
Actress Agne Grudite: filmography, personal life, photo

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Actress Agne Grudite: filmography, personal life, photo
Actress Agne Grudite: filmography, personal life, photo

Agne Grudyte is a talented film actress and TV presenter. The growth of this stunning beauty is 168 cm with a weight of 52 kg. She managed to win the hearts of many viewers. We will talk about this beautiful person in our article.

Actress Biography

Agne Grudite was born in Lithuania, in the city of Siauliai, on July 9, 1986. As a child, she took part in the old vocal competition “Song of Songs”, as her promising performing and outstanding artistic data had already begun to appear. Having learned what glory is, Agne did not part with the thought of an actress career on a large stage.

Saying goodbye to school, the girl entered Siauliai University. It is easy to guess that her choice fell on the faculty of pop art. Thanks to the available useful knowledge, wonderful vocals and amazing looks, the applicant was immediately enrolled.

However, actress Agne Grudite is gifted not only in the field of cinema. Being a girl, she paid a lot of attention to various sports. Now the movie star does not forget about music, plays keyboards perfectly, dances and sings. He knows several languages, including Russian and English. Thrilled with riding.


Filmography of actress Agne Grudite

  • "12 chairs";

  • “Crew” - 2016;

  • “Inspector Majilis” - 2014;

  • “Sniffer” - 2013;

  • “Wine Way”, “One Valentine” - 2012;

  • “Summer in Naisiai” - 2010-2015.

Actress debut

The rise of the star was outlined immediately after graduation, and immediately her career began to rise uphill. For the first time, Agne appeared on the television screens of her native country in the series “Summer in Naisiai”. The picture has earned quite good reviews from critics, thanks in large part to Grudite. The village saga was extended for another four seasons. After the premiere, the artist was not left without male attention. She was rightly proclaimed an ascendant sex symbol. A barely noticeable smile, pleasant surprise, and also gratitude to the entire male part of the population - this is what the girl responded to the title assigned to her. The following actors also appeared on the screen: Aurimas вvinis, Sigitas Jakubauskas, Rimantas Bagdzevicius.

Suggestions began to arrive as soon as the artist’s work on this melodrama was over. The debut was not just another step to fame, but a personal big victory for the star. The actress was invited as a TV presenter to popular projects, starring in feature films. She happily began to host the Lithuanian television show "Family Songs". Later, she became the host of such topical shows as “Dance with Me” and “Battle of the Choirs”. The titanic works of the star were not long in coming. Grudite receives the title of “Best Actress of the Year” in Lithuania in 2011 and 2012.


Wine Route

However, the girl did not stop there. Actress Agne Grudite, whose photo you can see in the article, continued to win the hearts of viewers and realize her huge potential. She simultaneously starred in television projects, shows and did not forget about cinematic activities. Again returned to multi-series projects. In 2012, in the detective story “Wine Way”, the girl was offered to play the Dive. She flees from Lithuania in the hope of saving her life, as she becomes an involuntary witness to a brutal crime. The beauty found the man of her dreams in faraway Georgia, where she was finally lucky to find refuge.

"One Valentine"

After some time, Grudite had a chance to once again confirm the status of the sexiest girl in the country. She was invited to a leading role in the melodramatic comedy "One Valentine" with many scenes not intended for children, with the participation of the star. The plot of the film narrated about several couples loving each other, in the relationship of which everything is not going as smoothly as they would like. The viewer was shown two families, one of which was just beginning to learn a life together, and the other had spent many years with each other.


Other significant work of the actress

But on this, the actress decided not to stop and continue to work on. She got a supporting role in the detective "Inspector Majilis" and played Sylvia Rutkuta. The film itself is about the principal police officer Andrius Mazhilis and his faithful four-legged friend and assistant. In 2014, Agne received an offer to star in an episodic role in the crime film "Perfect Copy-2" about two twins Brigit and Janet, whose role was played by Sandra Daukshaite.

In the Russian Federation, a star from Lithuania, which has little resemblance to her no less famous compatriot Ingeborga Dapkunaite, gained even more popularity thanks to the film “Crew” by Nikolai Lebedev, known to everyone by his film “Legend No. 17”.

Work on the new version started in 2014 and ended in the winter of 2015. Thanks to outstanding talent and unrivaled external data, Agne Grudite was invited to the role of co-pilot Alexandra Kuzmina. The film dealt with human behavior, rather persistent and courageous personalities in tense situations, about their rallying into a single team before the inevitable catastrophe.

In cinemas, the film was released in April 2016. Together with the actress on the screen, you could see such actors from Russia as Danila Kozlovsky, Katerina Shpitsa, Vladimir Mashkov, Elena Yakovleva and others. A large number of very talented actors on the screen allowed the “Crew” to become the most talked about and recognizable film of the year. Agne Grudite has become as recognizable and popular for movie connoisseurs as her compatriot Dapkunaite.

It is worth noting that this role was worth a lot of effort. Together with her Russian film colleagues, the star attended pilot school courses, and then studied on a simulator.



To achieve a high level in Russia and Ukraine, the girl was helped by shooting in the crime series “Sniffer” by Artem Litvinenko. Work on the project began in 2013, and the artist coped with her dignity with dignity, having played the criminalist Irina Nordin impeccably. To get even more involved in the role, Grudite had to learn a lot of specific and complex terms, and then use them in the film. In the two seasons filmed, the feminine and charming actress shows great courage in dealing with corpses and blood, albeit fake ones.

It is interesting that Agne received a proposal for samples in this series through Facebook and at first did not take it seriously, because the girl thought it was a joke.


Personal life

Not only films in which actress Agne Grudite took part are interesting to her fans. They are also curious to know how the personal life of this beautiful woman has developed. The media know little about this. Agne tried to start a family for the first time in 22 years, but due to frequent work trips, the personal life of actress Agne Grudite failed. She took the six-month-old daughter Eve and left. But after a year and a half she got married again.
