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What kind person is this? How to become a good person?

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What kind person is this? How to become a good person?
What kind person is this? How to become a good person?

Video: How to let go of being a "good" person — and become a better person | Dolly Chugh 2024, July

Video: How to let go of being a "good" person — and become a better person | Dolly Chugh 2024, July

What is kindness? Each of us has thought about this question at least once in a lifetime. Kindness can be called a feeling of compassion for a neighbor. In frequent cases, this is accompanied by sacrifice in relation to others and self-neglect. In other words, when a person does not know how to refuse or say “no, ” then for someone this is accompanied by a feeling of pity, someone due to good deeds increases his level of significance and self-affirmation. Kindness can be selfless and pure. Although at present this is becoming less common. In general, the kindness of all is different, but it is called to one main goal - to help another person.


Goals of kindness

Selfless help to another person should be one of the goals in the life of each of us. A helping hand is always necessary for someone, and it is necessary to extend it, because someday any of us may find ourselves in the place of needing words of comfort, good deed, deed. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to help, this must be done. And then some will have no problems with conscience.

Good people

A good person is one who, in relation to other living beings, does things that bring them any good. At the same time, the benefits are mutual, since with a good deed a person has increased his level of significance, self-esteem. And the one to whom the good deed was helped in solving a particular situation.


Kind soul man

Who is he? And have such people remained in our society today? The kindest person … Some people are sometimes called like that. This is how they characterize a benefactor who helps others and asks for nothing in return. Of course, in order for others to respond this way, you need to do many good deeds and help more than one person. However, the words of gratitude and the happy eyes of people are worth helping the needy in trouble, if this is in line with our capabilities. Such actions give strength, energize, spiritualize.

What to do to become kinder?

From the moment of birth, the child is pure and innocent, he is kind to everyone who surrounds him, and only his upbringing, the example of his parents and the attitude of those close to the baby make him good or evil.


Then the child grows, character is formed, attitude towards parents and people around. And in the process of becoming an individual, such a quality as kindness or the absence of this character trait appears.

The mistake of many people is that they believe that the character cannot be changed. People say: "Humpback grave correct." However, it is not. Temperament cannot be changed, because we are born with it, but the character can always be changed. And therefore, if a person does not show kindness in relation to another living being - he should not be blamed. Different can serve this reason. Perhaps he himself does not know how to help himself in this, how to become a good person.

In order to become a little better, you need to understand yourself, understand what makes you, for example, angry, aggressive, unfriendly, envious. Sometimes it is very difficult to do this, because "you can’t find a speck in your eye either."

For example, many are forced to be angry by a financial flaw, a constantly drinking spouse, problems with a child or health or envy of another person, and so on. Having understood yourself, you need to resolve this or that situation. If financial problems - to change jobs, with a husband to drink - to break up, with a child - to build relationships and understand his behavior, health can be improved by going, for example, to rest. Of course, this sounds easy, in fact it is much more complicated, but each of us is capable of it. You may need the help of a specialist, but all this is for your own good.


Good qualities of the soul

Among the positive character traits, 12 good qualities of the human soul can be distinguished:

  • goodwill;

  • responsiveness;

  • unselfishness;

  • honesty;

  • cheerfulness;

  • fidelity;

  • compassion;

  • willpower;

  • rationality;

  • mercy;

  • wisdom;

  • justice.
  1. Goodwill - from the phrase "wishing well", in other words - it is an affable person.

  2. Responsiveness - willingness to help.

  3. Selflessness - the lack of desire for profit, personal gain.

  4. Honesty, or truthfulness, is sincerity in relation to another person in speeches, actions, actions.

  5. Cheerfulness is an optimistic attitude of a person to everything: to circumstances and difficulties.

  6. Fidelity - a loyal attitude to a partner, work, idea, etc.

  7. Compassion, empathy, sympathy - an emotional state, expressed in understanding other people's misfortunes.

  8. Willpower is a mental state in which a person is able to control his actions in order to achieve certain goals.

  9. Intelligence is the ability to make the right or right decision.

  10. Charity is a friendly, caring attitude towards another person, a willingness to provide assistance.

  11. Wisdom - the degree of development of knowledge and life experience and the ability to apply them.

  12. Justice is the right decision or the right thing to do.


Good deeds

In the world there are a lot of people doing good deeds. A person who has done a good deed will always be remembered and thanked in his soul and in words. Due to the fact that there are such people in the world, millions of children are recovering, avoiding accidents, the needy have a roof over their heads, the elderly receive the necessary support and help, animals find a home and loving owners. Good deeds cannot be counted, and a good person is one whose words and deeds are done for good.

What actions ennoble the soul

Really, which ones? A good person is one because he does good deeds. A man ennobles his soul with these actions, gives a cut, endows it with richness and breadth.

The people say that in life everything returns as a boomerang, therefore a kind person will always receive only good deeds in return for his actions. Do not succumb to temptations and self-interest, doing something bad. It is necessary to think reasonably and understand that everything will definitely come back.
