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Pink rose and its symbolism

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Pink rose and its symbolism
Pink rose and its symbolism

Video: 7 Rose Color Meanings You Should Know 2024, June

Video: 7 Rose Color Meanings You Should Know 2024, June

There is no flower more beautiful and mysterious than a rose. Poems are dedicated to her, she is depicted on canvases, on the arms, she often serves as a means of transmitting an encrypted message, signal or unexpressed personal feelings. You can argue for a long time about which roses are more beautiful - red, burgundy, yellow or white. Someone is prettier to stiff and strict beauties, and to someone - tender and touching, like a pink rose. A flower of this color carries a certain symbolism, which personifies some of the best qualities of the human soul.

Rosa and her story

The history of the origin of the rose as a cult flower is as rich as its beauty. It is as florid and ambiguous as the combination of tenderness of petals and prickly spikes …


The first mention of a rose carries us to the ancient East. It was in these countries that the rose began its "world" ascent to the Olympus of the flower kingdom. Already in those distant times, this miracle flower occupied an extraordinary place in the cultural and everyday life of Eastern society. From there, the rose migrated to Ancient Greece, becoming the flower of Aphrodite. Like many other things, the tender beauty was destined to later find herself and take root in Rome: before the campaign, the soldiers put wreaths of roses on their heads instead of a helmet.

At the end of the XIX century, a rose is already present at the royal and royal courts, is considered one of the most exquisite flowers. And this is far from a complete version of the origin of this plant. One can only guess how many mysterious, romantic, sometimes tragic events were connected with her. Nowadays, she gained her final status, becoming the queen and queen among the flowers.

Who prefers roses

"Tell me what flowers you like, and I will say who you are, " - so you can rephrase the well-known saying. People who love roses are distinguished by the firmness of their intentions and determination, they idolize comfort, stability and good, expensive things.


Rose red, rose white and yellow: color and its meaning

Burgundy and red roses are preferred by confident and respectable gentlemen. It is customary to give such flowers to respectable people, ladies of age or a person with a position in society. The pink rose is liked by more romantic, not yet “fledged” natures, just starting their life's journey. It is customary to give these flowers to young young ladies for a birthday or as a sign of nascent heart feelings. Young girls are not supposed to present burgundy and red roses.

Yellow color is associated with separation and separation, however, yellow roses are now actively used in composing extraordinary floral arrangements. And in the form of a huge bouquet, they are also in considerable demand. In any case, the one who gives or uses yellow roses demonstrates creativity, an unconventional approach to things and the desire to attract attention. That's how much flowers can tell.

Pink roses. What do they mean

The buds of the most delicate color can only mean the same feelings and express exclusively tremulous emotions of the one who gives them. A pink rose is a symbol of virginity, youth, youth, immaturity, which is on the verge of growing up, but is still far from being crossed.


Pink roses have always been given to very young girls who are just entering their flowering period. Cavaliers presented them when there was a need to confess their feelings, but this could not be done openly. To all this, if the girl is too young, she was awarded a pink rose with an unopened bud. It is also customary to give this flower at the initial stages of the novel as a harbinger of future, deeper and more passionate feelings. This is only a small part of what the pink rose symbolizes: everyone can put their innermost feelings and hopes into it …