
Actor German Kachin: biography, family, filmography and interesting facts

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Actor German Kachin: biography, family, filmography and interesting facts
Actor German Kachin: biography, family, filmography and interesting facts

Video: Pet Sematary (1989) - Gage's Death Scene (4/10) | Movieclips 2024, July

Video: Pet Sematary (1989) - Gage's Death Scene (4/10) | Movieclips 2024, July

German Kachin is a talented actor with a difficult fate, who mainly played secondary roles. This wonderful person did not die back in 1996, but he continues to live in the memory of fans. Stepan from Zhivodera, Pasha from The End of the Emperor of the Taiga, Vanechka from The Cossacks - he was remembered by the audience for many interesting images. What else is known about him?

Herman Kachin: biography of a star

The future performer of characteristic roles was born in Kazan, it happened in November 1938. As a child, I learned about what real grief is, German Kachin. The biography of the actor indicates that he was only six years old when his father died - a member of the Great Patriotic War. All efforts to provide for the family fell on the shoulders of mother Herman. She performed in the Kazan operetta and worked part-time as a music teacher.


It is not surprising that German Kachin, who happened to grow up in a creative setting, began to dream about the stage early. At first the boy was carried away by the theater, then he began to actively participate in amateur performances. By the time he graduated, he no longer doubted that he would become an actor.

First success

Interestingly, German Kachin began to play in the theater before he received an acting education. His debut took place on the stage of the Kazan Drama Theater, but there he worked for no more than a year. Having gained invaluable experience, the young man moved to the capital and became a student of the acting faculty of VGIK. He was assigned to the course, which was taught by Olga Pyzhova.


A talented young man got his first role during his first year studies. Of course, it turned out to be episodic, but the beginning was laid. The debut for Kachin was the picture "Carnival Night", he starred in the crowd. After that, he got a cameo role in "Michman Panin."

Role that was not

Few people know that German Kachin is an actor who could play Galtsev in the film "Ivan's childhood", which in the past was very popular. This role was offered to him by the director of the film Andrei Tarkovsky, with whom the young man was on friendly terms. At first, Herman agreed, but then refused, preferring the tape "Cossacks."


The script “Kazakov” appealed to Kachin more, moreover, the stars of that time, including Gubanov, Kiriyenko, Andreev, should have become his colleagues on the set. As a result, the role of Galtsev in "Ivan's childhood" was given to Evgeny Zharikov, the picture was a tremendous success. Whereas the film "Cossacks" practically did not receive the attention of the audience.

Family creation

After the release of "Cossacks" German began to act in films. No one doubted that this talented guy had a bright future, but fate decreed otherwise. In 1962, the actor decided to tie the knot, and in 1964 he had a son, Vyacheslav.


What else will his biography tell? German Kachin, whose family was very important, was forced to work hard. His wife worked as a children's doctor, her income was small. The actor, wanting to provide his wife and son with everything necessary, began to clutch at any proposals for the shooting. He readily agreed to the passing roles, starred in episodes, was engaged in dubbing. Colleagues and friends persuaded Kachin not to waste his talent for nothing, but he did not listen to them.

Different roles

By the beginning of the 70s, Kachin, who once promised a brilliant future, had a firmly established reputation as an episodic actor. He increasingly embodied the images of nameless characters. Of course, Herman also had successful roles. For example, he played a physical education teacher in the film "We'll Live Till Monday", starred in "The End of the Emperor of the Taiga", "Merry Outstretched Days."


One cannot fail to note the serious dramatic role that German Kachin played in the film "My Home is a Theater". In this film, he embodied the image of the famous actor Vasiliev. Work on the painting was completed in 1975, however, it only hit the screens in 1987.

Single main role

Surprisingly, a talented actor only once had a chance to play a major role. Director Solovtsov invited him to embody the image of the central character in his film "Flayer." In this picture, Herman reincarnated as a minister of the nursery Stepan. The order from the center tells the hero to kill the bear, whom he raised and raised.


Unfortunately, the picture did not gain much popularity, and soon was completely banned from showing. In 2001, the director supplemented the film with scenes that were not in the original version, renamed it “Bear Trail”.

Theater work

Of course, German Kachin, the roles whose films are considered in this article, played in the theater. Having received a diploma from VGIK, he joined the troupe of the Theater Studio of the film actor. He gave this theater thirty years of his life, embodied many interesting images on his stage.

Kachin decided to quit in the early 90's. This happened due to the fact that his beloved theater acquired a new director. The new director began to impose his own order, which did not suit Herman.

The crisis

In the early 90s, a crisis erupted. Many actors were left virtually without work, including Herman Kachin. Films practically stopped coming out, domestic cinema was going through hard days. All this made the talented actor seek solace in alcohol. Soon he began to go into prolonged binges.

In 1994, a wife broke up with Kachin, who could not reconcile with his drunkenness. The last two years of his life, German spent in ordeals, lived with friends and relatives. Of course, excessive enthusiasm for alcohol could not but affect his health.

A talented actor left this world in June 1996. Only a few former colleagues attended his funeral. Kachin's mother ordered him to be cremated, the ashes were buried in the Arskoye cemetery, located in Kazan.