
Do you know which country bears the title "The Cleanest Country in the World"?

Do you know which country bears the title "The Cleanest Country in the World"?
Do you know which country bears the title "The Cleanest Country in the World"?

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All inhabitants of the Earth are well aware that human longevity is in direct connection with his lifestyle and the state of the environment. If every person’s lifestyle can choose and adjust for himself, then it’s unlikely that he can change the state of the environment alone. Unfortunately, to the question: “What is the cleanest country in the world?”, You will not hear the word “Russia” in response. Despite the fact that environmentalists predict a significant improvement in the environmental situation in our country, it is unlikely that soon we will see it in first place among the countries leading in environmental protection.


A group of European scientists conducted large-scale studies to identify the most environmentally friendly countries in the world. The results were published in Forbes magazine.

The state of the state’s ecology was assessed according to 25 criteria, ranging from air and water quality to the use of pesticides and other harmful substances in agriculture. As studies have shown, the cleanest states on planet Earth are located on the European continent.

Switzerland topped the ranking under the title "The Cleanest Country in the World", taking first place in the list. Why Switzerland? And all because of the fact that among the countries located on the territory of Central Europe, this state became the only one that showed 100% results in such indicators as forest health, water quality, sewage disposal and restrictions on the use of pesticides. According to experts, in Switzerland, an average person's life expectancy is 81 years, precisely due to the excellent state of the environment.

The question is, how did the Swiss manage to achieve such impressive results?


Today, Switzerland is not only the cleanest country in the world, it is also the champion for recycling: more than 75% of all waste suitable for recycling goes to recycling plants. In addition, Switzerland today is not only the cleanest country in the world, it is less dependent on the supply of combustible fuels, as the authorities consider it priority to use only renewable natural resources that are the least environmentally friendly for energy supply.

Perhaps it is the fact that the two thirds of the world's cleanest country in the world consists of forests, mountains and lakes (and Switzerland has to import most of the natural resources), makes local authorities and people respect and give gratitude to what nature gives them.

As for Russia, it has taken the last place among more than 30 countries in the field of environmental cleanup and protection, due to progressive deterioration not only in this area, but also due to excessive fishing and loss of forests (period 2000-2010 gg.).


It turns out that all over the world, where people are increasingly talking about a possible shortage of food and water resources, they understand that their number directly depends on how a person will relate in the future to his surrounding nature. And only in Russia, where natural resources are still in abundance, the government and ordinary citizens are firmly convinced that all talk about protecting nature is the lot of “crazy greens” or the innocent entertainment of the rich, and the vital resources of our vast Motherland will never end.