
Actor Andrei Kravchenko, on air, invited his beloved to be married: what is known about actress Nadezhda Borisova

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Actor Andrei Kravchenko, on air, invited his beloved to be married: what is known about actress Nadezhda Borisova
Actor Andrei Kravchenko, on air, invited his beloved to be married: what is known about actress Nadezhda Borisova

Last weekend, viewers of the Secret of a Million program were pleasantly dumbfounded by what they saw. The guest - Alexey Kravchenko, who is known from many films and TV shows - "Go and Watch", "Bro, " "Tiger Trail", "Santa Claus. Battle of the Mages" and others, made a proposal to her beloved woman, Nadezhda Borisova, during the transfer. Together they have been married for 15 years, but have not officially registered their marriage.

He promised - did

So, live broadcast. Borisova is also invited to the program. Lera Kudryavtseva hinted that Alexey was saying that he would make an offer to Nadezhda.


Kravchenko took the bouquet, got on one knee and said those very long-awaited words.


Tears flowed from Nadia's eyes, she agreed. The wedding is planned to be held in mid-February, possibly after Valentine's Day. Future spouses said that once they already wanted to get married, went to the registry office, but it was closed there.


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Daughter of the actor and teacher

Perhaps not everyone knows that Nadezhda can be called a bright representative of the acting dynasty Oleg and Lev Borisov. She began to be recognized after she appeared in the TV series "Treason" and "Bro." Now the woman is one of the leading artists of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov and she continues to delight viewers with her new projects in the cinema.

She was born on the second day of the new, 1979, in the family of the same Lev Borisov and Maria Alexandrovna (she taught French). In those years, my mother was the administrator of the theater, now she works as a headman in the church.


Nadia was born when her dad was 47 years old. At one time he drank a lot, but thanks to sincere faith in God and the help of his beloved wife, he overcame all this.

Since parents often had to go on tour, the girl was left with aunts and nannies. She quickly learned to live independently. Later, at the age of 18, she already lived separately.

One day, Nadia realized that she wanted to become an actress. But dad was embarrassed to talk about it. She herself went to the "Pike" to audition, but failed. I had to admit my father. He criticized her program and gave some practical advice. Therefore, when Nadia came to GITIS, everything worked out. And one of the examiners even told Borisov that he was taking his daughter not because of his father, but because of her talent.

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Theatrical work

After graduating from GITIS (in 2000), Nadezhda Borisova came to the theater. M. N. Ermolova. She played a lot in performances, began acting in films. Hope was not “stuck” in one role, she was used to surprising the viewer with her images.


In 2013, Nadezhda joined the troupe of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov. Now she serves there, rejoicing in her theatrical career. The actress plays in the productions of Mephisto, Karamazov, Ideal husband. Comedy". Critics sing her laudatory odes for understanding her characters. Entreprise did not pass it.

Her movie epic

Nadezhda made friends with cinema in 2004 thanks to her cameo role in the melodrama Pa. Three years later she embodied the image of the main character in the social drama Days of Hope. Hope (this is the name of her heroine) broke up with her husband. In order to establish a personal life, asks to help her sister. In the film, she worked with Olga Sumskaya and Alexei Kravchenko.

In the series "Brothers" Hope began acting in the 2010th, when they worked on the second season. She was approved for the role of juvenile inspector. The character turned out to be very convincing, so the authors left his image in subsequent seasons.

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A little later there were other interesting works in detectives and melodramas. Filmed Borisov and in the thriller genre - it was the series "Immersion".

She painted bright colors her filmography work in the series "Treason". It refers to a young woman whose personal life was diversified not only by her husband, but also by three lovers. Borisova has the role of Olga Gromova, the personal driver of the heroine Glafira Tarhanova, in this tape.

A little later, another work was added to the filmography - the comedy "Civil Marriage", in which Agatha Mutseniece and Denis Kukoyaka starred. Three years ago, she starred in the detective "The Last Argument" and the crime film "The Fourth Shift."

Last year, Nadezhda starred in the detective story "Nemesis" about a young girl who is being pursued by terrorists. She has a secondary role here.