
Who is the atheist, and what does he believe in?

Who is the atheist, and what does he believe in?
Who is the atheist, and what does he believe in?

Video: Atheist VS Agnostic - How Do They Compare & What's The Difference? 2024, June

Video: Atheist VS Agnostic - How Do They Compare & What's The Difference? 2024, June

Not so long ago, just over two decades ago, atheism was considered a science and, as such, was taught in higher education. This approach was not without systemic flaws, consisting in the need, at least, to study the subject, which was a merciless struggle. It often happened that, having become acquainted with theosophical works, those who learned to “beat the ideological enemy with their own weapons” were imbued with the charm of Christianity and became deeply religious people.


More often, everything happened much simpler and more banal. The student became a graduate student, then defended a dissertation, in which he once again proved that there was no god, and then he taught the same to the following generations. With all the shortcomings of the Soviet educational system, it had a great dignity - it provided objective knowledge that could not be spoiled by any Marxist approach. In addition, it was not possible to scientifically prove the absence of the Almighty. In essence, an atheist is who? A man who believes that there is no god. He believes, but does not know.

Modern atheists take this issue differently. For the most part, they do not undertake the work of studying the primary sources, both theosophical and materialistic. They just believe that there is no god. To take a fact as truth, evidence is usually needed. Faith is acceptance by the heart, without the conditions and evidence that the brain needs. The need for faith arises in difficult times, when only a miracle can help. So, in the very first month of the war, when Russia's fate was in jeopardy, the Union of Atheists organization was abolished. As unnecessary.


After the October Revolution, disbelief in public consciousness began to be perceived as a sign of modernity and progressive views. Believers could still be “dark” old women, and young people were obliged to believe only in a bright future. Every Komsomol member is an atheist. Who is going to bless Easter cakes in the church? Condemn and exclude!

The fact that all the prominent people of our country believed in God, the teachers somehow tried to keep silent or talked about it casually, as some kind of eccentricity, excusable talented person. Well, academician Filatov, well, Kutuzov, well, Ushakov, well, Dostoevsky … Say, there was such a time. Newton - he was generally a theologian. Otherwise, it turned out that the more a person came to know the world, the deeper the faith in the Origin of all things became. And who is an atheist? This is a person who believes that if you put a lot of radio components in a box and shake it well, sooner or later you will get a TV or computer.


In our country, religious beliefs have become more than just traditional Sunday and holiday church trips for Westerners. Belief in God has become a part of national self-identification. To destroy the Orthodox faith would mean to destroy the important supporting part of the foundation on which the country stands. Despite the fact that the church is separated from the state, it plays an important role in public life and serves as a spiritual guide for a large part of the population. Who are today's atheists of Russia, and what is their goal? Is this another battle for freedom? So after all, nobody is being led to the temple on the lasso …

Freedom of conscience means a choice between faith in God and disbelief in him. So after all, who is an atheist? The same believer, only believing not in God, but in his absence.