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Lipetsk Aviation Center - Martial Arts School

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Lipetsk Aviation Center - Martial Arts School
Lipetsk Aviation Center - Martial Arts School

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Video: Cheapest and fastest way to get your Private Pilot License | Less Than 5K? 2024, June

Lipetsk Aviation Center is a division of the Russian aerospace forces, whose task is to retrain the flight and technical personnel, the introduction of advanced techniques and development of aerobatic systems in combat units.

At the origins of the Luftwaffe

It was a mystery to find in Lipetsk a German training and testing association from 1925 to 1933 with the mediation of the Red Army Air Force. Here, studies of the material were carried out, flight equipment was checked. The pilots of the Lipetsk Aviation Center studied intensively. The work is classified, cadets of the school dressed in uniforms of ordinary Red Army soldiers. The material part was acquired abroad and delivered in secret ways to school. It was run by the German General Staff. The existence of the center was contrary to the Versailles Accords.

Cadres were being prepared for the future Luftwaffe of the Third Reich. Air combat techniques, new developments of bombing were tested, the latest types of weapons, optics and instruments were tested. 120 fighter pilots trained. The less information about the school, the more legends arose around it. Two turned out to be tenacious. This is that during the war years the city was not bombed. The second says that Hermann Goering, the founder and commander of the German air fleet, studied here. Nothing has been confirmed.

Establishment of a research association

The center was formed since 1949. It was originally a training unit for fighter pilots. Then there were associations with other courses, enlargement of the structure, change of location, until they finally stopped in the city of Lipetsk.


The training of aviators and testing in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense continued. This military research unit carried out:

  • improving methods of combat use of aviation;

  • comprehension by pilots of new technology;

  • introduction of advanced teaching methods;

  • mastering the means of destruction.


Tens of types of aircraft mastered. 50 thousand officers of aviation specialties were trained and trained, cosmonauts of the USSR were improved here, 50 applicants defended their academic degree. 50 research and flight-technical tests were carried out, a complex experimental research program was completed.


The Center faithfully performed the tasks in the interests of the Air Force and the Ministry of Defense. In a short time, the complexes of the latest generations of fighter jets were mastered and documentation was developed for the operation of this equipment in combat conditions. In 1992, the pilots of the scientific compound first flew to the Su-27 in the United States, three years later, in experimental demonstration air battles with foreign colleagues, they won. Indispensable participants in aerospace salons, where they demonstrated the maneuverability of our aircraft in aerial group combat.

Lipetsk Aviation Center is constantly present at exhibitions of weapons and military equipment, a participant in international and Russian exercises.


Descendants will remember

The flying specialty imposes strict requirements on the professionalism and moral qualities of the pilot. This was repeatedly confirmed by the heroic deeds of air fighters who sacrificed their lives to save people on duty.

The land around Lipetsk is abundantly watered with the blood of pilots. To think about it, fifty pilots died. Here is the price of security for our Motherland!

Once there was a tragedy. The crew of S. Sherstobitov and L. Krivenkov suddenly in flight suddenly ignited first one, then another engine. After extinguishing the fire, one had to sit down immediately. It happened over the city. At the cost of life, the pilots managed to take the car towards the outskirts of the village, the crew died. The plane had a full refueling and bomb loading. One can imagine the consequences of the fall.

Heroes of Russia of the Lipetsk Aviation Center

Six people received the title: four are alive and working, and two died.

Head of the Lipetsk Aviation Center, Major General S.S. Oskanov became the first. He was an experienced ace, a professional. When performing a test flight in February 1992, equipment failure occurred, and the car began to fall on the settlement. At the cost of life, the fighter was able to be set aside; people were not injured. For this feat Oscans presented to the highest honor.


The last list was supplemented by Lt. Col. Oleg Peshkov, who was treacherously shot down in Syria. The pilot died, becoming the sixth.


Today, the Lipetsk Aviation Center is the research base of the MiG and Su combat complexes. And aerobatic teams are a clear confirmation of the capabilities of the Russian Air Force. The Center’s efforts are aimed at the quality of combat training, increasing flight hours. The created series of simulators is an exact copy of units and mechanisms. However, the functionality of training equipment is demarcated.


On some, the elements of piloting are polished, on others, the technique of applying the technique is fixed, on the third, lessons on fixing the skills acquired in the study of controls. A multidisciplinary procedural simulator for the crew of the MiG-29 UB aviation complex (combat training) has been created. It includes the tasks and functions that air professionals perform during the flight: reconnaissance, the use of weapons in electronic countermeasures.