
Actor Fabio Assunson: biography, personal life, photo

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Actor Fabio Assunson: biography, personal life, photo
Actor Fabio Assunson: biography, personal life, photo

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The focus of our article today turned out to be the Brazilian actor Fabio Assunson. The biography of this star of the series is very instructive. This guy did not have influential relatives, wealthy parents, or at least powerful patrons. All that he possessed was talent and determination. However, the young man made his way in life. Now he is constantly filming on television and in the movies. The personal life of the actor is of interest to readers (especially the fair sex) no less than his filmography. And in this regard, Fabio Assunson knows how to keep the intrigue. Rumors about his novels with a particular model or a shooting partner are constantly circulating among the actor’s elite. Over time, it turns out that all this is empty gossip. But who is the heart of the Brazilian actor? They say he was married? Does he have children? Read about it in our article.


Fabio Assunson: biography

The actor was born on August 10, 1971 in the large city of Brazil, Sao Paulo. Parents named him Fabio Assunson Pinto. The family was not rich, but not poor. As a child, Fabio dreamed of a musical career. His neighbor played the piano, and the magical sounds of this instrument won the boy’s heart. He began to take music lessons. He first defeated the piano playing technique, and then the guitar, and studied vocals. He was fond of the Rolling Stones, really wanted to repeat their career. To this end, the fifteen-year-old Fabio created his own music group. It was called Delta T. But the stars foresaw him a different fate. First of all, none of the members of the music group had money for either instruments or studio recordings. Forced to give up his dream of a career as a guitarist and singer, Fabio Assunson decided to become a doctor. In his student years, the owner of the model appearance worked part time, acting in commercials. One day he found out that in the home of culture of Sao Caetano do Sul in his hometown, courses on various subjects are free. The list also included theatrical skill. And since the future physician was more and more fascinated by the acting game (at least in commercials), he enrolled in courses to hone his skills.


Carier start

Fabio was a diligent student. He not only attended theater courses, but also engaged in self-education. He studied the Greek theater, the methodology of Stanislavsky, honed gestures, facial expressions. Medical career less and less interested in a young man. Acting in advertising gave him chances for success in the casting. And when the television channel Globo in 1990 announced the recruitment for the role of a hero-lover in the TV series “My Love, My Sorrow” (original name Meu Bem Meu Mal), Fabio Assunson, whose photo already gave him an advantage over other applicants, filed his resume. A week later, an invitation for samples came from Rio de Janeiro. A nineteen-year-old youth passed them with success. Thus began his dizzying career. The history of cinema knows more than one story when a star of an actor lights up, flares up and just as quickly goes out. But talent and, most importantly, determination helped Fabio Assunson not to become a “caliph for an hour”.

Secret of success

The role of Marco Antonio Venturini in "My Love, My Sorrow", it would seem, tightly secured the role of a romantic hero for the actor. Evil tongues said that it was appearance that owed its career to Fabio Assunson. Photos of a handsome man seem to confirm this. But in the arsenal of the actor has not only an ideal appearance. The secret of his success lies in the fact that Fabio knows how to transform. He is not content with one role. The actor equally well played a romantic lover, and a hypocritical villain, and a rebel, and a true gentleman. This quality of reincarnation was highly praised by screenwriter Gilberto Braga. Since 1994, he invited the actor to star in almost all of his series. And before that, Assunson starred in Vamp (1991, Felipe Rocha), Body and Soul (1992, Cayo Pastore) and My Dream (1993, Jorge Candeias de Sa).


TV work

It was the roles in the television series Gilberto Braga that made the actor famous. The actor Fabio Assunson became especially noticeable to the general public in the guise of the rebel Marcos Mezzengi in The Fatal Inheritance (1996). In this film, the actor worked in tandem with his idol, Antonio Fagundes. For the role of Andre Meireles in Labyrinth (1998), Fabio had to lose ten kilograms and turn into a tanned blonde. A year later, in order to play the aristocrat Ignacio Collected in “The Power of Desire, ” the actor had to hide from the sun to lighten his skin and dye his hair again (already black). The real celebrity Fabio Assunson brought the role of Renato Mendes - the insidious villain from “Celebrities” (2004). This work was highly praised by film critics. Only added points to the actor the role of Daniel Bastos in "Tropical Paradise", where the screenwriter was the same Gilberto Braga.


Filmography Fabio Assunson

In big movies, the actor made the same progress as on television. The debut was the tape "Twice with Elena", where Fabio Assunson starred in the role of Polidor. Films with his participation regularly, almost every year, were released since 2000. Separately, it should be noted the role of Sikran in "The appointed hour", Paulo in "Christina wants to get married, " Thomas in "Sex, love and betrayal." A beautiful part of the audience closely watched the behavior of their idol, attributing to the handsome novels almost with all the partners on the set. Especially a lot of gossip caused the series "In the Name of Love", which starred Fabio Assunson and Gabriela Duarte. But rumors of their connection have not been confirmed. Perhaps the mother of the actress, Regina Duarte, who was also involved in the filming of this series, is to blame?



At one time, the paparazzi spotted Fabio Assunson at social parties with Cristina Oliveira. But the romantic relationship of the star couple ended in nothing. They did not move from a candy-bouquet period to something more serious and courtship for actress Claudia Abreu. And finally, on the third attempt, Fabio Assunson was pulled down the aisle. This time, his chosen one was not an actress at all, but a model. Her name is Priscila Borgonovi. The girl was thinking of becoming a journalist, but became the producer of her husband. Fabio Assunson and his wife (the photo shows this in all evidence) were at first happy in marriage. They played the wedding on April 20th, 2002. And exactly nine months and one day later the couple had a son, whom they named Joao. But, alas, the marriage was fleeting. Already in 2005, Fabio Assunson, whose personal life is now again under the scrutiny of hunters for grooms, again became free.


Black line

But do not think that the creative path of Fabio Assunson was strewn with roses. And he had his failures and mental breakdowns. Most likely, the divorce proceedings, which apparently went peacefully and in a friendly atmosphere, caused the actor a big wound. In 2008, on the set of Chinese Business, the actor was in a terrible physical condition. He could not play. The reason for this was drugs. How long did Fabio Assunson take them? Nobody knows that. But the suspension from participation in the series acted on the actor sobering. Already in November 2008, he began to undergo treatment for drug addiction. And here his determination and strength of character affected. A year later, the actor returned to the screens. Was it the former Fabio Assunson? Films with his participation ("From beginning to end" and "Erivelto and Dalva: a love song") show that the actor has become more mature and wiser. The subsequent stages of the celebrity biography confirm this.


Fabio Assunson: personal life

The affair with Priscilla Borgonovi was violent. But the couple broke up quietly, calmly, without clarifying the relationship, through lawyers. And once the actor told how he could not live without Priscilla, how they traveled together to the Seychelles and other exotic countries, how they walked with a dog along the ocean and went to the cinema. Before getting married, young people repeatedly dispersed, and then still returned to each other. Is it worth considering their divorce seriously? After all, there were events at which Fabio Assunson and his wife appeared together. Photos of the couple sometimes appeared on the pages of glossy magazines. But now the actor is increasingly seen with a certain Karina Tavares, who makes a career in the advertising business. But young people leave all the rumors about their possible romance without comment.