
Vano Miranyan - a man of small stature

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Vano Miranyan - a man of small stature
Vano Miranyan - a man of small stature

Ivan Sarkisovich Miranyan, known to the public under the name Vano Miranyan, is the most charming Behemoth Cat from Bulgakov’s “Master and Margarita”. It was this role that brought the artist recognition of the Russian audience. What difficulties did he have to go through to live a full life?

Small man

Vano Miranyan has a difficult biography. He was born in 1959 on the seventh of February. Vano’s parents were tall, they couldn’t even imagine that their son would be born with a delay in physical development - a pituitary dwarfism. This is an abnormality affecting the entire endocrine system. People who have a history of this disease have very poor psychosexual development, and, as a rule, there is practically no chance of becoming parents. Parents were diligently trying to cure their son of this disease - they used hormonal therapy, they stuffed Wano with pills, but the boy was still unable to recover.


At school, he was constantly teased and offended, so at the age of twelve, falling into a circus troupe, he stopped being ashamed of his height, communicating with people like him.

Circus life

When Vano Miranyan was 12 years old, his life changed - he was accepted into a nomad show consisting of midgets. Their troupe toured all over the country. By the way, the young man met his future wife thanks to this show. When the guy was 20 years old, Nadia, a girl with the same disease, came to their team. Feelings flashed …


During the rest, Vano collected wildflowers for his beloved, read poetry. At performances, he impressed the audience with the masterful performance of Lezginka, Nadia danced rock and roll.