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“The wicked is ” Apostles Warnings

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“The wicked is ” Apostles Warnings
“The wicked is ” Apostles Warnings

Video: Who's in Charge 2024, June

Video: Who's in Charge 2024, June

According to the compilers of the explanatory dictionary, “wicked” is the same as “vicious, ” “sinful.”

In the Bible, as reported on one of the religious portals, there are forty-two references to wicked people.

How the word “wicked” is interpreted in biblical psalms and parables

You can call the wicked man arrogant, borrowing and not repaying debt, pronouncing false words and neglecting people less fortunate than himself.


Wicked people, as stated in the online Bible, are also people:

  • not stinting gifts in the hope of influencing the course of justice;
  • angry (amenable to anger);

trusting the advice of the wicked.

What is the “counsel of the wicked”?

The apostle Paul, the denouncer of paganism, wrote in his revelations about the danger that lies in wait for everyone who even accidentally thought about the possibility of following such an advice (he also described for the first time in detail the wicked).

Paul, referring to the Holy Scriptures, called the ungodly people who succumbed to the tempting promises given to them by the first ungodly or “unclean” - fallen angel cast out of heaven. The purpose of the advice of the wicked is to make man deviate from the path God has appointed him.

What advice do the wicked give?

For a long time, the council of the wicked clergy has called assemblies of depravers.

The main goal pursued by the wicked is through false sermons to rob the Christian of his strength. To incline a person to abandon the earthly sufferings necessary to save the soul, to think more about the improvement of temporary, earthly life and to concentrate all his attention on carnal joys.

In other words, the goal of the corrupt is to guide believers on the path of the wicked.

Which way are the wicked?


Those who have stepped on the path indicated by the advice of the wicked cannot find excuses for their actions at the last judgment God had prepared for them. “… The way of the wicked will perish, ” such words are in one of the psalms.

In the letters left to posterity by the apostle Paul, it is said that many people are taking the path of sinners (since it is wide), not realizing that a well-arranged temporary (earthly) life ends in descent into the underworld.

The apostle calls the attendance of the meetings of the corrupters the last step leading to perdition. It is also known that Paul anathematized the “preachers, ” whose teachings are saturated with lies.