
Writer Valentin Postnikov: biography, books, photos

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Writer Valentin Postnikov: biography, books, photos
Writer Valentin Postnikov: biography, books, photos

It seemed that fate itself predetermined his creative path. Surely, his father is a famous storyteller who created the children's magazine “Funny Pictures”, popular in the past, and his mother worked as an editor of the not ordinary publishing house “Kid”. Valentin Postnikov followed in the footsteps of his parent, continuing to write fairy tales about Samodelkin and Pencil. Today, he continues to resurrect the once-forgotten fairy-tale brands of Russian culture. And whether they will be in demand again - in many respects depends on fathers and mothers.

One way or another, but the children's writer Vladimir Postnikov took place in the chosen profession, which has, of course, a specific character at the present time. He can be proud of his regalia: Member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Prizes “Artiada”, “Golden Pen of Russia”, “Eureka”. How did the son of the creator of the famous “Funny Pictures” come to give the kids laughter and joy by writing adventure stories about Pencil and Samodelkin. Let's consider this question in more detail.

Years of youth

Postnikov Valentin Yurievich - a native of the Russian capital. He was born on August 4, 1970 (Tushino district).


From early childhood, he began to come into contact with the writing environment, as eminent masters of the word often visited his house, among them: Grigory Oster, Eduard Uspensky, Valery Shulzhik, Efim Chepovetsky. Interest in fairy tales from a young age was instilled in the boy by his own father, Yuri Druzhkov. Together with his young son, he tried to compose adventure stories.

First glory

At the age of five, Postnikov Valentine surprised his parents by depicting on paper the illustration “Tiger cub on a sunflower”. What was their amazement when they learned that this work won first place in the competition of children's drawings. Young Postnikov Valentine was beside himself with happiness, because his “Tiger cub on a sunflower” got on the pages of “Funny Pictures”.


After a while, the writer Yuri Koval invented a fairy tale about a striped hero, and then, based on her motives, an animated film was also made, which was a huge success for children.

Failed career

Having received a certificate of maturity, Valentin Postnikov, whose biography is interesting to many, gets a job in the prosecutor's office as a secretary. Such a turn in the career, of course, cannot be called expected. Meanwhile, the young man dreamed of doing detective work. But this requires special education, but he was attracted even by the lowest position, the main thing is that he works in the prosecutor's office. Soon the young man receives a summons from the draft board. Valentin Postnikov serves in the city of Pavlovsk, once in the communications forces. It was in the army that he perfectly mastered the printing business, skillfully and quickly typing on a typewriter.


Having repaid a debt to his homeland, the young man submits documents to the Law Institute in order to make his youthful dream come true. He acts, but after some time he realizes that jurisprudence is still not his path. Nevertheless, the young man did not want to drop out of law school.

Searching for yourself

In the early 90s, Valentin Yuryevich got a job in the scientific library of Moscow State University, where he was offered the post of editor. And he began to delve into the specifics of a previously unknown case. After some time, Postnikov felt drawn to writing. However, he was overcome by some doubts: he remembered how sometimes it was not easy for him to compose essays at school. Everything was decided by itself. In a dream, a young man saw his own father, who told him encouragingly: "Do not be afraid, son! Just start creating!" After waking up, the young man rearranged the photo of the parent from the shelf to the desktop, opened the notebook, armed himself with a pen and began to compose.

Debut in creativity

So from under the pen came the first tale called "The New Adventures of the Pencil and Samodelkin." Valentin Yurievich loved these heroes from childhood, so the idea of ​​continuing his father’s work and writing a sequel about these heroes was the leitmotif of his work.


The publishing house printed the first fairy tale of Postnikov in 1996. Success awaited her!

Talent is revealed …

After the “New Adventures”, Valentin Postnikov (children's writer) released 10 more books about his favorite heroes. All of them are cognitive in nature. In the process of creativity, the storyteller sat in the library from morning till night to quickly find facts from geography, history, astronomy, and biology that were understandable to young readers. It was these who were the basis of his adventures. It is children who the writer considers the main experts of his work, for them and only for them he composes. And for some, it may seem that Valentin Yurievich comes up with his fairy-tale characters - Pencil and Samodelkin. They were invented by the father of the writer - Yuri Druzhkov. Currently, Valentin Postnikov, whose books are published not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Bulgaria and even China, has already released more than two dozen hardcover publications. Moreover, the children's storyteller wrote about twenty radio plays for young listeners.

It is noteworthy that in 2012 in the capital of the Ural Federal District a full-length animated product was created under the name “The First Adventures of the Pencil and Samodelkin” (“Hot Chocolate” studio).

The crisis of domestic animation

Writer Valentin Postnikov is a frequent visitor to kindergartens and schools. He tries to instill the interest of children in the classic characters of domestic works, written specifically for young readers.


The modern storyteller asks the children if they know who Dunno, Pencil, Samodelkin, Cheburashka are. Unfortunately, today parents do not pay enough time to read to their child "Dunno on the Moon" or "Crocodile Gena and his friends." Kids are better known for heroes of foreign animation, such as, for example, Shrek or Zorro.

Writer - for a domestic product

To fill this gap and restore the former interest in the characters from domestic cartoons, once Valentin Yuryevich went to a non-standard, albeit commercial, reception. In one of his works, he used the same words as the author of the sensational works about the wizard Harry Poterra. Her name is Joan Rowling. As a result, the fairy tale "Harry Boy and the Potter Dog", written by Postnikov, became a favorite for a huge number of our children. Valentin Yurievich expresses his dissatisfaction with the fact that the lion's share of the domestic book market is made up of foreign fairy tales, while the Russians are given a more modest place.

He is trying by all available methods to pay attention to this problem. Together with other masters of the word who oppose the dominance of foreign works for children, the writer Postnikov Valentin once initiated a demarche under the sonorous name: “Samodelkin! Pencil! Harry Potter - you're not ours! ” However, the writer said that he had nothing against the fact that Harry Potter was broadcast on domestic television and sold on bookstores.


He is outraged by the fact that today the emphasis is not on the heroes of Russian fairy tales and cartoons, as a result of which they are forgotten.