
Amazing records - the longest beard in the world

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Amazing records - the longest beard in the world
Amazing records - the longest beard in the world

Video: 5 Longest Beards In The World | World's Longest Beard | Biggest Beard in the World 2024, June

Video: 5 Longest Beards In The World | World's Longest Beard | Biggest Beard in the World 2024, June

What amazing records people are not ready to achieve in order to attract public attention and gain fame. One of the amazing records in the Guinness Book of Records is the longest beard in the world. About the owners of the longest facial hair on both men and women, this article.


Why is there facial hair?

Surprisingly, even today biologists do not have a single opinion on why men need a beard. Genetics is an interesting thing and sometimes it plays with us. It is believed that facial hair growth in men is associated with increased levels of testosterone - the main male sex hormone. In this case, according to evolutionary doctrine, women should like beards more, because this is their indicator of readiness for procreation and direct male power. However, according to a survey conducted by the Photostran social network among more than 7 thousand women, 56% of women do not like the lush vegetation on the man’s face.

Status bearded men

Perhaps the most famous owner of the beard can be considered Jesus Christ. No less famous character with the longest beard in the world - Santa Claus. And the beard is a mandatory attribute of the Blackbeard pirate and the Bluebeard killer husband.

Beard emphasized the status and importance of Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx, Peter Tchaikovsky and Abraham Lincoln, Fidel Castro and Ernest Hemingway. And you can list endlessly.


Modern bearded men

The idea to grow a beard appears in many men in different years. But, alas, not everyone has been given this. Yes, and not everyone goes. It is men who consider the beard a sign of respectability, significance and masculinity. In the modern world, obsessed with health, this attribute should look neat and shine with purity. To achieve this is not so simple - this fur pillow with improper care causes discomfort and serves as a haven for various parasites. Nevertheless, there are daredevils who become owners of the longest beards in the world. We will talk about them in more detail.

Most most

Unfortunately, the owner of the longest beard in the world has already passed away. This is Norwegian American Hans Langset. In the photo below he is 66 years old, it was made in 1912.


This simple farmer refused to shave, and after his death, his sons cut off a beard, which was 563.88 centimeters long. It is this longest beard in the world that is stored today in the department of the Smithsonian University National Museum of Natural History (Washington, USA).


Second longest

Our contemporary and owner of the longest beard in the world, the Guinness Book of Records confirms this, is a resident of Canada with Indian roots Sarvan Singh. His beard was never touched by a razor, and its length is 233 centimeters. For representatives of Hinduism, to which Singh belongs, a beard is a blessing from the Most High. And he believes that his wealth is a symbol of his faith. But he does not forget about earthly wealth either - after all, the Guinness champions receive a considerable reward for their records. In addition, some publications consider his longest beard in the world (photo above) and the most beautiful.


Until the third

In all countries of the world, competitions are held to establish the owners of the longest facial hair. And the owner of a beard of 61 centimeters became the Englishman Michael Legg. Of course, this is not 2 meters, but Michael is only 29 years old, and he is still ahead.

If you decide to break these records, remember that, in addition to possessing such beauty, you need to make great efforts to maintain it.


Women with beard

Most of the fairer sex strictly monitor the absence of facial hair, which does not meet the aesthetic standards of our time. Although Vivian Wheeler, who lives in Illinois (USA), can argue with this. She is still the owner of the longest beard in the world among women. Her jewelry has a length of 275 centimeters. And even if it began to grow as a result of hormonal disorders in adolescence, they do not argue about tastes. And this is confirmed with confidence by her spouse. And she got married four times already.

A bit about tastes

In ancient Egypt, only the pharaoh and high priests could have beards. The Roman from the common man was distinguished by the obligatory styling of hair on his head and the lack of facial hair. Everyone knows how Peter the Great made the beards of the boyars shave, who for centuries considered them a necessary attribute.

Times have changed, and fashion has changed. And today, one of the most famous women on the planet has become the owner of elegant unshaven Conchita Wurst. The Austrian pop singer won the Eurovision Song Contest 2014, which means something.
