
Where do celebrities live in Moscow and the Moscow region?

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Where do celebrities live in Moscow and the Moscow region?
Where do celebrities live in Moscow and the Moscow region?



The world of show business is multifaceted and always has many secrets. It seems that famous singers, actors, composers live a special life different from the philistine, however, they also have their own homes, their habits and shortcomings. Cosiness and warmth, convenience and comfort are important components in the life of every person, including creative ones. Only in one's home can one find it, only in one's native home are native people waiting. Where do stars and celebrities live in Moscow, where do they get strength for new achievements?

Center of Moscow

The capital dictates its own rules for any city dweller, including the star one: everyone is forced to stand in traffic jams on the way from work to work, look for a packing place for a long time, spend a lot of time building on the streets. That is why the houses where celebrities live in Moscow are mainly located in the center, from where you can quickly get to the set, it's easy to solve your everyday problems. In addition, this location is good for children: the proximity of leading schools and lyceums.

A lot of stars live in the Arbat region. The “Club House on Smolensky Boulevard” is a haven for several stars of the first magnitude: Ksenia Sobchak, Nikita Mikhalkov and Ivan Urgant. This complex attracts not only with its design findings in the design of the facade, but also with the fact that on the ground floor there is all the necessary infrastructure for busy people: a swimming pool, a fitness club, a playroom for children. In addition to this, the building is under strict security, which eliminates the danger of penetration into the "star apartments".


One of the city apartments of Philip Kirkorov is located in Filippovsky Lane, and Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin with children, as well as Dmitry Dibrov, live in the neighborhood.

The apartments of Joseph Kobzon are located on Novy Arbat, on the Nikitinsky Boulevard, singer Alsou, lives in a house closed to noisy roads, and several streets upstairs in Merzlyakovsky Lane, the shocking Bari Alibasov spends his free time.

Moscow City


Many paparazzi are located in the places where the stars live, because it’s easier to take successful photos where celebrities live in Moscow. An extremely popular place for stars is Moscow City, which has become not only the center of business, but also the home of famous people.

The skyscrapers of the capital are a mysterious place, and therefore even more attractive not only for tourists, but also for ordinary citizens. It seems that Moscow City is an oasis with a completely different standard of living and the passage of time. Businessmen living on the upper floors rent medium ones for offices and practically do not leave the building. The skyscrapers have everything for life: restaurants, cinemas, gyms, which by itself practically eliminates the need to travel to the city.

The main contingent of residents of buildings is, of course, entrepreneurs, but there are also famous actors, leading writers.

For example, Roza Syabitova, Oleg Roy, Natalya Bronstein entrusted their comfort to apartments in Moscow City skyscrapers. Some stars, due to changes in their personal lives, moved from this elite region, for example, Ksenia Sobchak and Ivan Urgant.

Western and southwestern district of the capital


Even in Soviet times, these areas of the city were distinguished by a dense population of famous people, and to this day the situation has not changed. Many gated housing complexes where celebrities live in Moscow have beautiful views and quiet courtyards. Such houses include the residential complex “Vorobyovy Gory”, “Golden Keys”, MiraxPark, “Korona”, “House on Mosfilmovskaya”. The following celebrities live in the western and southwestern district of the city: Svetlana Svetlichnaya, Zhanna Aguzarova, Irena Ponaroshku, Victor Rybakov, Petr Todorovsky.



It is known that where celebrities live in Moscow, they do not necessarily spend much time. Most often, they choose large country houses with clean air, a large space for creativity and relaxation. So one of the famous cottage star villages is Zhukovka.

In order to become a neighbor of a star, at least 70 million are needed - that’s how much modest sections are 10 hectares in size.

Zhukovka has become a haven for great Russian politicians: Mikhail Prokhorov, Alexei Kudrin, Tatyana Yumasheva, Sergey Stepashin, Dmitry Yakushkin.

The houses where celebrities live in Moscow will not stand in line in value with their suburban estates. For example, many artists own plots of more than 1 ha of land, which costs about 4 billion rubles in Zhukovka. Even in the center of the capital for the money you can buy more than one elite apartment.



The village of Barvikha in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region is also considered stellar. This name has long been a household name, and designates the place of life of the Russian elite.

They built their country houses here: Timati, Kristina Asmus and Igor Kharlamov, Igor Nikolaev, Dmitry Malikov, Eva Polna, Boris Moiseev, Sergey Mazaev and many others.

35 million is the minimum price tag for real estate in the neighborhood with the addresses where celebrities live. In Moscow, many have real estate. So, for example, Arkady Ukupnik, in addition to a suburban townhouse, has a city apartment, which he remade according to his own project. The highlight of the interior are the corners of the rooms, which are not four, as is customary, but three or five.

Barvikha is famous not only for the fact that famous figures live in it, but also for the ancient castle of Baroness Mayendorf, in which Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin rests.