
Benelux - what is it? Benelux landmarks

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Benelux - what is it? Benelux landmarks
Benelux - what is it? Benelux landmarks

Video: Top 10 Reasons to Visit Belgium 2024, June

Video: Top 10 Reasons to Visit Belgium 2024, June

Benelux is not a single state, not a separate city and not a resort region. This is an economic, political and customs union, which includes three countries located in the neighborhood: Belgium, the Netherlands (Netherlands) and Luxembourg. The name of the union is the abbreviation of the first letters of the names of the countries included in the Benelux - Be (Belgium), Ni (Netherlands), Lux (Luxembourg).


The history of the formation of the Benelux Union

The Benelux Economic Union Treaty of the Three Neighboring Countries entered into force on November 1, 1960. Although the contract itself was signed back in 1958, in February in The Hague. With the beginning of the agreement, signed in 2008 and entered into force in 2010, this agreement has lost its force. The new treaty was necessary to strengthen and expand the cooperation of the Benelux countries in a wider European context. At that time, the name of the Benelux Economic Union was changed, now it was simply the Benelux Union, which meant a wider cooperation between Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.


About Benelux

Belgium is a state located in Western Europe with an area of ​​30, 5 thousand square meters. m and a population of more than ten million people. The head of this state is the king, who exercises legislative power together with a bicameral parliament. The constitutional system of Belgium is a monarchy, the capital is Brussels.


The Netherlands is a state consisting of parts in Western Europe and the islands of Sint Eustatius, Bonaire, Saba (Caribbean Sea). The Netherlands, together with the islands of Curacao, Aruba and Sint Maarten, make up the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Relations between members of the kingdom are regulated by the Charter of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Luxembourg is a grand duchy in Western Europe, a member of the EU since 1957. This state borders on Belgium, Germany and France. Its total area is approximately 2586 square meters. m. The name comes from the High German lucilinburch and means "small town".

Luxembourg Attractions

Benelux Union - what is so special about each participating country? In Luxembourg, the tourist program, as a rule, includes the following attractions: the duke's palace, the central part of the city, a trip in trailers in the valley of Petrusia and casemates. But in order to truly understand and feel this small country, it takes some time to live and chat with the local population, since the sights of the Benelux in Luxembourg are little known. There are several places that are popular with Luxembourgers: small Switzerland (a mountainous area northwest of the town of Echternach), golf clubs, thermal springs in Mondorf, the Pidal sauna club, the Utopolis movie theater with ten rooms in the Kirschberg district, the wine road, running along the river (vineyards, wineries, cellars, wine tasting and small restaurants).


Belgium Attractions: Brussels

Many attractions can be seen by visiting the Benelux Union. Belgium is known for Brussels, the capital of this state. The first thing tourists usually visit in Brussels is the central Grand Place. Not far from the square there is another attraction - the famous statue of the pissing boy. It is worth looking at the magnificent building that rises above the whole city - the Palace of Justice, from whose windows an unforgettable view of the evening Brussels opens. The majestic Atomium can also be included in the sights of the Benelux. This huge structure in the form of a crystal lattice of iron, increased by 165 billion times, has survived after the 1958 world exhibition. Atomium consists of nine areas in which the restaurant, scientific and art exhibitions are located. Belgium, as already mentioned, is part of the Benelux Union, what else can be seen in this country, except for the sights of the capital.


The medieval city of Bruges

Bruges is called the chocolate capital of Belgium and Northern Venice. This medieval city is cut up and down by narrow canals along which the carved facades of houses line up in dense rows, making Bruges look like a gingerbread city. Local craftsmen embody these houses in chocolate, and tourists are happy to purchase them as a souvenir, like Benelux sights. But this marvelous town is famous not only for facades and chocolate. Having visited it, it is worth visiting the famous Belfrod watchtower located on the Grote Markt market square. Every hour, fifty bells ring a new tune here. The square itself is a visiting card of Bruges. For Christmas, a festive market is organized on the Grote Markt and the ice rink is filled without fail.

Netherlands Attractions

The Netherlands is one of the countries that are members of the Benelux Union. What is in this state and what is it famous for, many know. Indeed, in this place - in the capital of the Kingdom of Amsterdam - they go then to try what is forbidden in all other cities of the Netherlands. But Amsterdam is known not only for free morals. This city is famous for its history, canals, tulips, buildings with narrow facades, beer. The capital of the Netherlands has over 1, 200 bridges, many of which were built back in the 18th century.

There are museums in Amsterdam, the most original of which is the museum of marijuana, hashish and hemp. In this very interesting place, all curious people can learn the history of hashish from the very beginning of its use (about 8 thousand years ago) until the 20th century. It is worth seeing the house of the Tripp brothers, arms dealers - Trippenhouse. This house was built for the brothers in 1662 by the architect Wingbon. The original detail of the structure are its pipes, similar to the mouths of guns. Also in Amsterdam is the house-museum of Rembrandt, one of the most famous painters of the country of the Benelux Union. What is in this house is not difficult to understand. After all, it was here that the artist lived and worked, beginning in 1639 and until 1658. Here is an almost complete collection of drawings and prints, as well as paintings by his teacher and students.

The Hague is the administrative capital of the Netherlands. It is here that the royal residence, government and parliament are located. In this city, the population is more uniform and conservative in comparison with the free morals of Amsterdam. For educational purposes, you can still visit the oldest Dutch Museum of Natural Sciences, founded in 1820 by King Bill.
