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On the main versions of the origin of the surname Kalinin

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On the main versions of the origin of the surname Kalinin
On the main versions of the origin of the surname Kalinin

Video: Anatoly Lunacharsky 2024, June

Video: Anatoly Lunacharsky 2024, June

Everyone who managed to live in the Soviet Union is familiar with this surname, since it was once worn by the "All-Union Warden" - the head of the Soviet Parliament. Most of us believe that the origin of the surname Kalinin is directly related to the berry of the same name. However, in most cases, it is believed that it comes from the baptismal name of Kallinikos.

Main version


It is believed that the surname dates back to the XIV-XVI centuries, the first mention in historical documents of the ancestors of the modern Kalinins, who left their own, albeit small, trace in history, dates back to this time. For example, they mention the tax collector Kalina Yakovlev (1571), the Kostroma peasant Pronka, and Klementyev's son, nicknamed Kalina (1668).

There are several plausible versions of the origin of the surname. In most cases, the origin of the surname Kalinin is not derived from the name of the berry, but from the baptismal name Kallinik (repeated several times in the church calendar) and its derivatives. The name is made up of two Greek words: kallos, translated as "beauty", and nike - "victory". This phrase can be translated as "beautiful winner."

Other versions


In ancient times, the name Kalina was very common. Baptismal names were more often used in the upper strata of the population, but this name was also widely used among ordinary people. According to experts, just because of the harmony with the healthy berry.

In pagan times and during the emergence of Christianity on the territory of the Russian Federation, names "borrowed" from nature were common among the peasantry. Many children were then called Kalina to make their connection with the environment closer, thereby misleading the evil spirits. They could also call it by type of activity, a person involved in the cultivation of this berry, or a herbalist who often used viburnum for medicinal purposes. Thus, the surname Kalinin (origin and meaning is considered in this article) has two main sources - this is the baptismal name and berry.

There is a third, less common version of the origin of the surname. Proponents of this version believe that the surname is based on the old secular name Kal. It appeared at a time when church names were perceived by the ancient Slavs as alien, unusual for the local population. In addition, due to the fact that there were relatively few baptismal names, they were often repeated. Therefore, to avoid confusion, the ancient ancestors of the Russians often attached a worldly name to the baptismal name, which allowed not only to clearly identify a specific person, but also to show his belonging to a certain group of people. The tradition of giving another official church name continued until the XVII century, so many Russian surnames come from worldly names.

When did the last names appear?


In ancient times, the first names appeared among representatives of the nobility. The old noble family of the Kalinins is known, many of whose representatives were from Tver. The surname is closely connected with the history of the Russian state; at present, several aristocratic clans are known. If we talk about the ethnicity (nationality) of the surname Kalinin, then most of these people are Russians.

The main peasant population of the country began to receive surnames in large numbers after the abolition of serfdom. By the end of the 19th century, all citizens of the Russian Empire were required to have family names.