people

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Aphorisms and wise thoughts of great people
Aphorisms and wise thoughts of great people

Video: Wise Ancient Greek Philosophers Quotes to Make You a Better Person! 2024, July

Video: Wise Ancient Greek Philosophers Quotes to Make You a Better Person! 2024, July

Sometimes, when you are faced with a choice or you need to make some very important decision, or you cannot understand your own feelings, attitude to a particular phenomenon, the wise thoughts of great people can come to your aid. However, this does not mean that you blindly obey these tips, which can be gleaned from these statements.

Studying the sayings that writers, philosophers, sages once made about something, it is easier to understand yourself and systematize thoughts. Perhaps the same thought was already nesting in the head, but it could not be fully realized. The great French philosopher Michel Montaigne, who is also known to the world as the author of a collection of aphorisms, said that "you can become a scientist through the learnedness of others, but wise - only by your own wisdom." How to understand these wise thoughts? Probably, this is about the fact that the teacher can transfer his experience to students, who, in turn, are able to learn this material and become more educated. Nevertheless, only one who has his own wisdom can correctly use the knowledge gained. So in our case: the thoughts and statements of great people can prompt a person to some idea, but how to use it can only suggest consciousness, the ability to correctly analyze and the ability to make the right decisions.


Are the wise thoughts and aphorisms of great people the same thing?

In principle, these two concepts are identical for us. However, there are some differences between them. What are they? Firstly, the aphorism is an original finished thought, spoken or written down in a memorable and concise (concise) text form, which other people like to use often to give their speech brightness and greater significance.

The wise thoughts of great people do not necessarily have a short form. Sometimes they consist of several sentences, of which not everyone can be used separately. Those who want to use them will be able to retell them in their own words, of course, without distorting the essence of thought.

In the case of aphorisms, this is unacceptable, since we pronounce them as quotes, trying to reproduce them as accurately as possible, closer to the words of the author. Wise thoughts contained in aphorisms are sometimes difficult to understand the first time. They provide food for thought. There are times when many people understand the same aphorism in their own way. It even becomes a matter of controversy.

The same can be said of wise thoughts. By the way, not everyone agrees with them, expressing a fundamentally opposite opinion. But, as they say, truth is born in a dispute, even if it is a dispute with oneself.

In short, the thoughts and aphorisms of great people may or may not be accepted by others, but they make you think about something that many did not even suspect.


Why do we need aphorisms?

These sayings, of course, enrich our consciousness, sometimes inspire confidence, can relieve feelings of loneliness, induce conscious action, etc. The wise thoughts of great people are the experience of the best sons of mankind. Getting to know them, we can avoid making mistakes. As they say, we can learn from the mistakes of others and achievements.

Aphorisms open our eyes to many questions that are doubtful, and also free from some illusions. By the way, the great Stanislavsky wrote that thoughts were originally feelings. Therefore, when reading the thoughts and sayings of great people, we first of all get acquainted with their feelings, and this, believe me, is worth a lot. By the way, Herodotus spoke of the benefits of such a lesson. According to him, "mankind has wonderful sayings on which others should learn."

Garun Agazarsky writes about them as follows: "Aphorisms are faceted diamonds of wisdom." A thought concluded in the context of aphorism achieves its greatest effect precisely when it is laconic and consists of only a few words and no more than two or three sentences. This is the perfection of each of the wise utterances. It is a mark, deep, but at the same time publicly available. It’s almost impossible not to understand the meaning contained in two or three sentences.


How do aphorisms occur?

Recently, there has been a complete enthusiasm for these wise utterances. Many do not spare their time and are in constant search. Today the thoughts and quotes of great people can be found on various specialized sites. Why do they need a modern pragmatic person? But for what: in the future to use them as their status on a social network. Some, posting these statements, try to reach out to someone, hint at something or with their help express their state of mind at a given moment in time. As a result, some modern "philosophers" began to invent their own aphorisms, which are more consistent with current reality. They often have a note of sarcasm, subtle, and sometimes vulgar humor. Young people, of course, like these new aphorisms. Nevertheless, if you carefully study the wise thoughts of great people, cool sayings will certainly be found among them.

Thinking about the etymology of the word "cool" that recently appeared in the vocabulary of a modern Russian, one can find its similarity to the word "causticity". Of course, in the modern context they differ from each other, although they have a common root. The word "cool" in its meaning is more inclined to the epithet "funny", while "causticity" contains something of causticity.

So what are the wise thoughts of great people? Cool phrases, which later became aphorisms, were a hallmark of one of the most colorful Russian actresses - Faina Ranevskaya. Perhaps this outrageous woman pronounced them unintentionally, but reading them today, it's hard to believe. Further in the article we present to your attention some especially memorable statements.


In the cycle "Thoughts of Great People" - funny phrases by Faina Ranevskaya

She was remembered by many thanks to her outstanding appearance (although she was far from beauty), as well as her professional game. By the way, she was always annoyed by the question of what roles she plays. To this, the actress replied that you can play poker or billiards, and she lives on stage.

Faina Ranevskaya stood out among the army of Soviet actresses precisely because of her vivid image, acting talent, original and inherent only to her tone of voice and a special manner of expression. She loved and appreciated life.

One of the most famous sayings of Ranevskaya, which became an aphorism, is the thought in which her attitude to life is revealed. Faina says that our life is very short, so you should not spend it on greedy men, a bad mood and deprive yourself of pleasure, going on a diet.

The actress also said that everything that is pleasant in our lives is either immoral or harmful, or contributes to obesity. In addition, the aphorisms of Faina Ranevskaya, like many wise thoughts of great people, contain a large share of sarcasm, criticism. With their help, she seems to want to expose some of the vices that reign in society. For example, the actress wrote about fools: "Some people just want to go up and ask if it is difficult to live without brains." She said of envy: "The only unforgivable sin in relation to one's neighbors is success."

Ranevskaya also has many aphorisms about women and men and their relationships, however, some of them contain profanity, so we will refrain from listing them in the article.


Interesting topics for thought.

What issues are most often addressed in aphorisms? Love, the meaning of life, gender relations, happiness, friendship, children - these are the main topics that underlie aphorisms.

The thoughts of great people about love are especially interesting. Everyone speaks of deep feelings: politicians, philosophers, sages, poets, writers, and musicians. Of course, the thoughts of great people about love, which were expressed many centuries and even millennia ago, are very different from modern ones. For example, the famous Indian public figure Mahatma Gandhi wrote that love, without demanding anything, always gives, suffers, never expressing protest, and does not know how to avenge itself. But the French philosopher Voltaire considers love the strongest of all passions, because it can simultaneously possess the head, and heart, and body.

Aphorisms about love

Soviet writer Maxim Gorky owns a number of wise sayings about deep feelings. According to one of them, a person cannot exist without love, and a soul is given to him precisely for this. Gorky also believed that love and the desire to live are one and the same thing, and also that from the love of a woman, all the most beautiful is born in a man.

And here is a more modern aphorism, which was invented by the great Brazilian novelist Paulo Coelho: “Love does not recognize the arguments. They love because they cannot but love.” He writes in one of his novels that life sometimes divorces people precisely so that they finally understand how important and necessary they are to each other.

But the most beautiful definition of the feelings in question can be found in the wise saying of the great Russian classic Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy: "Love is a priceless gift. It is the only thing that can be presented, and it will also remain with you."

Another great classic - Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky - wrote that to love is to accept and see a person as he was originally created by God.

The French fabulist Jean Baptiste Moliere believes that he who did not know love in his life did not live at all.

Oh happiness

Why do people live? What is the main purpose of their existence? Surely, to achieve a state of happiness. Is not every sane person dreaming about it? However, for everyone the interpretation of happiness is special.

Let's look at what great people think about happiness. Michel Montaigne wrote about him the following: “Happiness should be taken for luck, and suffering for lessons and trials in life. However, people do the opposite: react to happiness as something ordinary, but to suffer as the biggest injustice in life " He also writes that our problem is that we are looking for happiness not where it exists, but where we want to find it.

According to another French philosopher, Francois Larochefoucault - "we are more tormented by the desire to be considered lucky than to be truly happy." By the way, many people think that happiness is to get everything from life, however, as experience shows, the one who thinks so, gets all the worst.

The Chinese sage Confucius, perhaps, gave the most complete definition of happiness, which, according to him, has three levels: happiness, great happiness, real happiness. The first is when there are people who understand you, the second is when there is someone who loves you, and the real happiness, that is, the third step, is when you are able to love. Therefore, happy is the one who knows how to love and has met in his path the man whom he wants to love.

About friendship

“A man without friends is like a falcon without wings, ” says ancient wisdom. Further in the article we will present to your attention the thoughts of great people about friendship.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the father of French sentimentalism, once wrote about friendship: "In affection, reciprocity is optional, but in friendship it is impossible without it."

The ancient Greek philosopher Seneca, in turn, wrote that happiness will never raise a person to such a height that he does not need friends. But the proverb “friend is known in distress” belongs to the great thinker and Roman senator Petronius. A similar thought was expressed by Democritus: "a friend should come to merry by invitation, but to disaster - without a call."


The Persian poet Rufius, who lived and worked in the thirteenth century, advised to make friendships only with smart people, since a fool can be more dangerous than a smart enemy. The ancient Roman poet Publius wrote: "If friendship ever ceases, then it, then, did not exist at all."

These are the best thoughts of great people about friendship, and, as you see, there is truth in them, despite the fact that they were expressed many millennia ago. What does this indicate? Yes, about the same thing - that the truth is one, and that it exists regardless of time and circumstances. By the way, at the beginning of the last century, the American billionaire Paul Getty said the following: "Disinterested friendship can only be between people who have the same income."


About children

What else do we like to talk about? Of course, about our children. Among the various utterances on various topics, one can find the wise thoughts of great people about children. Here are some of them: "A stubborn and moody child is the result of the unreasonable behavior of his mother." This idea belongs to Janusz Korczak. In fact, if a mother indulges in every way the baby’s whims, fulfills all his whims and does not indicate errors, as a result, the child will grow up ill-mannered and spoiled.

But Vasily Sukhomlinsky believed that the child is a mirror of his family, and that it reflects the purity and morality of his parents. However, the main thing in raising a baby is love.

Pearl Buck wrote that children who were not loved would grow up incapable of sincere feelings. And vice versa: "Children who felt the disinterested love of their parents become happy people."

Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote: "If in the children they killed slammers, then we would never get the sages." By the way, any child deserves encouragement and praise. So thought the eastern sage Abdu'l-Baha. Mary Lam said the same thing: "The child feeds on praise and milk."

About life

In this article, we examined many different aphorisms, as well as thoughts about the life of great people. In addition, there are a huge number of statements about the meaning of our existence and how to behave in different situations.

The great thinker Confucius believes that you need to beware of people who inspire you with guilt, because, among other things, they crave power over you. But the Monk Silvanus of Athos wrote that God sends us friends who will help us recover from our shortcomings. It can be both good and insidious people.

Irwin Yal believes that the richer the inner world of individuals, the less they expect from others.

According to the great sage Omar Khayyam, the lower a person’s soul, the higher he tries to lift his nose. Why? Yes, because he constantly needs to stretch his nose where he hasn’t reached his soul.

Mahatma Gandhi believes that people are a kind of product that is formed under the pressure of thoughts. The latter are able to materialize, and as a result, the individual becomes what he thinks about.

The great commander Napoleon Bonaparte believed that there was only one step between the great and the ridiculous, and posterity would have to judge everything done. Life is full of passions, but envy and fear (unlike other passions) are not able to give pleasure. This opinion is shared by John Collins, and he is one hundred percent right.

You can talk about life indefinitely. Everyone has their own view on many things. Some are optimistic and inclined to see only good in everything, while others do not believe either themselves or their lives, and they perceive everything with a negative. In reality, everything happens on the path of life: difficulties, and good luck, and misunderstanding, and happiness, and delight, and love, and hate.

The famous Michel Montaigne believes that if we hate something, then it is not indifferent to us, and we take it to heart. But Madame de Stael once said that life is sometimes like a shipwreck, and its wreckage is glory, love, friendship, etc.