
Mulberry in the suburbs: varieties and their descriptions

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Mulberry in the suburbs: varieties and their descriptions
Mulberry in the suburbs: varieties and their descriptions

Mulberry tree, here, mulberry tree - mulberry is popularly known under such names. In the suburbs, it has become popular due to its resistance to weather conditions, delicious fruits and great health benefits. It prefers a warm, temperate climate; therefore, under natural conditions it grows mainly in East Asia, in the south of Europe, North America, and in the north-west of South America.

Plant description

Mulberry is a deciduous tree, the height of which can be from 3 to 15 meters. At first it grows rather quickly, but gradually the growth slows down. The leaves are large, wide, with serrated edges, rough to the touch. They have a dark green color in the summer and turn yellow by autumn. On one tree you can find leaves of various configurations and sizes.


The plant blooms in small flowers, grouped into axillary ears. Decorative fruit trees resemble blackberries and may have different colors. The edible fruit, whose length is 2-3 cm, consists of drupes and has a rather pleasant smell. The life expectancy of the plant is on average 200 years, but there are also long-livers, whose age is determined at 300 and even 500 years.

Mulberry species

There are about 20 species of this culture, but for convenience it is customary to divide it into white, red and black, depending on the color of the bark.

White mulberry is most often found in Russian gardens. This tree is up to 16-18 meters high with large leaves that are intended to feed the silkworm. The fruit is white, pink or purple in size up to 3.5 cm. The plant is very resistant to low temperatures, can withstand frosts of -30 ° C, so white mulberry in the Moscow region is considered one of the best varieties for breeding.


Wild mulberry in the wild is found mainly in eastern North America. Its small, up to 3 cm, very fragrant fruit can be red, purple or black. A strong tree that can withstand arid climate can reach a height of up to 20 m.

Black mulberry grows in Southwest Asia, the height of the tree does not exceed 15 meters. Large fruit seeds (up to 5 cm) of violet or black color are very juicy and tasty. The plant is not adapted to cold climatic conditions, poorly tolerates frosts.

Mulberry Varieties

For the suburbs, several varieties are considered most suitable. These are those who tolerate long and frosty winters well, are not afraid of frost and are unpretentious to the soil. All of them belong to the species of white mulberry.


  1. Ukrainian-6. The tree has a spherical crown. The leaves are whole, very large, because they are intended for feeding the silkworm. Matoplore black matte color can reach more than 4 cm in length. The yield of berries is low, but they are very well preserved.

  2. White honey. Monoecious tree with a pyramidal crown, very resistant to frost. It can withstand temperatures up to -30⁰С. The fruit crop up to 3 cm in size has a white color and a sweet honey taste. The aroma is practically absent. Berries ripen in June-July.

  3. Black Baroness. The variety is quite unpretentious to the conditions of detention, can easily withstand very severe frosts. The crown of this tree is moderately thick, spherical in shape. The berries are black in color, very sweet in taste, with a mild aroma.

Variety Smuglyanka

This is perhaps the most common mulberry in the suburbs. Of all the varieties, it is the most suitable for the climatic conditions of this region. Large asymmetric leaves, with serrated edges, rough on one side and smoother on the other. Mock fruit up to 3 cm in size is black, shiny, with a sour taste, very juicy and soft.


The plant adapts well to the climatic conditions of the central region of Russia, is undemanding to soils, withstands severe frosts, and when young shoots freeze, it quickly recovers after pruning. Mulberry Smuglyanka in Moscow suburbs is also popular due to its high productivity - up to 500 grams per meter of fruit-bearing branch. Berries begin to ripen in June and can be kept fresh until 18 o’clock. They are quite resistant to transportation, perfectly retain their presentation.


Mulberry cultivation in the Moscow Region can be carried out in various ways - seeds, sprouts, grafting, cuttings. For planting, seeds from the current crop are required. Peeled from the pulp, they are sown in fertile soil in February. The temperature in the room should be maintained at 20⁰C. And after warm days come, young plants are transplanted into beds. Mulberries are transferred to a permanent habitat only for the next year. You should be aware that when propagating by seeds, some properties of the variety may not be fully inherited.

Landing and care

When choosing a site for planting, preference should be given to well-lit areas with loose loamy or sandy soils, given that mulberry can live up to 300 years. In the suburbs, seedlings begin to be planted in early spring or late fall.


A pit measuring 80 x 80 x 60 cm is prepared in advance. Having sprinkled a little soil into it from the upper fertile layer, it is necessary to add two buckets of humus and 150 g of fertilizer. Mix all the components, place the plant in the center of the pit, gently spreading the roots, and sprinkle with the soil mixture, slightly tamping. Then thoroughly water and mulch the soil around the seedling. During the period of intensive growth of mulberry, it is necessary to fertilize in the form of diluted slurry (1: 5) or bird droppings (1:10). Since July, watering is carried out only in case of drought.


Despite the fact that the mulberry tree adapts well to weather conditions and is able to withstand frosts down to -30 ° C, the plant often suffers from a heat deficit, and this leads to a decrease in yield. With the onset of spring, frost-bitten branches are pruned and during the summer period the plant is completely restored.

Mulberry can grow up to 20 meters and more under good conditions. In the Moscow Region, where winters are severe enough, you have to prune the plant, giving it the shape of a bush, so that you can cover it in the cold season with the onset of especially severe frosts. The crown is tied with burlap or paper bandages, fastened with twine, to a height of about 2 meters.