
Bullseye from the apple tree: the youngest son of Oleg Gazmanov boasted that he had earned himself a Mercedes

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Bullseye from the apple tree: the youngest son of Oleg Gazmanov boasted that he had earned himself a Mercedes
Bullseye from the apple tree: the youngest son of Oleg Gazmanov boasted that he had earned himself a Mercedes

Oleg Gazmanov is a well-known Russian pop artist and a damn attractive man. The singer has a daughter and two sons: one is a native, the other is a stepson, whose biological father is the brother of the infamous “MMM pyramid builder” - Sergey Mavrodi. Gazmanov's personal life in vertigin is not inferior to his stage career. What are the chosen ones of the famous singer and how recently did his youngest adopted son distinguish himself? About it - further.


First marriage

Oleg first married in 1975, and in 1981 he had his firstborn, Rodion Gazmanov. The future singer met his wife Irina in Kaliningrad, when both experienced an interesting and fun student time. Oleg studied in a sailor, and his girlfriend at the chemistry department of a local university. The mother-in-law did not immediately accept the daughter-in-law, but after years they became very close people. And even after the official divorce from Gazmanov, his ex-wife Irina looked after the singer’s mother when she was struck by a stroke.

Gradually, Oleg Mikhailovich gained popularity - endless tours, fans, calls made his second half tired, misunderstood and alienated. The couple moved away from each other and in recent years their marriage existed only formally. Officially, they divorced in 1997. But Gazmanov acted like a true man - he left all the property to the family, and completely took care of the son and wife.


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Passion for life: Marina Muravyova

Long before the divorce, Oleg met the blonde beauty Marina, who did not immediately agree to meet with the singer. Having come to him for a concert, the girl looked closely at the man for a long time, they exchanged phones, but Muravyova did not see the future elect in Gazmanov. In addition, the young lady was not interested in pop music - she was attracted to classical works, trips to exhibition halls and galleries. Nevertheless, passion prevailed and, while still married, Oleg was looking for meetings with Marina. And yet the moment came when the girl decidedly stopped courting and suddenly married Vyacheslav Mavrodi. Muravyova even worked as a commercial director at MMM. But the criminal process broke out, her wife was taken into custody, and Oleg Gazmanov was already taking the woman from the hospital. This momentous event coincided with his divorce, but the singer married Marina only in 2003.
