
Literary critic Pasternak Evgeny Borisovich: biography, creativity and interesting facts

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Literary critic Pasternak Evgeny Borisovich: biography, creativity and interesting facts
Literary critic Pasternak Evgeny Borisovich: biography, creativity and interesting facts

A military engineer and a very famous literary critic Yevgeny Borisovich Pasternak is the son of Boris Leonidovich Pasternak, a genius writer and Nobel Prize winner. He was born in Moscow in 1923 on September 23 and also died in Moscow in 2012 on July 31 at the age of 89. Yevgeny Borisovich Pasternak's mother was the first wife of his father - the artist Yevgeny Lurie. In 1941, Eugene graduated from high school and went to study at Tashkent State University in the department of physical and mathematical sciences, where he studied for only one year, because the Great Patriotic War began, and he was called to the front.


In memory of Eugene Borisovich Pasternak

From 1942 to 1954 he served in the army. After the war in 1946, Eugene entered the Military Academy of Armored Forces. Stalin. In 1969, Pasternak became a candidate of technical sciences. From 1954 to 1974 he worked as a senior lecturer at the Moscow Institute (MPEI) at the Faculty of Automation and Telemechanics.

When he spent relatives of A. Solzhenitsyn at the Sheremetyevo airport, with whom he was a close friend, the institute immediately responded - he was not allowed to apply for the re-election as associate professor. Thus, he was forced to leave MPEI.

In 1960, his father dies, and then Evgeny Borisovich, together with his wife Elena (a philologist by profession), is completely immersed in the study of the creative heritage of his father. He collected all biographical material to write about him.

In 1976, Eugene Borisovich Pasternak took the place of researcher at the Institute of World Literature.


Memoirs about the father

Parsnips prepared a huge material about his father - correspondence and memoirs. They became the compilers of the Complete Works of B. L. Pasternak, consisting of 11 volumes and a multimedia application on disk. Printing was handled by the Word Slovo publishing house. On the disk you can see archival biographical information, a photo album, phonograms (poems and music that he himself recorded), translations of dramatic works not included in the collection.

The work of Eugene Pasternak amounted to about 200 literary publications devoted to his father and his relations with famous contemporaries.



Eugene became a regular participant in scientific conferences and lectured at a number of leading universities in the world. In December 9, 1989, Eugene Pasternak was presented with the Nobel Laureate award not received by his father in Stockholm.

Evgeny Borisovich possessed medals “For Military Merit”, “For Victory over Germany”. He died in Moscow in his apartment from a cardiac arrest. He was married to Elena Walter (Pasternak) - the granddaughter of the philosopher Gustov Shpet. It was she who became his right hand, co-author and editor, with whom he worked a lot, collecting information about his father bit by bit.



From the biography of Yevgeny Borisovich Pasternak, it is known that they lived on Volkhonka in house number 14 (in the 20s, the Moscow apartment of his grandfather - Leonid Osipovich Pasternak - a famous academician of painting). From the window of this apartment, the whole family often admired the golden dome of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. They had their own shared room, which created two corridors. Parents slept in one of them, and the piano stood in the other, and little Eugene slept, sometimes his father Boris Pasternak came to work there at night. Together with his family, they often went on vacation to grandfather and grandmother to Germany.

Parents divorce

In 1930, when Eugene was six years old, his father left home, and everything became bad. Boris Leonidovich fell in love with Zinaida Nikolaevna Neigauz, at that time she was the wife of the pianist Neigauz. In 1931, he went with her to Georgia, after which the marriage with Eugenia Lurie broke up, and Boris Pasternak married Zinaida Neigauz. She bore him a son, Leonid Borisovich, who died in 1976.



Once, while on vacation in Germany, Eugene’s mother fell ill, and she was sent to a sanatorium for treatment, then to the hospital, and when they returned, her father met them at the Belorussky Train Station and drove home. Then, only stones were left from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior; the windows from the blast wave due to the destruction of the church were broken in their apartment on Volkhonka Street. By that time, the wife of his father Zinaida Nikolaevna with two children from her first marriage already lived in the apartment. Then they decided to go to Eugene’s uncle, Semyon Vladimirovich Lurie, who lived in Zamoskvorechye. Then they got an apartment on Tversky Boulevard, and Eugene went to second grade.


His school was located on Patriarch's Ponds, Evgeni Borisovich Pasternak studied there for one year, and then he went to school in Degtyarny Lane. He was gloomy, and hooliganism could attack and beat at any moment. But the kind and fair director, Lydia Petrovna Melnikova, has always protected children from all scum. Eugene's favorite subjects were physics and chemistry. Children of repressed parents were often transferred to their school, they came in tears, but no one offended them. Lidia Petrovna also followed this strictly.


Eugene Borisovich Pasternak from childhood knew that he was Jewish, no one had ever hidden it from him, and there was no anti-Semitism at that time, and there were no counts of nationality either until the thirties, this terrible phenomenon appeared already in the fifties after the war.

His father spoke of Stalin as a giant of the pre-Christian faith of mankind, an oriental despot with a powerful criminal coloring, in general, he called a genius godfather. However, the same Stalin suffered greatly when his wife shot herself and kept a telegram of condolence written by Boris Pasternak under his glass. The funeral was held at Volkhonka. Stalin followed his wife’s grave from the Kremlin to the Novodevichy cemetery, his face was black with grief. Parsnip saw this from the window. Then there was his telegram, the strength of which was that he, as an artist, first saw a tragic figure in Stalin.

Evgeny Borisovich Pasternak: daughter Elizabeth and son Peter

The Pasternak family has three children: Peter, Boris and Elizabeth. The brother of Yevgeny Borisovich Lenechka, who died of a heart attack at the age of 38, left his daughter Lenochka, who leads Pasternak's house-museum in Peredelkino today. Evgeni Borisovich Pasternak was very upset by the death of his brother.

Son Peter became a theater artist, he also worked as a designer, creating interiors for artistic cafes, etc. Boris became the chief architect of the Moscow Development Center. This is a joint-stock partnership without a project, which you can’t build anything on the intracity sections of the city.

Daughter Elizabeth is a candidate of science, she studied the life of Boratynsky, Khomyakov and defended her thesis on Alexander the First.
