
Happy End Novel: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner

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Happy End Novel: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner
Happy End Novel: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner

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Video: Jennifer Garner, boyfriend Set Wedding Date For End Of Summer? 2024, June

Many stars sin by addiction to short-term novels, but there are those celebrities whose couples seem to personify an ideal relationship. Exactly, flawlessly and touchingly, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner looked. Their romance, which caused endless affection for fans and even journalists, soon led to marriage. But unexpectedly, the tabloids were stirred up by the news that the long-term alliance crashed. Why did Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner break up?


Love is not at first sight

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner were first brought together by fate in 2001. This happened on the set of Pearl Harbor. But then the actors were not up to paying attention to each other. Ben healed heart wounds after breaking up with Gwyneth Paltrow, and Jennifer was completely married to actor Scott Foley.


Again, heavenly forces brought future lovers in 2003. They made an on-screen romance in the movie Daredevil and even became candidates for MTV's Best Kiss Award. However, this time Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner in real life were just friends, because Ben plunged into a passionate romance with sexy Jennifer Lopez. Garner was saddened by the crisis in her marriage.

Through thorns to each other

It seemed that the relationship between Lopez and Affleck would inevitably end with a wedding. Bennifer, as the couple was nicknamed, even got engaged. However, in 2004, the singer’s agent officially notified the press and the public that the engagement was canceled. In pursuit of PR, celebrities have lost their love.


Paparazzi from every smallest detail of their novel inflated a scandalous sensation to place it on the front pages of the tabloids. Lopez later mentioned that her ex-lover loves to complicate things, and Ben himself sadly stated that the fateful romance with Jay Law negatively affected not only his emotional state, but also his career. For a while, he ceased to be an independent creative unit, and was only mentioned in the press as a boyfriend of pop divas.

Perhaps Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner are now especially thinly began to feel each other precisely because of their related failures in their personal lives. Marriage Garner became a bowl that could no longer be glued. Around the moment when Jay Law and Ben broke up, the actress divorced Scott Foley.


Career failure as a way to happiness

For the third time, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner collided on the set of Electra in 2004. It was then that they saw in each other what they had been looking for for a long time. "Elektra" did not become a hit movie distribution and received negative reviews from critics, and the scene with Ben was completely cut out from the final version of the film. However, newly made lovers did not care about this minor career failure at all. Affleck realized that before that, mistakenly fell in love with the wrong Jennifer. Garner did not try to pull the blanket over herself; she was sweet, sincere and kind-hearted, the one that any man unconsciously would like to see his wife.


So long overdue romance began to develop very rapidly. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, whose photos left no doubt of their mutual tenderness, did not postpone the wedding and secretly got married already in 2005. The celebration took place on the legendary island of Parrot Cay, which became the wedding place of more than one celebrity. Only relatives and close friends were invited to the ceremony. Ben, tired of the ubiquitous reporters in a relationship with Jay Law, saved the new novel as the apple of his eye. In addition, Garner already needed double care - she was pregnant with her firstborn. Very soon, the daughter of actors was born, who was given the feminine name Violette.


Dream family

Ben and Jennifer did not try to overtake each other in acting successes. Garner, as an exemplary wife, began to live happily in the shadow of her famous spouse, focusing on the careful care of him and children. Ben and Jennifer became parents three times: in 2009, their second daughter, Serafina, was born, and in 2012, Garner gave her husband the successor Samuel, inspired by happiness.


It seemed that in impeccability, the couple could compete with the legendary Branzelina. But in 2013, the first signals appeared that everything was far from perfect in the relationship between Affleck and Garner. At the Oscar ceremony, Ben, having become the owner of the coveted figurine, instead of tearing love talk into a tear, thanked his wife rather dryly for “taking care of their marriage”. The complex character of the actor could not hide for a long time under a noble Hollywood smile - Affleck again returned to his long-standing passion for alcohol and gambling. The one whom the public considered an impeccable spouse often spent the night outside the house and spent more than one evening in bars, and not with his family.